inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1151 of 1922: excessively heterosexual (saiyuk) Fri 12 Sep 03 00:47

Yeah. Lotus's parents and my parents were old friends, though she was 
enough older than me that is just *kinda* knew her. 

Actually I was introduced to Lili at the opening night party for my 
current outlet on June 12. We chatted about this and that and she is 
indeed an adorable little thing. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1152 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Fri 12 Sep 03 01:12

The Izzard show was really funny. Not as good as Glorious or Dress to Kill,
but then, on whatever stop of this show that he records, he might be
absolutely brilliant. A few gags went on too long, but people kept laughing.
Didn't use any of his old material, though he kinda touched on some of the
same things- the Achilles Heel, for instance.
It was a lot of fun.

Today I saw Brother play in Concord. Brother is a band from Australia who
play didgeridoo, dueling bagpipes, guitar and drum. They call themselves
"mongrol rock" and just released a new CD. They're really good. . I am in no way affiliated with the band, though I did
chat with them some after their show. (They played at a farmer's market/
festival thingy.)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1153 of 1922: Robynne (gorey) Fri 12 Sep 03 01:30
I'm not sure I agree that Sexie wasn't as good as Dress to Kill or Glorious.
I think Izzard's shows get funnier on subsequent viewings. I don't remember
being that overwhelmed the first time I saw Glorious, for example, but now
all you have to say is "covered in BEES" and I'm gone.

So, yeah, he was good. Flame on, chicken, and throw your breasts at
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1154 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Fri 12 Sep 03 01:44

That's true that they get better on later viewings. Which is in a way
unfortunate for a stand up comedian, but what can you do? Certainly not
smoke in a bar in California.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1155 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 12 Sep 03 01:51
Will,  thank you for trying to go to my site, but yes, I closed it
down because it was useless and uninteresting. I still own the domain
name, and if I ever think of anything interesting to do with it, I
will. In the meantime, I use xanga, as does Pamela and Walker and some
thousands of other people:

And I saw Lili Haydn open for Page and Plant a few years ago (please
note: I was not, actually, a big fan of Page and Plant, but for some
reason I ended up being the girly equivalent to a seedy private eye,
locating them for my loony toon friend who wanted to meet them. We did
meet them, and actually spent several hours in a pub here in Chicago
sitting next to Jimmy Page and having him buy large quantities of
alcohol for us, but all that really stands out in my mind about that
weekend is the way he listed slightly to the right, had badly dyed,
thinning, heavily-styled hair, and told me how much he missed his cat).
I enjoyed her live enough to rush out and buy the cd, but didn't seem
to care much for the album, iirc. I'll have to dig it out and give it a
listen, because I'm curious now.

And good going on your novel!

"And have I mentioned that you're a goddess lately?"
I may be a goddess lately, but soon I'll just go back to being a
rather normal human being (and really, it's what I prefer). ;)  There's
nothing I want in return, though. My favorite part of getting it was
testing to see if I could. It was a fun game. And it cost me nothing
other than a very reasonable trade, and I'd have given him what I
traded him for free, had he asked.

Gah... digeridoos . . . *shiver*
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1156 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Fri 12 Sep 03 05:47
Heh.  I *like* didjeridoos.

Andy, you *know* Lili?  That's so cool.  I've only recently been
exposed to her mother's work (who's, apparently, passed away recently)
through Lili, and her website.
Yes, I am in awe of the young Miss Haydn.  I can't wait to see her
play again.  I'm going to try to stick around after the show, say
hello, tell her how long I've been a fan.  I got to meet her at the
MB20 show, but it was brief.

I can't *wait* to see *Sexie*.  I'm going opening night and closing
night in Philadelphia.  Wooo!
And I agree it gets better the more you watch it.  Which could be
negative, for a stand-up comedian, or could simply attest to his
staying power.  I think it's great, personally.  It's like Monty Python
or *Spinal Tap*; gets better every time you see it.  That's quality,
that is.
Glad all of you went and laughed.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1157 of 1922: excessively heterosexual (saiyuk) Fri 12 Sep 03 07:15

Know? No. Have met and spoken with for perhaps twenty minutes? yes. Have 
bizarre ancient ties to her family? yes. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1158 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Fri 12 Sep 03 08:00
Well, even still, it's pretty neat.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1159 of 1922: A Fridayish Sort of Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 12 Sep 03 11:33
Will: Will def check out Lili Hayden.  Thanks for the rec.  And best
of luck with the writing!

