inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #901 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 27 Jun 03 20:07
Oh, that's not me, with the WonderWoman comic thing -- that's Tara.
Although, I do admit to wanting to be WW when I was a kid, and remember
embarrassing my family with my practicing for said fututre:

But I did see Gigantic ( tonight, and
it was wonderfully funny, and I liked it, very much.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #902 of 1922: complete with fuzzy ratty of doom! (miss-mousey) Sat 28 Jun 03 00:13
Rocky - July 15, 2053... consider it a date (wondering if the local
good restaurant will take reserves that far in advance). And the fuzzy
noodle rather likes her tofu.

Dang, knew it sounded funny when I typed it: Sugar Crisp, Honey Smacks
(though I vaguely remember Sugar Smacks changing their name to Honey
Smacks... maybe). Sugar Bear=Sugar Crisp (later Super Golden Crisp).
Diggem (the frog)=Sugar/Honey Smacks. And one was Post (bear?) and the
other was Kelloggs (pretty sure this was the frog).

Um, I want y'all to know that I typed the above before reading Mike's
post... does this make me a bigger geek? or Mike less impressive?
(Yeah, I know it just makes me the bigger geek. I was just trying not
to sound quite so... erg... geeky - especially since I'm about to log
out and go play some more EverQrack).

Davey - Wasabi shumai? That sounds utterly yum!

madman - You're welcome. And now I'm hungry for tofu-to-be and have

squeaks, who will be asleep until 3PM tomorrow, at the rate she's been
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #903 of 1922: not just a geek, but an abset minded one (miss-mousey) Sat 28 Jun 03 00:15
So, the entire reason for my posting:

It's already started, but the somewhat on-topic Emporor Norton I part
of it isn't until Sunday, so I'm not entirely too late in posting it.

squeaks, who wouldn't mind having her Empress equivalent of a Norton
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #904 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Sat 28 Jun 03 00:17
Sugar/Honey Smacks was Digem the frog, but for a year or two they changed
the mascot to a bear, and then they went back to the frog by popular demand.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #905 of 1922: Sticky fun with styling products! (tinymonster) Sat 28 Jun 03 09:58
Just popping in to say that Steve Taylor makes me unbelievably happy
and I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you all thought I was a fangirl about Neil.

In Na$hvegas.  Getting ready to ride an insanely long distance to camp
(but partially in an RV this time) and sweat a lot and eat
dysentery-inducing vendor food for a week, but it's worth it for the
man who whetted my appetite night before last at the OTHER festival in

Yesterday was a looong day.

Have a good week and don't inhale too many hair products,
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #906 of 1922: Trying to concentrate while playing very loud music, and not succeeding very well. (tinymonster) Sat 28 Jun 03 10:20
I guess I should say, "in PA at the OTHER festival."  The way I said
it sounds like they're both in PA, which would have made my flying to
Nashville rather pointless.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #907 of 1922: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Sat 28 Jun 03 15:49

Pamela - Thank you.  And all hail the Queens of Vegas! And um...should
we even inquire about "the walker fetish photo?"  It took me awhile to
get over the bunny ears from last Holloween you know. 

Didn't Dig'em the frog show up around the same time they had Capt'n
Crunch doing the Moonwalk?  [the horror!]  

Captain Scarlet had the coolest theme song and I was also a huge fan
of Fireball XL5. The Mysterons! Tech TV on cable has been airing the
shows and it's great stuff if you like puppets.  ;>

squeaks - She's a vegan mouse?! 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #908 of 1922: Turning everything into a weasel conga line song (miss-mousey) Sun 29 Jun 03 14:03
Fuzzy Noodle of Doom is pretty close to vegan - even only eating
organic baby food - except for the occasional hard boiled egg. 

Oooh, and I mostly just wanted to post to brag that I've got a brand
new pair of roller skates... and I'm wearing them ...


Um, just grew up in a household where I wasn't allowed to do so... and
this place has hardwood floors that are nearly 100 years old, so
they're just a little bit slanty and fun!

