inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1251 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Wed 1 Oct 03 11:30
HOT DOG, I just saw the Neil pic.  I...uh...I gotta go.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1252 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Wed 1 Oct 03 11:47
You sound like you just encountered another moment of heart-stopping
beauty.  Or gut-busting hilarity, I'm not sure which.

(hopefully)  Will there be any links to the lynx?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1253 of 1922: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 1 Oct 03 14:45
Holley writes to say:

Just finished a book called The Queen's Wizard by John and Patricia
Beatty. I think. Was it Patricia? I know it was Beatty. It's a book I
found while packing. Plain little purple book. After completing it, the
post thingys tell me the wizard was based on John Dee! Hm. It was
fairly interesting reading. 1967 First. I may see if it will sell. I'm
off to Abe to check the price on it.

   ---   ---

And again, saying:

That is SUCH a weird picture. If you hadn't just TOLD me it was Neil,
I'da not known it. I guess they were trying to make him less cute and
cuddly and more horror writer type.  It's kinda reminiscent of the way
they used to light and photograph Vincent Price when they were
portraying his horror persona as opposed to when I'd see him in a
non-horror show in a more frivolous part. I saw him in some murder
mystery ( Laura something or something Laura???) and he was the token
handsome ne'er do well. This was before he started doing horror and I
think they were still billing him as the token face 'n' body. I do like
Neil's hair there though. Cute little curl down over the forehead.
Pouty mouth. 

Since I come in so little, I need to catch up on stuff but can't
remember it all. Congrats to all the good things and triumphs. Sympathy
and supportive beams on all the bad. And it's always so encouraging to
see what interesting things everybody is getting up to. 

Any Halloween costume ideas in yet? One of my co-workers borrowed a
historical pattern of mine because a lady here wants to be a Wench. But
she isn't planning to wear it to the office. Drat. I did Mae West last
year. She's hard to top. With the packing, I may not bother. All my
colored wigs (pink, purple etc) are boxed already though they could be
unboxed as I know where they are.  I may pull the green one and get
some wings and ears and be a fairy. That'd be easy. I know the makeup
on that one still.  Ooh. May steal an idea and come as a dead fairy.
Bright Yellow T-shirt with a tire track across it maybe covered with
diaphanous drape over black leotard bodysuit. Hm. Might even alter that
and come sans yellow t-shirt but outfitted with a little drawstring
pouch and fake teeth and coins and a pair of pliers. Yeah. Tooth fairy.
 Sigh. Every year I think I won't bother and every year I get the bug.
One year I'm going to really PLAN a totally neat outfit and put some
time into. I've got all these patterns see...

   ---   ---
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1254 of 1922: This is not Neil's hair (the-roane) Wed 1 Oct 03 14:50
You really don't know why they wanted that picture?  Come on now.

Dan--love the psued.  Tara makes me *laugh*.  She's very psuedable. 
Did I just make up a word?  Go me.

Mike--Yay!  I'm very much looking forward to another short story
collection, having enjoyed "End of the Twentieth Century" so much
(alas, it is unsigned....<<sigh>>....maybe *someday*....)And I cannot
wait to see the comics project!  Yay!  Keep us posted.

Tinymonster--Perhaps both?

Yay!  Lynxes!  (Lynxi?)  Pix, pretty please?

Mary (off to see Eddie in an hour!)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1255 of 1922: Ooh! Shiney! Death! (stagewalker) Wed 1 Oct 03 23:42
Christy - this is as bad ass as I've ever managed:

Mary - Yep, the pseud is entirely for yours and Tara's benefit. *grin*

Holly - No halloween costume ideas yet. I'm terrible at planning
outfits, but fortunately I can usually take stuff straight out of my
closet and get a pretty good costume going.

So, it looks like I've got a non-troupe together for improv gigs.
We're calling ourselves Pharmarsupial and we've got our first gig on
Sunday. Four of us got together and did a show a little over a month
ago and had so much fun that we wanted to do it again. I made an
inquiry about a gig, and next thing I know we're up and running. It's a
non-troupe because any of the original 4 can grab other people they
want to work with and use the name. Then any of those people can do the
same. Over time I hope that "Pharmarsupial" will be synonymous with
"Random group of proven performers out to have a good time and take you
along with them."

