inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #876 of 1922: Will? (tinymonster) Tue 24 Jun 03 09:08
Hey!  Was that Will Entrekin who sent in the copyright question in the
latest Journal entry?  He always used to sign off with "Dream,".

You still around, fella?  We haven't heard from you in a while!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #877 of 1922: The Fuzzy Noodle LIVES!!! (miss-mousey) Tue 24 Jun 03 20:42
So yeah, like Dan said. Only now I'm calling her a fuzzy noodle. It's
all part of that 'you are what you eat' thing, and she's fuzzy. Still
feeble and wobbly as anything, but much more amiable now that you can
hold her and she can't break through the skin (tho' she often still
tries, damnit!). The best is when she's on the floor in the upper level
of the cage and starts to clean herself while sitting too close to the
ramp that leads to the bottom level... I should start calling her my
'roly poly fuzzy noodle'. She doesn't really seem annoyed by it unless
she rolls into the wall of the cage and has trouble getting up again,
but it's cute now that I know it's normal and doesn't seem to be
hurting her a bit. And for the curious, her current favourite food is
egg noodles coated with organic garden vegetable baby food.

Davey - wrt retributional deification... well sorta... The owner of
the company I work for (a.k.a. the reason I quit, when it happens) told
me the other day that if anyone deserved to be Empress of the
Universe, it was me. It has to be the strangest, least expected thing
I've ever heard him say. Feel better.

Tara - the 'sticky fun with styling products' could be tweaked
together with your typo and start you on your way to sinfulness, if you
needed help getting started. ;) And blue is really good.

ROCKY!! - Yay for a great trip! Of course I still have my shirt. How
else am I going to get the co-workers to shake their heads in confusion
at me? (They expect everything else. I've discovered once you build a
camp at BM for the guy, not much confuses them any more.)

Christy - Trust me on this: You like Stephin Merritt. No need to think
about it at all. And thank you for ratty well wishes.

Back to raising money for Thunderdome (which seems to have eaten
something like 5 hours of my life today, and that's just from emailing
and posting stuff!)

(incidentally, if anyone wants to help out our Burning Man theme camp
this year, email me... don't want to spam it here).
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #878 of 1922: Rocky...wondering if Amsterdam is a controlled substance... (rocky-nyc) Wed 25 Jun 03 16:08
There was never a doubt that you are Empress of the Universe. Thank
god you waved the obligatory brand and tattoo. *grin*

Christy -  Now that I'm off the cow people are still trying to
convince me that tofu is actually food. I BEG to DIFFER! And
furthermore, vanilla soy milk tastes like liquid shag carpet. Not that
this is a bad thing. ;>
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #879 of 1922: fuzzy noodle still alive, despite 90 degree heat in the house (miss-mousey) Wed 25 Jun 03 23:02
Ahem, tofu is food. It may not be good food, dependent on how it's
prepared, but it is food. Personally, I can't get enough of edamame
(boiled soybeans) - which Neil might be able to attest to, if he
remembers I kind of snatched them out of his hand just before you broke
the table at ConCat.

And vanilla soy milk is best tasted when poured over crunchy grainy
cereal (it also makes GoLean Crunch taste like Sugar Smacks, if anyone
remembers what those were).

-squeaks, who does not recommend using vanilla soy in your macaroni &
cheese. it's edible, but really really weird...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #880 of 1922: Empress of the Universe in training (miss-mousey) Wed 25 Jun 03 23:05
Not that edamame is actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be... but
still, tofu mixed in with your stir fry isn't bad, as long as you don't
over do it. And freeze dried tofu doesn't taste like anything, which
is the whole point, as when you put it in miso soup, it soaks it up
like a sponge... mmm, spongey. Damn, now I'm hungry again.

-squeaks, about to eat leftover mac n cheese (made with UNFLAVOURED
soy, thankyouverymuch)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #881 of 1922: Pro-yolk/Anti-egg white (rocky-nyc) Thu 26 Jun 03 07:51

I swear it was broken in self defense! 

Who the hell orders octopus at a sushi restaurant in Knoxville, TN for
chrissakes?! And what kind of karma debt did I owe for sitting next to
him at that table? 

Mind you, Janell made up for her husband's culinary faux pas by having
a nice lap for me to jump into..hehe.. 

And I had vanilla soy milk [bleh!] over kashi again this morning.

Uh-huh, shag carpet. ;p

squeaks, if ever I get out to SF again, I'll eat a tofu dish with you.
Are you free July 16, 2053?  *grin*   

All my love to Fuzzy Noodle who doesn't have to eat tofu. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #882 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Thu 26 Jun 03 08:24
I like vanilla Silk.  I think it's yummy.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #883 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Thu 26 Jun 03 11:11
I agree, Silk is very good. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #884 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Thu 26 Jun 03 12:49

Miss-mousey, I wish to thank you for this pseud.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #885 of 1922: from HOLLEY NOWELL (tnf) Thu 26 Jun 03 16:13

Holley Nowell writes:

Miss Mousey:
I remember what sugar smacks were. Was SO VERY incensed when I got out on my
own and had money to buy cereal and discovered - GASP! - they'd done away
with it pretty much.

