inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1276 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Mon 6 Oct 03 10:27
David and I spent Saturday in the very capable hands of Mimi Ko, who
photographed us madly on the beach and then later in our apartment.  If
anyone is in any doubt, the woman is a genius and I can't wait to see
how the shots came out.  I also got to see a shot that she did of
Pamela from a week or so ago that is absolutely stunning. 

For anyone who asked, picture of the lynx is now up at  It's almost at the bottom of the
page.  Warning:  the page is pretty graphics heavy. It's kind of more
of a Bigfoot shot, in that he kept being elusive as soon as the camera
went up, but I suppose it lends to the charm.   
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1277 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Mon 6 Oct 03 11:02
Gorgeous trip, Adriana 'n' Dave!

That Telescope Tree shot could win contests, I'm sure.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1278 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Mon 6 Oct 03 13:46
Wow, Adriana, your photos are fabulous!  Thanks for the link!

Christy--alas, no, I have heard from the boojum--I was wondering if
any of the NYC contingent knew him, and would see him at the signing. 
I miss him.

Maure is the nice one. But "nice" among us doesn't mean much...there's
so much evil.  The things she can do with Photoshop..........

Dan--yay!  Improv group!  I suck at improv.  Out loud.  And yes, ve
haf vays off makink you spent ze monee.

Yes, Erynn, there are many reasons for you to come to Chicago.  We'll
even go to the zoo with you.  We like it there.  Ephelants!

I also hope Himself gets some ZZZZs tonight.  Neil, if you're reading
this, go to bed!

And I also have forgotten to say Happy New Year, because I am a

Mary (back to averaging grades.  Bleccch.  But the Cubs won, and I
think that means I'm living in an alternate universe. Maybe they don't
*do* grades here......)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1279 of 1922: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Mon 6 Oct 03 13:48
More from Holley, off-Well:

Dan (stagewalker)
On Pharmasupials. That sounds like a great idea! And lots of fun.  It's so
nice to see you doing so well again.

Maureluke. David Boreanaz-like strides. You mean. One tiny part on a series.
 Then lucked into a cult tv show. Then spins off to his own cult tv show.
With a sidebar try out in movies but it turns out to be a stinker? I always
consider his career more like a drunken stagger with one confident stride.
The books say he got the part on Buffy when he was seen walking his dog. So
I guess we could say it was a casual accompanied stroll.

The Langley costume sounds cool. Do take pictures and post. I'm not sure if
I'm doing anything still. I've got this tooth fairy idea but it depends upon
my getting to a costume shop for the ears and wings. I tried this weekend
but discovered my fave costume shop in Houston which has been around forEVer
shut down or moved or something - gasp. And my second fave isn't there any
more either. That's what comes from not shopping much for a couple of years.
I guess I'll have to go to one of those fly-by-night seasonal shops.

10/6 Adrian
Cool pics.  Did you mean bigfoot as in your pal David? Looking thru the
pics, I was beginning to think we'd never actually SEE his face enough to
know what he looked like until the horse riding shots. Cute guy for a cute
girl. Great pics. Wonderful scenery. I gotta find a pal who likes driving
trips. Sigh. My pictures turn out a lot like yours when i take pictures of
people. They are all looking my direction when I focus the shot and JUST as
I push the button they all turn their backs on me.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1280 of 1922: Tara in a Maure suit (maureluke) Mon 6 Oct 03 14:52
Holley: actually, when I say "David Boreanaz-like strides" I generally
mean someone who painfully *cannot* act getting lessons and working
hard, and then visibly improving to the point where I am vastly
impressed with their improvement, and in fact comfortably think of them
as an actor, when previously, I mocked them publically and privately.
This stems from the fact that, prior to "Amends" in the first seaosn of
Buffy, I truly believed DB to be a waste of skin, yet he had obviously
worked very hard and actually *acted* for the very first time in that
ep, and I actually really enjoyed "Angel"'s first season 9tho it's been
downhill for me ever since, even as DB has improved. But that's a
whole otehr rant...). Tom Welling, for example, has made David
Boreanaz-like strides on "Smallville" and I respect him for going out
and getting an acting coach and working to improve, while I generally
am not impressed with his co-star Kristin Kreuk, because if anything,
at time she's become a *worse* actor. Especially next to fantastic
actors who rise far above the painfully mediocre material like Allison
mack and Michael Rosenbaum. And I think Travis Fimmel (Tarzan) has a
shot at DBLS as well. Only time will tell. David Nutter (who directed
the pilot) had praised Travis' hard work and improvement as an actor
(prior to the series, he was an underwear model, which seems to be a
point in your favour while auditioning for the WB) recently, so I have
hope. You know what they say... Dum spiro, spero :) 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1281 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Tue 7 Oct 03 10:43
All of which goes to show that talent is not the primary factor for
success in showbiz... (at least as an actor)

but then again, we all knew that.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1282 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Tue 7 Oct 03 11:45
Mary wrote:

"The things she can do with Photoshop.........."