I'm very excited, not just for this gig, but if this works than I've
got a performance venue that requires very little work, no rehearsal,
and lots of opportunity. We're already drawing from three established
troupes for this, and it can only expand. If any given troupe has a gig
opportunity and the rest of their performers can't make it....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1256 of 1922: Tara O'Shea, also, not surprisingly, with tits on. (maureluke) Thu 2 Oct 03 10:08
Right, so, we met Eddie Izzard.

All sorts of other things happened as well, but really the important
bit would be the bit where we met Eddie.

Also? I got to shout "Edith Hamilton!" to a packed house. That was
fun. You don't get to do that very often. Although nothing can really
ever top yelling "Transsubstantiation!" in mass once and shocking the
priest by a) knowing the word and b) knowing what it meant, as he had
asked really as sort of a formality...

Also, got to tell Eddie about Clytemnestra, as while he made mention
of Agamemnon many times during the routine, he didn't actually seem to
know who had actually chopped his head off. So, also, keen.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1257 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 2 Oct 03 11:15
*stunned look on my face, jaw on the floor, tongue rolling into an
ashtray, eyes glazed, skin an unhealthy grey pallor, hair a fright, and
ears turning to cauliflower*

What, last October you have dinner with Neil the weekend AFTER I
visit... and now you're pal'ing around with Eddie?

This may be some evil plot to get me to return to Chicago, but I've
lived through the winters there. I won't do it! Nooooooooooo!!!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1258 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Thu 2 Oct 03 17:03

Where does one sign up for all the life goodies you're having lately,
Tara?  And I must say, you're *all* looking utterly fabulous.

DanW: It's a great shot.  I think you've posted it before, 'cause it
looked familiar.  (It's memorable. :))  And congrats on your new improv
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1259 of 1922: crashing like a bumper car driven by sea monkeys (pamela-bird) Thu 2 Oct 03 17:11
Just wanted to say...

yummy, yummy foggy days creeping in on little fishie feet, now. 
Mornings and evenings all cool and cuddly and rockabye-baby.  Fires in
the fireplace, blankie on the sofa, Sleepytime tea and smooch your
honey nights.  It was cool enough this morning to wear my new
thrift-store black leather jacket, but I didn't, because it doesn't
have the Li'l Del on it yet.

It's rare and special, this, in L.A.  I love it, love it, love it.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1260 of 1922: JOUNI KOPONEN writes..... (tnf) Thu 2 Oct 03 23:10

From Jouni Koponen:

Hi all

Just wanted to drop by and tell you that the interview Neil gave to Finnish
radiostation YleX can be found online...

as a RealPlayer stream in...

and as a downloadable mp3 (15,7 Mb) in ...

It also serves as an introduction to Finnish language because the
translations are in Finnish...

Jouni(busy as always)

PS. My Neil Gaiman weekend went very well: gave him a small gift-thing, got
the 'Endless Nights', delivered messages, got some cool signatures etc.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1261 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Fri 3 Oct 03 11:30
Pamela - have I? Damn... I need a new "bad ass" photo.. I hate
repeating myself.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1262 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Fri 3 Oct 03 11:30
Pamela - have I? Damn... I need a new "bad ass" photo.. I hate
repeating myself.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1263 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Fri 3 Oct 03 11:34
I was waiting for that....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1264 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Fri 3 Oct 03 13:41
Yeah, Dan, that is a cool shot.  I don't think I've seen it before.

Yes, Eddie is little.  He was wearing *the* most fabulous pair of
black, spike heeled, knee-high boots in that photo as well.  He looked
really tired, and fairly stunned by having just spoken to 100 people
individually, and having another 100 in line, but he was nice.  He
signed a DVD for me, and a postcard for Debbers, and I told him that I
really enjoyed the show, and thanked him, and we buggered off.

Dan--no, we're not trying to get you to come back.  We just want you
to suffer the pangs of intense envy.  Mwaaaahaaahaahaaa!  Though if you
do come back, we can now take you more places to spend your money, as
I have a car.  Beware.