While I'm at it, who did that song? The one with the line 'I've got a
brand new pair of roller skates. You've got a brand new key'. I can
only hear the Rasputina cover voice in my head and it's driving me nuts
to know who did the original now.

squeaks - about to feed the ratty her carroty goodness.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #909 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Sun 29 Jun 03 14:36
Wasn't the original by Melaine?  
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #910 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Sun 29 Jun 03 19:39
Yup, Melanie it was; and I'm jealous of anybody who has enough acreage
of hardwood floor to make indoor rollerskating anything more than an
exercise in tight cornering.

Learned something interesting from a blind friend yesterday--Playboy
Magazine erm, "edits" their Braille edition. Not by just omitting the
centerfold, but also omitting the Playmate interview, leaving out many
of the interesting bits from the letters column, and other selective
cuts. So it would seem that anyone reading the Braille edition really
is in it just for the articles...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #911 of 1922: Life Imitating Parody (pamela-bird) Mon 30 Jun 03 15:07
Miss Mousey:  Living well--including roller skates in the house--is
the best revenge.

Rocky: It's the froggies.  He's got a froggie thing.  But we just
smile at Devil Frog, the amazing glow-in-the-dark key chain, and gently
look the other way.

Christy: Have fun!  Do not look directly into the big Nashville hair.

Maure: re- WW blog... Bwaaahaha!  That was BEAUTIFUL!  I kept this old
Bloom County cartoon for years... it had Opus sitting alone on the
hill in the periwinkle.  He looks left, then right, then flaps his
wings like his life depends on it, and then says: "There are those who
live for those brief moments of wild abandon."  And I think that's
where we *both* began to go awry.

Mike: I think that the blond German Bond killer dudes have now been
upgraded to the platinum-dreaded, ghost twins of Matrixity, who have
British accents (don't they?) and therefore know from warm beer.  But
what is it about our seemingly endless tolerance for bad lines
delivered in accents?

"We are getting aggravated."
"Yes, we are."

And I had no idea that Coors made Killian's.  *blink*  Well,
Protestant seems highly likely.  But as bad as the family politics
are... unless it happened during Union-busting days, I don't think
they've directly created situations that resulted in children getting
shot, which differentiates them from Orange in my mind.

So as not to end on that note:

Davey... *Braille* Playboy?  What is it... like (don't say it!)
*Scratch and sniff*?!?  (Too late.)  
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #912 of 1922: never looking at her scratch n' sniff sticker collection the same again (miss-mousey) Tue 1 Jul 03 13:16
Pam - Sick and wrong.  And here I was just thinking that the photos
would be done in relief. ;P Not that I'm entirely surprised, but
there's a devil froggy now? You know, his obsession with frogs is
concerning me just the slightest. 

Oh, and Walker, if you're reading this, and you're still on a flamey
kick (flamey froggies of doom?), Case Logic just came out with a line
of decorative cd flip books - one of them is all pvc looking with
flames. I opened up the box at work and shouted out to James "Look!
Trevor needs this!" That is all. (Only now I have this image in my head
of those big plushy velvety frogs wearing black bowling shirts with
flames on them.)

Davey - Not so much square footage, so I get to practice the twists
and turns, but if I move just a bit of furniture out of the way, I've
got a nearly straight path from the front of the apartment to the back
of it. 

Okay, the latest saga of the roller skates: Did I mention that I live
at the top of a hill? Okay, not the top exactly, but at the
intersection of the 'T' of two streets, where two ends go down, and the
one that goes up doesn't lead to anything interesting any way. So boy
and I are talking a walk to help break in my skates (he's on foot, I'm
on wheel). Pretty much no way to go but down, so we take the lesser
slope, which doesn't seem that steep when you're on foot, so it should
only be a slight challenge on skates. Halfway down the block I nearly
dented a car with my entire body, swirled around to avoid it and nearly
skinned my hands and face while trying not to fall, all going
something like 20 mph, and I experienced the most interesting look on
boy's face that I don't know how to describe. 