You should try the things I tried to replace milk with. After YEARS of loving
that first glass of milk of the day, of pouring it over cereals, of eating
ice cream, of using it in macaroni and cheese and on everything remotely
relating to sandwiches, I was told I'm allergic to all dairy products. THEN I
was told I'm allergic to all soy products.  Let me attest to you that Rice
Milk is NOT a good substitute and while fruit sorbet is very much healthier
probably than ice cream, it's not at all, really, like it. So I take a
benadril whenever I caint stannit any more.

Tiny Monster:
I remember the Mego Wonder Woman dolls too. But this one is by Mattel and was
put out fairly recently. You can look at it on EBay @
and look! A WW trash can!
or a WW wall clock.
or a lunch box:
 Ahem. I think I'd better get out of the EBay WW pages before I start bidding
on stuff.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #886 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Thu 26 Jun 03 16:40
Sugar Bear used to sell Sugar Smacks didn't he?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #887 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Thu 26 Jun 03 18:20
Aren't Honey Smacks the same as Sugar Smacks?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #888 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Thu 26 Jun 03 19:36
I think they are, with just the name changed to make them sound more
wholesome and like something a parent could put into a shopping cart
without having the American Dental Association and hordes of
child-development specialists tell them they're baaad parents.

(Tofu and soy milk, feh. I wanna go back to having sticky fun with
styling products and Tara being vaguely lewd and Dan being a sick
bugger who should stay out of my rose-bed.)

Squeaks, are you certain that deserving to be the Empress of the
Universe isn't like living in interesting times? Although I'd kinda
like to see what you'd make of the universe if you had the ordering of
it... Glad to hear that the fuzzy noodle is pulling through. Edamame is
excellent but spinach-with-sesame-sauce (I've blanked on the name) is
better, and there's a place in Minneapolis that makes wasabi shumai,
which are a gift of the gods.

Dodge, I have great sympathy for your allergy woes. Great empathy,
too--I found that I'd somehow become allergic to almonds and cherries
just about a year ago, the hard way (throat mostly closed, and four
hours in the emergency room on IV benadryl and zantac and prednisone);
and now it seems to have extended to peaches and plums as well. I'm
going to have to go back in to the allergist and re-test on all the
stone fruits. Frustrating.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #889 of 1922: John M. Ford (johnmford) Fri 27 Jun 03 00:52
    TAKO BELL -- Slither for the Border!

    Just to maintain my status as a Popcult Geek, Sugar Bear hustled
Post's Sugar Crisp, which later became Super Sugar Crisp after the
addition of . . . uh, an adjective, and then suddenly became Golden
Crisp.  Sugar Smacks are Kellogg's version, and were fronted by a frog,
for no fathomable reason.
    As far as I know, the word "sugar" has vanished from all cereal
names, though "honey" is okay.  Most of them, like Sugar Frosted
Flakes, just dropped the naughty word.
    Watching language in consumer products would probably make a good
ATLANTIC article, on its way to bookdom -- the banishment of "sugar,"
the embracing of "fiber" (does anybody here remember "roughage?") and
"oat bran," both of them in the anticancer department (New Improved
Marlboros with Oat Bran!).  Then, too, there's the phenomenon of Big
Companies noticing that Smaller Companies are stealing their thunder,
and (for instance) French's suddenly deciding that they'd better sell
some Dijonoid mustard and flavored mayo, or giant brewers pretending to
be microbrewers; Icehouse, from "Plank Road Brewery," is a Miller*
product, and Killian's Irish Red comes from -- wait for it -- Coors,
making it an extremely Orange Red beer.

*That is, SABMiller, since they were bought by South African
Breweries, which is, however, no longer a South African company, having
hastily relocated to the UK.  Life is weird.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #890 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Fri 27 Jun 03 05:33
I am SO glad we have the Popcult UberGeek watching over us! Yay Mike!
(Hey, Chip says he didn't know that Coors is Orange, so you've
definitely scored this morning.)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #891 of 1922: tara, shamelessly taking advantage of Maure Luke's account (maureluke) Fri 27 Jun 03 07:04
Holley: I too prefer the Meego Wonder Woman doll (with her Navy WAVE
uniform! squeee!) to the WW Barbie. But I have loads and laods of WW
merchandise linked on my little Wonder Woman website
( that I put up a year or so ago. I'm a BIG geek,
you see... I actually need to update, as they have two new books out
soon, I think, one of which has the coolest Phil Jiminez cover which
harkens abck to the Dick Giordano "spin" pin-up from the 1985 style
guide (I think) which has always been one fo my all-time fave Silver
Age WW drawings...