Pshaw! I can't afford anything remotely like Photoshop (I just looked
up how much it costs because we really really wants it, oh yes we do my
precioussssss). All images to which I have access are real and true
recordings of real and true events. Really. I mean it. *cough*

Yes, even the centipede as big as my head. It *was*.

I just need to take a moment here to proclaim my adoration of Jouni
Koponen, who did the prettiest things in a little book he sent me. He
is mahvelous, he really is.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1283 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Tue 7 Oct 03 11:47
We're still waiting for that illustrated poem you started last year,
you know....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1284 of 1922: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Tue 7 Oct 03 11:53
Holley writes:

        I agree, then, about the strides. David HAS improved dramatically
from the first few eps he was in. Speaking as an admiring female I never
considered him a waste of skin since it was so pretty but he was little more
than eye candy to start. And, yeah, Angel has decreased as he has gotten
better. Hopefully, for his career, he will get some more movie thingys that
are much better than the ill-fated Valentine. I had such hopes for that
movie since I'd read the book. If they'd just stayed anywhere NEAR the book
in making it...
        I also agree on Tom Welling getting better and the sterling acting
of Mack & Rosenbaum. Mack's character has matured greatly and she's done a
wonderful job of taking her forward. It only makes the contrast between her
and Kreuk greater - and between Chloe and Lana. The only thing Kristen has
perfected is the helpless soulful gaze (up into some male's face) with
slightly parted moistened lips and tear drowned eyes. And they've sure
pulled the rug out from under both the actors who do the parents. Not that
they were ever the best but now the writing has made them so maudlin. I'm
not especially thrilled with the direction Smallville's gone lately. I could
continue but shan't just now.
        I recorded Tarzan. It's cued up to watch. But now I'm looking
forward to it. I was not before and almost didn't record it. It's been so
badly done so often. At least I've a reference to watch for. I'll be
interested to see how it does.
        Let us know, actors or potential actors, if you decide to do any
underwear modeling to further your career. We'll want updated pics. Oops. My
DOW peeking out there.

        And, let's see While I breath, I hope? Dum spiro, spero. You should
see the websites one gets putting that in. Igor Graphics was the first up.

        Hope the fact Neil hasn't posted since Sunday is because he's
sleeping instead of posting. Us poor fans. We worry.
        I haven't read Endless Nights yet. Sigh. My copy hasn't arrived from
Dreamhaven but it's on it's way. I'm tempted to go down and buy one from my
fave comic shop. Might. Next payday maybe if it hasn't gotten there yet.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1285 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Tue 7 Oct 03 13:18
Christy- thanks for asking about the agent... unfortunately, I just
got her rejection letter on Friday.  Ah, well.  Another rejection
closer to the big time.
Of course, I admit, now it's a personal thing; I've already now gotten
an acceptance letter, and already had an offer to be published (a
different work).  I think it really is just a matter of keepin' on
keepin' on, and so that's what I'm doing.  And I think I'm getting

I had a wedding to attend this weekend.  One of my best buddies (the
guy I went to Chicago with, in fact).  He burst into big happy tears as
his bride walked down the aisle, and damned if the all us groomsmen
didn't laugh and chuckle and cry like little. Well.  Groomsmen, is what
we laughed and chuckled and cried like.

I swung-danced like a mofo.  That was a lot of fun.  Except I puked
afterwards, which wasn't fun, but okay, fine, worth it.

And I caught the garter.  Which was kind of a rigged fluke, I think,
because I don't go up for the whole single-guy call, and all, but my
buddy was like, c'mon, and you don't say no to the groom.  It was a
lousy pseudo-toss, and the thing *landed*, on the floor, in front of
me.  I just looked at it a moment, and then I saw an Uncle come
*diving* for it out of the corner of my eye, so I bent and picked it
They did an equal-opportunity garter-up-the-leg thing, which meant
that she sat and I knelt in front of her, and then the deejay told us,
oh, no, you've got to slide it up *his* leg.  So she did.  I turned as
crimson as the wine-colored vest I was wearing, and she blushed, too,
and then we laughed, and it was a fun, fun time.
The maid of honor, alas, has a sort-of boyfriend (what she told the
deejay when he asked [and ladies, if your 'guy' said he was 'sort of'
still with you, what does that say?]).  Timing, as they say, is

It was one of the best weddings I've ever attended.  And it was the
first I attended of someone in my generation.  And they're Happy, and
it gives me hope.