(saiyuk) and (almanac): New people!  Hello!

I'd say the same to (gorey), but I think she' just resurfacing, yes?

Madman - re: Brother. Yay!  Are they here on tour?  I'll have to go
check out to see if they're coming back to L.A.  I missed them last
time, but I've been wanting to see them whenever they come back.

Maure: Also working on the "arranging meetups with persons with
interesting hair" magic trick?

I am much disappointed that I didn't get tickets to see Eddie in L.A. 
I made the mistake of trying to herd several cats into making a
decision about getting them together, and they sold out in the
meantime.  :-(
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1160 of 1922: A Profanish Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 12 Sep 03 11:38
Damn, damn, damn.  It looks like the closest Brother's coming is San
Pedro, which is a massive 3-4 hourish shlep for me.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1161 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Fri 12 Sep 03 12:14

Brother was announced as "coming up here all the way from LA", but I don't
know where they're going from here. They're playing in Antioch tonight
(which I'm too busy to see).
We asked them if they were living in LA now, and got a distracted answer
about them having been there doing the album or something- I'm unclear where
they live these days, US or Australia or what. I was kinda on the edge of
that conversation.

We shouted for "Carry Me" from the audience, and afterwards asked if they
would play it tomorrow night, and Hamish said "Oh, that was YOU shouting
that? We haven't played that song in 6 years. I'm not sure we remember it.
I'm pretty sure we don't have a copy around."
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1162 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Fri 12 Sep 03 12:21
Pam, if you are quite determined, I feel sure that you could get
tickets.  There are always tickets available the day of and sometimes
week before the show, for almost anything.  

I'm just saying is all...

who is now 29
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1163 of 1922: comforting and spicy at the same time (tinymonster) Fri 12 Sep 03 12:45
As of today?  Well, Happy Birthday, Adriana!  :D

And Pamela, I believe <saiyuk> is resurfacing, too, albeit from a more
distant time....

-Christy, who agrees that herding cats can be a pain
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1164 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Fri 12 Sep 03 14:19
As of Sunday, Christy, thank you!

Got myself a free Sandman 2004 calendar today. I love working for
Warner Bros.  
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1165 of 1922: New York is Smith Country (tinymonster) Fri 12 Sep 03 15:51
So who all is going to NY is Book Country in a week?

I have gotten Thursday-Monday off, and should be up in New Jersey by
Thursday night.  I'm bringing my mom this time; she'll be at the
Saturday event, but will be going home Sunday morning.  I'm planning on
staying until Monday so my brother and I can go to the Sunday night
event.  And we'll see what happens with the morning signing.

This leaves my family and me some open time over the long weekend to
visit amongst ourselves, see some sights, and hopefully hook up with
others.  I wonder how the cider scouting is going...?

(Which reminds me -- Hey, Davey, I don't think we've heard from you
since before TorCon.  How was it?  How are you?)

Neil -- I don't know how much unscheduled time you have next weekend
(that wouldn't be better spent getting some sleep...), but of course
we'd be more than happy to show you some New York hospitality.  Just
let me (and whoever else is coming) know.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1166 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Fri 12 Sep 03 17:03
Adriana - Happy birthday! For your present, you get to be on my
Friendster page. :-)

On Eddie - I thought at the end of Sexie, "How fun. Totally worth the
ticket price, but I laughed harder at Circle... which was the first
time I ever saw Eddie and had no idea what I was in for when a friend
drug me to the theatre to see him. Of course... that's probably why
that was such a pants peeing experience... I was totally caught by
surprise." My friend Trish is a recent convert and was delighted beyond
belief, and happily surprised that it was a full 2 hour show. for some
reason she thought he'd just be up for an hour.

Squeaks - welcome back! I'm gonna call you soon. I have people banging
on my door about poker and want to make sure that what ever day I
choose you and Boy can make... especially since i want to have a table
for money players and a table for everyone else. It should make him
very happy.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1167 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Fri 12 Sep 03 17:46

*bang bang bang*
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1168 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 12 Sep 03 20:10
Adriana: Happies!!!  May it be a shining, healing, beautiful year. 
And thanks for the encouragement re: Eddie.  It's become something of a
money issue now,too.  But I may try, anyway.  And, um... working for
WB?  Are you back?

Christy: Thanks for the correction.  I was afraid of that.

And seconds on the Davey... you back?  Well?

Also: Mary, hope all's well with the new school year.

