inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #176 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Sat 1 Feb 03 12:22
Pam -- Maybe sometimes the audience gets something out of the work
that the artist never thought of....

Second the hope for a volume of Occasional Ford Verse.  (Not to be
confused with Harrison Ford Verse.  I'm not sure how good that would

Come to think of it, a companion volume of Spontaneous Gaiman Well
Verse wouldn't be a bad thing, either, though it might be shorter.


Neil -- Well, I guess you survived.  ;)  You get better, now.  Glad
you're hom.

Safety post.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #177 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Sat 1 Feb 03 12:33
Mary -- Post tired all you want, as long as you steer clear of

That's all I had last night.  Going to get another cup of hot cocoa
now and read the new stuff again.

We can post if we want to, we can leave your friend behind....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #178 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Sat 1 Feb 03 13:27
I found out about the shuttle earlier this morning, when a friend
called a little after 10 and left me a message.  I was too tired to
think about it and went back to bed.  Well-rested as I am now, I'm
still not sure I want to think about it yet.  Haven't turned on the
news to watch more coverage and possibly footage, over and over again,
of yet another tragedy.

I'm just weary of disasters.

Erynn -- Wise words.  I think we're all like that to some degree or
other.  And the "trying to fix themselves by fixing others" part made
me think of psychologists and social workers, too; from what I've
encountered, I suspect it's an underlying (if unconscious) reason a lot
of people go into those fields.

And Adriana, if you're here -- I'm still wondering if I can quote you
to my friend.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #179 of 1922: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sat 1 Feb 03 21:23

Christy - I'm with you..such sad news and the coverage is mind numbing
rather than consoling. 

Re the CD: It arrived in excellent condition, but I haven't yet had a
chance to listen.  

Pam - Liked your friend's comment on "questing" very much, and I also
think she's right about the quality of these experiences. So if this
was rated somewhere between gold and crap, then you've just experienced
lead.  ;p

Mary - You are so amazing! Those are some lucky children and if you
manage to reach even a few of them then it will be worth it.  They
might even surprise you with their level of interest.  Please keep us
posted on how it's coming along.

Reading Nalo Hopkinson's "Brown Girl in the Ring"...Tra-la-la-la-la! 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #180 of 1922: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sun 2 Feb 03 15:15

I'm a sonnet.  
It figures. 
That is all.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #181 of 1922: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Sun 2 Feb 03 15:27
Hee hee!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #182 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Mon 3 Feb 03 12:17
I appear to be a terza rima... and I'm not even really sure what that
I am apparantly poor in the self-knowledge department.

on the subject of terribly insightful people who cannot seem to apply
such insights to themselves:
the writer example makes me think of something Tori said about Neil.
Something along the lines of "all the characters *are* Neil. Even the
women are Neil with breast implants". That's not an exact quote, but I
think it makes a good point. It is quite possible that the hypothetical
male writer simply writes about women from his own interior life but
is unable to realize that his interior life and that of the women he
meets are *actually* that close together. When he writes a woman in his
mind, she's a woman he understands and he writes her that way. When he
meets a real woman, he gets distracted by all the peripherals and
can't see the person inside (who is not that different from himself).
It's not totally unlike the minister/ moral living problem. We can
imagine a moral life, but have a hard time relating to the actual

on the Columbia:
The thing that freaks me out is that we just passed the 20th
anniversary of the Challenger explosion. I was at a trivia night at a
pub in SF last week, and that was one of the questions ("what is today
the 20th anniversary of")...
Since i don't watch TV, I've been spared the footage... for which I'm
thankful. It makes me sad enough without having to endure the spectacle
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #183 of 1922: Gary Lambert (almanac) Mon 3 Feb 03 12:20

We haven't reached the 20th anniversary of Challenger yet. That will
come in 2006.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #184 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Mon 3 Feb 03 14:38
yeah, someone just told me that as well. This just goes to show that
facts learned in a pub after a few beers shouldn't be trusted
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #185 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Mon 3 Feb 03 15:00
I'm blank verse.
I guess that's true
i like skipping and
braking for ducks.

Christy--yes, sorry, yes.  I gets to lurkin' and then I forget that I
need to respond to people.  Of course!  I'd love to hear more about her
project when she's ready.