Just for the record, having your car towed sucks.  Having the pound
tell you that they don't have your car sucks worse, because you then
suspect your car may have been stolen.  Getting to the pound and
finding out that they do indeed have your car rocks.  I think it was a
plot to get me to hand over the $170 it cost me to get my car back
without a gripe, because I was so thrilled to see my baby (pink though
she may be).  Worked like a charm, too.  Buttheads.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1265 of 1922: a stunned demonic lemur with a bad hair day (tinymonster) Fri 3 Oct 03 13:48
<whew> Glad the pinkmobile is safe and sound, Mary.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1266 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Fri 3 Oct 03 15:57
Mary - Eek! More money spending! But, but, but I have to save up for
my trip to Europe next year! 

How evil you are....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1267 of 1922: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 3 Oct 03 16:45
Speaking of Evil, I would like to take this opportunity to remind
everyone that I am the Nice one.

Thank you for your attention. You may return to what you were doing.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1268 of 1922: Longs for a grapefruit (erynn-miles) Sat 4 Oct 03 09:23
Eeeee! I'm so jealous. You all look so fabulous. Every picture I see
of Eddie--it looks like he wants to jump out and have sex with
everyone. Intelligent, witty sex. 

Hi and thanks, Jouni!

Dan- that's so fun. Improv groups are wonderful, when people are good
at it. Even when I was hardcore into acting I could never get the hang
of improv. It'd be my turn and I'd clam up, throat all tight, and I'd
start babbling about Ronald Regan or something. Stage shrinkage sucks. 

Mary- I, too, am glad the pinkmobile is safe and sound. 

One of my bestest friends, Emily, is moving to Chicago tomorrow to
further her theater career and work at the Zoo. Yet another reason to
visit Chicago.....not that you really *need* a reason to visit Chicago.

I just thought I'd let you all know--in case you didn't know-- that
squirrels are mischievous and WILL throw nuts at you. We'll just be
sitting on the patio, enjoying the autumn air and Bang! Pegged in the
head with an acorn! I look up and sure enough, two squirrels are
laughing at me. They will continue to throw things at you until you are
forced to go back inside. I swear. This is NOT my imagination! There's
something very strange about squirrels. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1269 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Sat 4 Oct 03 09:35

sorry folks, I'm not really this shy. It's just stage shrinkage. You
know... from the cold. Hey, it happens to everyone!

Maure, nice.. yeah... nicely eeeeviiiiiiillllll
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1270 of 1922: There's something very strange about lemurs... or was that gerbils? (tinymonster) Sat 4 Oct 03 10:28
Ahhh... time to catch up and try not to run over too much old news.

Mary(way back in <1004>) -- Yeah, I confess, I was in Illinois and
didn't look for anyone suspectly unusual.  I was closer to Peoria than
Chicago, though.  (Bushnell, specifically.)

But if you're curious, there's a link to pictures from my trip in
<gratitude.ind.21.98>.  You'd be surprised at what plays in Peoria
these days....

And Mary, this is old, too, but I'm curious nonetheless:  In <1021>,
you mentioned a Len.  Are you still in touch with the Len who used to
post here as <theboojum>?  Or is this a different Len?  (Not Lenny
Bailes, I'm pretty sure, because he's in CA, isn't he?)

Happy belateds for all the birthdays, especially the quarter-century
and round-number ones.  (I got to wish Tara hers in person!  Squee!) 
Congrats for all the new pets, and condolences for all the dead
goldfish.  Sorry to see BillBill go, though I'm glad he pops up here --
and in the Journal -- once in a while.

That was August.  Now Septemmbah....
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1271 of 1922: Do non-actors know about shrinkage? (tinymonster) Sat 4 Oct 03 11:14
(Oh yeah -- Sorry for dead fuzzy noodles and other pets, too.)

Erynn -- It's good to see you back again!  Glad you got moved and
settled into a new job.  And, um, NOBODY has "anything to show for"
their first 25 years.  Unless they're Bill Gates or something.

(Someday I ought to post my favorite essay about birthdays, by a guy
who used to live around here.)

....  Hmm... Neil, you were writing about Duran Duran when you were
25, weren't you?  <eg>

Will -- Did you ever hear from that agent?

Mousey -- I don't suppose you've scanned in your picture from
_Busted!_?  You famous artist, you.  And congrats on the new job!!! 
How's it going so far?