Glad to see everyone here doing so Well.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1286 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Tue 7 Oct 03 13:25
Maure, check out Photoshop Elements... it'll probably do everything
you need at a significantly small fraction of the cost.

Holley, no underwear modeling for me in the forseeable future. I'm a
bit lacking in the six-pack department.

I got my package from Dreamhaven today! Yay for Telling Tales to the
Wolves in the Walls during Endless Nights!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1287 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Tue 7 Oct 03 13:32
Glad you had a good time.  I'll bet it would have been funny to see
your face during the garter thing!

Slipped by Dan.  I don't think I realized that _Telling Tales_ was out

Speaking of buying reading material -- I was down in Bethesda with a
friend last night and discovered a new comic store.  It had just closed
when we got there (boo), but I knew it was worth going back to check
out some time when I saw that the window display was all full of Gaiman
stuff, with some McKean stuff (yay)!  I need no further evidence that
they have good taste.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1288 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Tue 7 Oct 03 13:39
Will--that sounds like a great time!  I was a bridesmaid years ago,
where *everybody* wound up crying, because the bride started on her way
down the aisle, then the groom choked up, then her dad, the minister,
had to was pretty funny.  They're still together, lo,
these.........16 years later (Good God!) So maybe it's a good sign.

(Glares enviously at Dan, drools slightly on the Telling Tales CD, and
buggers off to finish averaging grades)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1289 of 1922: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Tue 7 Oct 03 16:58
Will- That sounds like fun! I went to a wedding recently and got a bit
teary-eyed as well. And the reception. Hmmm. There's nothing weirder
than a bunch of Orthodox Catholics drunk and letting loose on the dance

There was breakdancing . . . 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1290 of 1922: State of my State (stagewalker) Wed 8 Oct 03 09:17
I could just be sick about now...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1291 of 1922: State of Our State (pamela-bird) Wed 8 Oct 03 10:55
Dan, repeat after me: 

I will not rant and rave about celebrity mid-life career crises and
impulse votes by gullible masses and rampant, blatant illegal breaches
of the "equal time" media coverage laws.  Yea, though I walk through
the gaping chasm of a divided, demoralized, self-destructing state
Democratic party, I shall not despair.  For he who lives by the media
may still be scrutinized by it when he actually has to do his new job. 
And the laborers and the ethnic vote and the progressives shall be
watching with me.

That said, I'm not sorry to see Davis go.  *Something* had to change. 
Maria-on-the-side offers some hope.  And Bustamonte is still there to
look over his shoulder.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1292 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Wed 8 Oct 03 11:36
Wrong change.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1293 of 1922: Lethargic Wombat (stagewalker) Wed 8 Oct 03 14:20
Gotta go with Martha on this one. The only bright spots I see on this
front are that Prop 54 failed, which would have made it illegal to
gather ethnographic information, thus making it virtually impossible to
identify everything from racially related health problems to racial
profiling abuses by the police and lots of other issues. 

that, and the margin was wide enough that no one can blame the Green
party for being spoilers and handing the election over to

But thanks, Pam! I love the prayer...

I'm gonna go sit with the large pale naked woman with the sumo
wrestler knot in her hair and play with her pretty ring.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1294 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Wed 8 Oct 03 17:11
well i came here to share my embarassment and despair at living in a
state where things like this happen, but you all came and reminded me
why i shouldn't go on a homicidal rampage.  thank you.  i am glad to
share the state with the likes of you smarties.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1295 of 1922: Neil frightens children (notshakespeare) Thu 9 Oct 03 10:36
Since the weather is very nice today, I decided to have lunch in the
park.  I had a gyro, a lemonade and issue #3 of 1602.  They were all
very tasty.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1296 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Thu 9 Oct 03 10:40
It's in?  Yay!  I shall have to make a little trip down to that place
I just discovered in Bethesda....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1297 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Thu 9 Oct 03 10:51
Well, looky here!  NYIBC photos!  <gratitude.ind.21.115>

(Neil, I may offer Julia-the-Webmistress some of these if you don't
mind.  Or is the Gallery being updated any more?  Should I bother?)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1298 of 1922: Stuart (sjs) Thu 9 Oct 03 11:24
(what little place in Bethesda?)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1299 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Thu 9 Oct 03 11:35
Ooh, a Washingtonian, yay!  And apparently a '99 Hoya like my bro!

I mentioned discovering it a few posts back (they had a Gaiman display
in the window), but I'm not sure of the name...


I think it's Big Planet Comics, on Fairmont Ave.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1300 of 1922: Stuart (sjs) Thu 9 Oct 03 11:52
(Technically a 2000 graduate -- a "Hoya lawya")


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