Everyone--I got to experience Pamela leading the Imbolc ceremony last
night, and all I can say is that I feel so honored that I was a part of
that moment.  She was powerful.  I had an amazing night.  
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #186 of 1922: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Mon 3 Feb 03 18:02
I'm a sonnet. 

Martha- I love Cold Calls! I wish I could teleport myself to special
events like your play. Many congrats.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #187 of 1922: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Mon 3 Feb 03 19:31

Today sucked. I've moved from sonnet to discort, but frankly I'm
bucking for a clerihew.  Really. :/
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #188 of 1922: Saint "Don't Call Me Basho" NightWalker (nytwlkr) Mon 3 Feb 03 20:52
I'm a Haiku. Hrm...

To write a poem
with seventeen syllables
is very dif...  DAMN!

Five, Seven, Five, right?
Dammit... I can't write like that.
F&%# this haiku crap.

The second choice it gave me was:

"I'm the limerick, mired in muck.
I refuse to be bored or get stuck.
   I like to offend,
   But not, in the end,
As much as to thwart expectations."

Somehow, they both work.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #189 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Tue 4 Feb 03 13:31
I was a clerihew yesterday, Rocky. But today I was a haiku.

Adriana and Pamela,  how interesting! (I'm off to look up what
"Imbolc" means after this --I always feel particularly dense when I
visit the well) (Ok, looked it up. I would have loved to have seen it
-- I am sure you were wonderful, Pamela)

Christy,  no, but not for lack of trying -- had "Take Me Home" lined
up for the first of the last two songs we intended to play, but the
death metal show host after us took over a few minutes early and booted
us out -- he was complaining for the last twenty minutes of our show
that his listeners would be tuning in and would be driven away by our
music -- he decided this as "Don't Go Into The Basement" by the Mystic
Knights of the Oingo Boingo was playing. 

Pamela, I'm one of those people (not writers, but people) who can give
very good advice, but won't take it myself (and usually don't even
recognize it as being applicable to me, especially if it is). I think
that conflict between what we know and what we do is one of the most
fascinating things about us. Humans.

Neil,  it was really cool (the radio show). I haven't been so
interested in something I was doing in a long time. And Maddy's
question was a very good one. I'd like the answer to it myself.

Abrikosi (my band)'s first gig has been called off due to a change in
management. Apparently, the new management has no sense of humor. Ah
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #190 of 1922: Efficiently scuppered (tinymonster) Tue 4 Feb 03 14:18
> Man shot in drunken penis-size competition

Isn't that, essentially, what it's always about?  :|
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #191 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Tue 4 Feb 03 15:31
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #192 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Wed 5 Feb 03 09:52
Today I tried it while pretending I could only pick one answer for
each question.  This time it gave me "sonnet" as a second choice.  I
think the previous "blank verse" came about because I checked so many
boxes (interpreting this as a "hey, it's all good" attitude or just

I'm hiding my previous work of cut-and-paste.  It's too long.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #193 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Wed 5 Feb 03 15:17
So, some nice news is that I'm shooting a short film this weekend in
which I turn from a nice pregnant babysitter into a fire-breathing
dragon.  Fun!  I was also just cast in a production of the Russian
fairy tale Maria Morevna with a great company.  I think any of you LA
Wellies might like it.  I will tell you more when I know more.  We
don't open until May.  IN CASE THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, please come and see
The Endless next week, the 15th.  I'll pay you. 

Maure--No gig??  You MUST find another one.  You are on a roll!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #194 of 1922: The Phantom of the Arts Center (tinymonster) Thu 6 Feb 03 09:50
And I just ate a roll!

Adriana -- CONGRATULATIONS on all the cool work you're getting!  And
from what I've been reading, I don't think you'd have to pay anyone to
go see The Endless!

Too bad you're on That Other Coast.  Sigh.

Catching up on the Journal through the Archives, which seems to be so
far (KOW) avoiding that disappearing-posts thing.  (Neil, you're
getting into a lot of trouble lately!)  I almost hate to say it, but
the main thing I got out of that USAToday article (nice quote, BTW) was
-- "What?  Dave Barry has a Web journal??  So long, the rest of you!!"