Thanks to all the congrats for Ben and his G.I. Joe consignment.  I
got to see the art in person when I went up there!  Brought back
memories.  Ben has a pretty neat autographed photo from Larry Hama in
his office, too.  They're buds.  <g>

Mimi -- They've relaunched a bunch of toy lines from the 80's, and I
think I bookmarked something about it for you.  Which would mean that
I'll find it two years from now.  :P

(Fiction trivia:  My friend who's writing the Erik story first heard
of Shangri-La from a Jem cartoon.)

Pam -- Congrats on gathering the courage to take that step!  It takes
guts to be willing to free-fall for a while, even though you know it'll
lead to something better eventually.

<And I'm betting he was really asking if they realized that there were
countries other than *Manhattan*.>

My thoughts exactly.

Glen -- Any chance we can see these WitW pics, or are they strictly
hard copies?  (Neil probably looked blurry because he didn't have his
glasses on.)

Congrats to the Unusuals on that great pic with Eddie!  I will have to
check him out if I ever have time.  If he's a brainy type à la Dennis
Miller, chances are I'll like him.  I mean, he works Agamemnon into his
routines... cheez!

Youni!!!  Thanks for the mp3 link.  I tried to download it yesterday
and my app just hung, so I'll have to try it again Monday.

And were you one of the Finnish stalkers?  :)  It sounds like a fun
weekend.  I'm curious as to what you gave him.  (I got him a prezzie,

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1272 of 1922: Dangerously close to being eloquent (tinymonster) Sat 4 Oct 03 12:00
(Belated Davey pseud there... heh heh.)

Dan -- Hubba Hubba!  I want your sunglasses.

Yay for you and your improv group!  (It's so improv, even the cast is
spontaneous!)  Break some hearts tomorrow!

Holley --
> Cute little curl down over the forehead

And when he was good, he was very very good....

I did snag one of those EWs today, BTW, and was very happy to get one.

I don't know if I'll even have an opportunity to wear a Halloween
costume this year.  We are allowed to wear one at work, but wearing one
sitting at my desk doesn't quite do it for me.  I mean, the fun is
having people SEE you in costume, is it not?

If I do see any reason to dress up this year, though, I'll probably do
my Langly costume from a couple of years ago.  It wasn't quite
complete then -- I was between pairs of contact lenses, so I had to
wear my actual glasses instead of the goofy frames I'd bought -- so
it'd be nice to wear the whole thing at least once and still be able to
see.  I have a makeup touch to try, too.

Do you guys remember Langly?  He was the most recognizable Lone Gunman
from _The X-Files_:  the long-haired computer geek.  (It has been
noted that becoming him is "not a stretch" for me.)  I don't sew like
all you talented people, but I usually am quite proud of the costumes I
put together from found and bought objects, and I particularly enjoyed
this one.  I borrowed a long blond wig (I'd need to buy my own this
time, as the previous one has become a bedraggled toy for my friend's
nieces), and as I said, I got a pair of big, black, retro-looking
plastic eyeglass frames at a costume shop.  Then I bought a hooded
sweatjacket in navy blue (couldn't find one with the 70's-style stripes
down the sleeves, drat!), wore it over my Aerosmith T-shirt with jeans
and sneakers, and voilà!  If I'd had a thinner face, the resemblance
would have been uncanny.

Trouble is, everyone thought I was Garth from Wayne's World.  So maybe
I'll use the same costume again and call myself Garth -- double duty
for almost no cost!

Next time I write, I'll probably talk about Book Country.  Later!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1273 of 1922: Neil frightens children (notshakespeare) Sun 5 Oct 03 15:13
Christy, I think the pics look so bad, they aren't worth scanning.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1274 of 1922: Neil pics frighten Glen (tinymonster) Mon 6 Oct 03 08:20
Oh, OK.

I picked up my NYIBC pix yesterday (with CD), so I should have them
online sometime soon.  Haven't gotten a chance to look at them yet,
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1275 of 1922: Oh, yeah... (tinymonster) Mon 6 Oct 03 08:30
All last week I kept forgetting to mention the holiday, so I hope
everyone who observed had an enjoyable, insightful new year!

Sounds as though the book tour is going well.  It's uncanny how many
countries publish Gaiman goodies.  Virtual hand massages and psychic
power bars to Neil (who, I hope, still gets to sleep in tomorrow)!


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