Me: Maybe we should go to the skate shop and grab some hand guards and
pads? (Skates on Haight is only 3 blocks away from my house)

Boy: You know, that's probably not a bad idea.

So then I got guards and pads for the trip home, only to realize that
what I really needed for that trip was more muscle in my legs. I'm
still hurting... a lot... just walking.  Longest 6 block 'walk' I've
ever been on.

-squeaks, who will next time WALK down the hill and THEN put on the
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #913 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Fri 4 Jul 03 20:56
I've been conscious all day that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness" are more at risk on this anniversary than on any since the
day that document was signed, but I still went out to a friend's house
to celebrate. It's still my country and I still believe in what it has
been and what I will work to make it again.

Better to light a single sparkler... Anybody want one?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #914 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Fri 4 Jul 03 21:48
Yes please.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #915 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil being unreservedly jealous... (daveysnyder) Sat 5 Jul 03 20:10
Neil: The '55 is just about gone and Heathrow magically produces a
bottle of the _'54_ for you?!? I'll happily grant that it couldn't be
in better hands, butbutbut--how do you DO that?

Squeaks, I hadn't previously contemplated urban rollerblading as a
full-contact sport, which just goes to show you what I know.

And here's a sparkler for Martha -------* , and lots more to share.
(Boston had the big show last night, but the rest of the towns around
here have staggered theirs so we have three nights of fireworks if we
want to do a little driving each night. Whee.)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #916 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 7 Jul 03 08:59
We went to a party at our friends' place.  They manage a four-story
apartment building in the heart of Hollywood.  We had a BBQ up on the
roof and got to watch an entire horizon full of fireworks shows.  We
sang every patriotic song we could remember.

It were loverly.

It makes me sad when I think that there is an entire generation of
kids who probably don't know a single one of those songs.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #917 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Mon 7 Jul 03 18:55
I saw Shemeka Copeland, Guster, and the Wallflowers on the day
(skipped Pete Yorn--saw him a couple of years ago and he was *awful*),
and saw Elvis Costello & the Imposters yesterday (Alice Peacock
opened).  All for free (the only good thing about the Taste of Chicago,
really).  Elvis dedicated "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and
Understanding" to the Dixie Chicks.  Bless 'im.

Mary (unendingly upset about the death of a character in Harry Potter
and the Order of the Phoenix)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #918 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Tue 8 Jul 03 10:33
I share your HP pain, Mary.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #919 of 1922: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Tue 8 Jul 03 21:54
Mary, Adriana: I thought I was going to burst when I was done with
that book... it wasn't even that it happened, it was the lameness with
which it happened! *rarr!* >_< I need post-OotP therapy... (There *are*
cool parts in it, but I'm still pissed. -_-;) 

Anyway... who here's heading to Comic-Con? ^_-
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #920 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Tue 8 Jul 03 23:11
hrm... so Neil's announced that he finally has a theatre-only idea in
his head, but it will probably not be all the way on paper for a good
two or three years.

.... that gives me two to three years to establish a national
directorial reputation so that I can bring it to San Francisco
audiences. ... of course he'll probably decide to produce it in the
midwest and even direct it himself and I'll gnash my teeth in
frustraton because that's what you're supposed to do.

I mean, really, who gnashes teeth anyway? Did people used to do that
and it just fell out of style? If you saw a person gnashing their
teeth, wouldn't you just think they had a bit of popcorn stuck in there
are were having a difficult time getting it out?

All of this having nothing to do with the death in Harry Potter's
newest book, but I just thought I'd ramble about it because I haven't
said anything for a while.

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #921 of 1922: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Wed 9 Jul 03 06:01
Don't give up practicing your tooth-gnashing. The Foiled-Plans Tooth
Gnash and the Malevolent Sneer were right up there with the Diabolical
Laugh as essential elements of the craft of the Arch-Nemesis (Villain);
and even if you don't make your reputation as a director in time, you
don't know yet what roles Neil will be writing into that script...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #922 of 1922: HOLLEY NOWELL writes.... (tnf) Thu 10 Jul 03 08:47

From Holley Nowell:

I'm really good at the malevolent laugh having spent some time in my youth
doing the ML in haunted houses for Halloween. Halloween. I'm seeing in
catalogs now the Halloween decorations stuff. Even some Christmas stuff.
Egad. Wasn't it just Christmas? Seems like this year is flying by.