Which, if I find it, means I may be too busy catching up to monopolize
the board for a while.  ;)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #195 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Thu 6 Feb 03 17:29
Adrianna--Congratulations!  Go you!  *You're* on a roll!

Maure--She's right, you know.  Cancelling this gig has caused me to
volunteer to chaperone a VD (Valentine's Day--get our mind out of that
gutter!) dance at my school. I hold you personally responsible  ;-)

I'm sick. And old.  And going to see Shanghai Knights tomorrow night. 

PBS is running an interesting show about how multi-tasking is making
adults act like kids with ADHD.  Why doesn't this surprise me?

Mary (who just finished Nightwatch, and t's everything Neil said. 
PTerry rocks!)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #196 of 1922: Unshaved and ready for a stroke (stagewalker) Thu 6 Feb 03 23:23
Adriana, go girl! sounds like a fun film!

I'm rather miffed at the implications in the study Neil quoted in his
blog. I have a beard at present, so I'm technically not an "at risk"
person... but just because my beard can't be seen for three or four
days doesn't mean i don't take care of myself.
I'm just fair, that's all.

"If what I am saying makes no sense, then it's because sense can not
be made, it must be sensed. And I for one, am incensed at all of this
-King Missile
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #197 of 1922: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Fri 7 Feb 03 08:36
*pokes her head in and waves*

Hi, how is everyone? ^_^ Photo school is still beating me senseless,
but this term might just be a little less painful. 

Plea for help: 

For an assignment, I have to find an advertising/publishing art
director and shoot some portraits of him/her. I had found someone but
he just flaked on me and I must shoot this assignment this weekend.
*panic* So, does anyone here know a friend in the ad/publishing
business in the Los Angeles area (or within driving distance) who might
be interested in getting their picture taken this weekend? Or who
might know someone who would?

If anyone has any leads at all, please do let me know!  >_< (Post
here, or email me at:

-- Panicky Mimi >_<
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #198 of 1922: Tracey/Jinx (jinx) Fri 7 Feb 03 18:46
Hey All!!
I'm a terza rima, had to look it up, think I can write one too. Will
work on it and get back to you all with the results.
Got 8 inches of snow dumped on us today, it was lovely, mostly due to
the to the fact that today is my day off. Walked a few blocks to a
friend's home, and messed his school age children up for life. Came up
the back stiars in a black furry hooded sweatshirt just as they were
seeing LotR for the first time. I had no idea they were watching I
swear. I made up for it by sharing my brand new "The Bad Beginning"
with them and was thrilled with the fact that they loved it.

StageWalker, My Boi says the same thing, he claims that not shaving is
healthy, but then again everything he loves and I may or may not turn
up my nose at is healthy, speeding, napping, not shaving, giving me
noogies, you name it.

Mimi, sorry I can't help! The only people I know in the feild are
local and I don't think a round trip to Connecticut is in your weekend
plans. :(

Adriana, Wicked cool!!! I always wanted to be a babysitting dragon.
LOL (If you ask me younger sister I bet she'll tell you I was) I've
been wondering how your stomach is doing? 

Maure, sorry to hear about the gig not happening. Go get another

About the Columbia: I feel so badly for the families. In this day and
age to have to see any tragedy over and over again on TV, is just mre
trama then I can imagine. 

And finally Rocky,....honey,'ll always be a sonet to me.

Jinx who is going to play in the moonlight and the snow tonight
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #199 of 1922: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Sat 8 Feb 03 19:19
Maure -- sorry about the gig as well. 

i think I said to Maddy that it was thought that suffering was good
for the soul, for it tests and tries us, but bad for the heart in that
it makes us miserable, and that perpetual anticipation was a form of
suffering as you were forever hoping and expecting something that never


What *I* want to know is why on earth Mandy Patinkin would believe
that a Victorian Lord Chancellor of England would 'ave a cor-blimey
Dick van Dyke accent.


Mimi, I'm afraid that all my art directors are in New York. In LA most
of the people I know are either writers or something in movies. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #200 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Sat 8 Feb 03 20:15
Oh, I don't care about the gig, but thank you anyway. Chrissy's
proposed that we practice "guerilla gig tactics," and play there
anyway. I'm sort of relieved; we desperately need practice. I'm much
more comfortable with making a cd and playing it on the radio show next
time we do it rather than doing a live gig.


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