Did I, um, mention I'm a total WW dork? It was the George Perez revamp
in 1987 which actually got me into mainstream DC reading, as I picke
dup issue #10, then got the back issues, and from there branched out
into pretty much every superhero book DC put out, for almost 8 years
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #892 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Fri 27 Jun 03 07:44
Thanks Mike, after I wrote about the Bear, I started remembering a
frog and couldn't figure out how he got there.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #893 of 1922: from HOLLEY NOWELL (tnf) Fri 27 Jun 03 08:42

Holley Nowell writes:

Aha. And I'll bet that's your story also about how you ended up a Neil Gaiman
fan. You start out being a Wonder Woman fan which led to DC Comics every
superhero which brought you to Sandman right?

Finding the Meego (is that the correct spelling?) WW is difficult. Not
surprisingly. The Mattel one is ok. I like the cape. But I figure if they
included the cape they shoulda oughta included the little skirt too. To me,
Lynda Carter is THE quintessential Wonder Woman on the screen. Forget that
blonde girl Crosby or something. She was just lame. There was another series
that tried to do a Wonder Woman too but she was so infinitely forgettable
I've forgotten everything but the fact there was one. Such a shame Carter
decided not to act much any more after that. I haven't read much of the
comics lately. I read them as a child and quit and am only just now starting
to read them again. Although, am TRYing not to start a new collection. Spend
too much money as it is on all things Pratchett, Gaiman, Sandman, Ellery
Queen, LotR, not to mention dolls and fine china tea cups. Sigh.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #894 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Fri 27 Jun 03 08:59
I'm confused.  If I look at IMDB I see that Lynda Carter did most of
her acting work after doing Wonder Woman.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #895 of 1922: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Fri 27 Jun 03 13:55
Of course, in England, they were called "SUGAR PUFFS", and the mascot
on the front, when I was growing up, was CAPTAIN SCARLET. He was, of
course, indestructible. Even sugar couldn't hurt him...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #896 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 27 Jun 03 16:11
Sheesh.  A girl runs to the powder room around here, and suddenly
everybody's 100 posts ahead...

First things first... VEGAS PHOTOS are up here:

Glen: <852> Bwaahaha!

And Adriana IS gorgeous.  Inside and out.

Rocky: Congrats on your trip!  I have a friend in Holland I've love to
go visit some time.

Davey LIVES!  Yay!  Hope that nasty, wicked cold is banished soon.

Michelle: Hi!  Missed you.  I'm so happy that your noodle ratty is
better.  Rolling down the ramp when she's cleaning is *very* funny!

Maure: WW was the first comic I ever read.  A collected book of the
very first issues.  I fell in love.  Except that, even at 8 or
whatever, I decided that she'd be a lot more fun if she *weren't* (in

Mike, re: SABMiller: Well, either way, I just don't think the odd
English accents or the warm beer thing are going to go well with the
whole "macro brew" image.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #897 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 27 Jun 03 16:32
P.S. Neil... any idea what your schedule at ComiCon looks like,
besides insane?  Will I miss anything if I come down Friday p.m. versus
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #898 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 27 Jun 03 16:43
Oops.  Just checked the journal, and found out that MirrorMask is
Friday afternoon.  Any idea what time?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #899 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Fri 27 Jun 03 17:13
We should plan a Thingie Meet-up...uh...thingy.  Anyone else here
going to Comic-Con?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #900 of 1922: John M. Ford (johnmford) Fri 27 Jun 03 17:51
"Captain Scarlet Cereal is inedible.  Do not attempt to masticate it."

Davey -- I was using "orange" in a very specific Irish sense, and I
would be quite surprised if the creeps who run Coors are not
Protestants (or words to that effect, since numerous phonymental
Christian sects deny that -- it meaning that they must at one time have
been Catholics).

Pamela -- a few years ago, Elise and I were having a nice pint in the
Museum Tavern (where Karl Marx used to hang out).  There were two large
gentlemen with East European accents, and dressed in anoraks of colors
not found in nature, arrived.  (They actually resembled the Large
Blond Killer Dudes who used to populate James Bond movies.)  One came
to the bar and, speaking loudly and slowly, ordered "Two pints of
beeter."  He was duly served, and took the glasses out to the table
where his friend (control?  Backup?  Clone?) waited.  A few moments
later he returned, and announced, "Eet's wahrm."
    The lady behind the bar, who had doubtless heard this, oh, once or
twice before, offered him two lagers instead.  He looked around,
bewildered, and decided to drink what he had.
     Life only hands you so many instances of life imitating parody,
though the incidence seems to be rising. 


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