Finished the painting of the Living Room. Even put up the blinds so there are
no ugly drapes wired to the safety bars. They used to be nailed to the wall
(previous tenant) but I had to take them down to fill in the holes to paint
that wall. Now the front part of my condo looks like real. Places to sit and
chat in the living room. Places to sit and eat at the table in the dining
room. Places to cook in the kitchen. Now must start the lavender bedrooms.
But that will take a while. Nothing special. Just paint. No patterns or
anything. Well. Not for now. Who knows what I'll come up with when I get a
round tuit.

And now my landlady is talking about maybe selling the place again. She wants
to know if I want it. Seeing as how I've put so much work into it. But I
don't want to buy any place right now. I especially don't want this one. To
OWN something you really have to like it. There's still that knocking sound
from the pipes that as far as I know can't be fixed without tearing out the
walls and that alone is VERY annoying. The fact any time my neighbors or I
take a bath, the others know it (The upstairs guy for some reason took a bath
at 4:30 am this morning. The water running is very loud. Think raging water
rushing down a canyon toward the helpless village below kind of noise.) And I
think the upstairs guy has a child or a dog up there now. It walks all over
the place up there all the time. I hear its footsteps. BamBamBamBamBam.
Either that or he's doing this in lieu of banging on the ceiling because the
management told him not to. The ugly carpet I'd have to replace. I'd have to
pay to put in washer & dryer. The darkness due to inadequate windows. So many
reasons not to want it. It would be a pity though to have to move just about
the time I get finished with it. Next time, I'm not putting the effort in. On
the other hand, the market here for apartments is very good from the tenant's
point of view. In a way, I almost hope she does sell it so I can get a nicer
place with more amenities. And, I'll never rent from friends again. I always
feel so bad calling to get something fixed. With an apartment, you just call
and expect it to be taken care of. You don't worry about whether or not they
can afford to lay out the dough for the repairs. I'm a little disappointed
also because when she offered me the place it was somewhere I could live for
a long time without having to move again as she wasn't planning to ever sell
it THEN. Oh, I know. Plans change. At least when an apartment complex sells
the bump of the change usually doesn't require you to move out quickly.

I have the new HP book but have not read it. I'm almost dreading reading it.
Dear me. But I shall do so this weekend.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #923 of 1922: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Thu 10 Jul 03 08:53
So Neil's in NYC on Aug 8th.

Hmmm, a Friday isn't a bad day for a road trip...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #924 of 1922: John M. Ford (johnmford) Thu 10 Jul 03 10:02
Holley -- it isn't so much that the year is flying (though I guess
that it is) as that the Retailian Calendar has kicked in.  Every year,
the downtown Neiman-Marcus here opens a Christmas specialty store in
one of the vacant shops in their mall block, with all their holiday
specialty goods -- decorations, flavored popcorn, signature teddy
bears, His & Hers Nigerian loot stashes, etc.  Last year, this opened
in August.  It was -late- August, but still.  I never went in, but I
was curious as to how much Genuine Holiday Spirit the staff had on
board before Labor Day.

Though I also recall a story from one of the magazines I read, where,
thanks to publishing lead, an assistant editor had to put together a
Christmas display photo shoot in mid-July.  Other staffers in the hall
could hear her, while decorating a tree, singing carols with grim
determination, trying to Get In the Mood. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #925 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 10 Jul 03 11:19
Mike .... ewwwww.... forced holiday cheer. Bah. Humbug!

I'm really good at the malevolant sneer, but I don't know that I can
do a maniacal laugh better than Seth Green at the end of the last
Austin Powers flick. He was about the funniest damn thing in the movie.
I don't want another Austin Powers movie.. I want a Scott Evil movie.


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