Also: I miss Bill^2 here, even tho I get to see him on Xanga.

I'm really getting ready to give notice at my job next week, and I'm
feeling more than a little crazy.  It's hard.  And I wonder, why is it
so hard for me to leave situations that make me unhappy?  That seems
pretty insane.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1169 of 1922: My kitty is used in calculating *continuous compound* interest (miss-mousey) Fri 12 Sep 03 21:01
Pam, I just read that as "Hippies!" and thought you had lost your mind
more than usual... ouch, my brain hurts. I think I live too close to
Haight St. 

Dan - Yay! Poker! I will warn you just now that if you're planning for
some night in Sept., the boy will not be able come (don't let that
stop you from inviting *me*!). In either case, if you actually scrounge
up a money table, I'll be impressed and I don't even know what the boy
will say. :)

One of these days I'll find I'm in Izzard fan. I mean, I like him
okay, but I'm definitely not a *big* fan, like most people I know. I
suspect that it'll just take me being in the exact right mood and
seeing just the exact right show and *BANG*, I'm a convert.

Adriana - Indeed, many happies! (or hippies, if you prefer; but if you
do prefer the hippies, we may have to talk)

squeaks, who finally found the cord for the computer. Kitten pics will
ensue shortly
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1170 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Fri 12 Sep 03 21:15
> thought you had lost your mind more than usual


> My kitty is used in calculating *continuous compound* interest 

OMG!!!  *laughing so hard she's gone into silent laugh mode*

Kitty piccies, kitty piccies, or we'll riot in the streets!
(Of course, it would be a *subtle* sort of revolt, as we'd all be
rioting one at a time in separate cities all about the world, but let
that not daunt us!)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1171 of 1922: My kitty is used in calculating *continuous compound* interest (miss-mousey) Sat 13 Sep 03 14:55
Kitty pics will be up as soon as the following is done (I think even
in this order):
1. Thing e must get off my lap (and not crawl onto the keyboard of the
2. I have to check an attribute and update my index page accordingly.
3. Once saved, the web page updates must be sent to Daddio.
4. Daddio must be home and at his computer (very likely this
afternoon) and ready to update and upload files.

In other words, give me a few hours.

-squeaks, who only teases Pammikins because she's so good natured
about it (threats of subtle revolt or no) :)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1172 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sat 13 Sep 03 18:36

Just bought Eddie tix for me & Tara & Debbers!  Yay!  Oct. 1st!  Yay!

Will--You came to Chicago & didn't call the Suspects?  <<pout>>

Pam--I have Stepford children.  They're being pretty good, and it's
freaking me out.  This is *not* the school I taught at last year. 
Drama classes are fun.  Two of them are really fun, one of them is
still a little stiff.  We're going to see the entire season at the
Goodman, so that's cool (well, except for the Edward Albee they're
doing this fall.  It apparently features bestiality, and was deemed a
bit much for the student subscription series).

Squeaks--Yay!  Kitty!  Looking forward to seeing pix of Thing e.

Bummed about Tara's percussionist.  He's really cute.  Butthead.

Adriana--Happy Birthday!

Mary (who just read "The Coldest Winter Ever" by Sister Souljah, and
loved it!) 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1173 of 1922: My kitty is used in calculating *continuously compounding* interest (miss-mousey) Sun 14 Sep 03 14:46
Mary - glad that school seems to be going well. As for the students
freaking you out, I thought that was they're job. ;)

Kitty pictures are up:

-squeaks, who needs lunch, but doesn't know what to cook...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1174 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Mon 15 Sep 03 08:51
Squeaks - Ok, cutest kitten in the world. Or at least the cutest one
I've seen in a bit. Kitten on keyboard is soooo sweet. I'm thinking
October for poker night as it's really the first feasible time for it.
It seems that Fixed Boundary won Best of Fringe and so the show isn't
as over as I thought it was.

It's odd because we were quite convinced that we were NOT going to win
Best of Fringe, because the company head won it two years ago and said
that normally you know if you've won by the end of the first week, but
apparantly the decision was made while the judge was watching our last
show yesterday afternoon. So, big freaking surprise all around.

So, now we need to do the show for a few more performances and that's
all good except that it eats up what I thought was a free weekend. Oh,
poor me.

Adam - Bang, Bang, Boom! Ratatatatat.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1175 of 1922: Gerard Van der Leun (boswell) Mon 15 Sep 03 09:35
Why this entire topic is not enshrined in Best of the Well 2003 is
beyond me.


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