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Here you will find a collection of links to sites scattered all over the Internet, on many different topics. The links are grouped by topic. The topics discussed include children, psychology, computers, astronomy, math, science, arts and music, government and criminology, humor and spoofs, and others. It's really quite an eclectic links collection.

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I tend my links garden from time to time, weeding out dead links and adding new ones, so check in often to see what's new. Have a good journey on the open ocean of The Internet!

Friends' Web Sites

Renfairboy's Flickr Photo Stream   The Flickr photo stream of my friend Michael Drouillard, who is a friend of wolves and other wild lifeforms, and a frequenter of renaissance fairs (hence his AOL screen name "Renfairboy").

DJ Brian K's Site   This is the site of my friend Brian K. Henshaw in Carbondale, PA. Brian's day job may be boring, but by night he's a swinging DJ. Planning a wedding or party in Northeast Pennsylvania? Give DJ Brian K a call.

Victor Alvarez   The Linked-In page of my friend Victor Alvarez. Victor is an INFJ, mathematician, software engineer, and many other things.

The Tolkien Ring

These are web sites of my fellow frequenters of the AIM chat room "jrr tolkien" (private), and members of "The Litter Box" mailing list (by invitation only). (As of January 2003, I am no longer a member of The Litter Box.) If you are a fan of JRR Tolkien and would like to join the group, email a brief letter of self-introduction to one of the members below and ask to join; whether or not they'll let you in is their business.

These web sites are listed in alphabetical order of nickname, followed by real first name. (Last names are withheld, except in cases where they appear in the person's web site.)

Ermiton/Clarksville   The web sites of Enry the ermit & Fenry the gerbster (Micah). Very odd places.


Some Suggestions For Helping Children Cope With Life   A mirror of a page that used to be on the yellowribbon dot org site, on my site. This page describes how to help a child through his/her time of growing up. Useful whether you are a parent, teacher, or other person tending to children.

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program   Learn how to help prevent teenage suicides.

Global March Against Child Labor   Learn about the tragedy of child labor and child slavery around the world, and what you can do to help.

Teen Drug-Abuse Guide For Parents and Educators   Information to help parents and educators prevent, identify, and intervene in cases of teenage drug abuse.


Recall Report   This site provides information on commercial medications, including side effects, recalls, and lawsuits. It also includes alphabetical lists of specific drugs, as well as general information and a latest news section.

Substance Abuse In College   This site discusses substance abuse: signs that you may be trapped in an addictive cycle, how to break out of such cycles, and how to find help. And though the title says "in college", the information is applicable regardless of where you are or what you're doing.


Carl Jung   A biograpy of Dr. Carl Jung (upon who's work MBTI is based), with a description of Dr. Jung's psychological theories.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Simple Model   This is a simple run-down on the "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator", or "MBTI", which is a theory which postulates that there are sixteen basic inborn human personality types. This concept is based on the work of Greek physician Hipocrates (circa 400BC) and Swedish Psychiatrist Carl Jung (circa 1911AD), with additions and extensions by Isabel Myers and her mother Katheryn Briggs (circa 1958). For more information, read Isabel Myers' book, "Gifts Differing", and David Keirsey's book "Please Understand Me II", both available at libraries and bookstores everywhere.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Dynamic Model   This explains MBTI theory in greater depth.

Keirsery Temperment Sorter   An MBTI personality type test.

TypeLogic   Exellent MBTI type profiles, plus information on how types interact.

Socionics   Yet another MBTI spin-off, with an interesting criticism of MBTI's J/P duality and some rather complex exposition on type interactions.

TypeTango   A match-making compatibility program using MBTI concepts, by Vladimir Kornea. (See "Vladimir's Bauble" in the "Humor, Quotes, and Eclectica" section below.)


HTML   The starting point for anyone who is seriously interested in learning Hyper-Text Markup Language. This is the most important page of the web site of The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the people responsible for specifying the standards for World Wide Web publishing.

HTML 4.01   An older version of HTML. (Current version is 5.2)

CSS Level 1   Cascading Styles Sheets, Level 1. The definitive guide to the stylistic language of the world wide web.

CSS Level 2   Cascading Styles Sheets, Level 2. The next step in web style sheets.

Tucows   "TUCOWS" stands for "The Ultimate Collection Of Windows Software", and it is just that. TUCOWS has a great collection of free software for Microsoft Windows versions 3.xx, 9x, 2000, me, NT, XP. This is primarily "Shareware", sold for a price, but you can download 30-day trial evaluation copies in most cases. Some of the software stops working at the end of the 30-day trial period, but some doesn't. Also, one can find cracks to remove the time limits, nags, splashes, and other problems with Shareware. Or, you can pay some money to the author and get a license.

Driver Guide   This site has hard-to-find driver files for various different computer peripherals, especially sound cards and modems. A great place to go if you get your hands on used peripherals with no install disks and no manuals, or if your hard disk crashes and you lose your driver files.

Mozilla Firefox   The world's best and most extensible web browser.


Hubble Space Telescope pics   Take a look at hundreds of breath-taking photos of places all over the Universe made over the years by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Mars Global Surveyor pics   Check out the latest photographs of the surface of Mars, from NASA's spacecraft, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), now in orbit around Mars. MGS carries the Mars Orbital Camera (MOC). The MOC was built by Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS). (NASA and MSSS love acronyms, as you will see if you visit their web sites.) These photographs are spectacular! Explore a distant planet from your own living room! Never before has this been possible. For me, this is a truely religious experience to finaly see the surface of the one planet I have longed to visit all my life. It is a dream come true.

NASA   The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

JPL   The Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Planetary Photojournal   NASA's Planetary Photojournal page. Great photos of planets and moons and asteroids!

MSSS   Malin Space Science Systems. These guys built the Mars Orbital Camera which is onboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.


Online Math Degrees   A site about the best online math degree programs.

Who Hires Math Majors?   Lists top 10 employers of people with mathematics degrees.

Drexel Math Forum   The math forum site of Drexel University. This site contains an extensive on-line mathematics library. It also has links to thousands of math-related web sites, both within the www.mathforum.org domain and elsewere.

Famous Problems in the History of Mathematics   A fascinating collection of some of the greatest problems (both solved and unsolved) in the history of mathematics.

Science and Technology

Amateur Radio   A great hobby you might enjoy.

History Of The Wheel   The history of perhaps the most-fundamental of all machines invented by humans: The Wheel. Contains many links to other sites with further information. (Recommended to me by teacher Rachel Martin and two of her students, Emily and Melissa.)

Cern   The European Laboratory for Particle Physics. One of the world's premier particle physics research facilities. Also one of the originators of The World Wide Web and HTML, and a current member of W3C.

Government and Politics

NSA   The National Security Agency. The NSA specialize in signals intelligence (SIGINT: tapping phone, radio, cable, satellite, and other communications), cryptology (unraveling other countries' secret codes), and Information Security (INFOSEC: the protection of computer data through encryption).

CIA   The Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is responsible for gathering, processing, and disseminating intelligence on national security issues.

FBI   The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Feds. These folk investigate federal crimes such as bank robbery and fleeing across interstate lines to avoid prosecution. If you see someone breaking a federal law, give your nearest FBI Field Office a call.

Humor, Quotes, and Eclectica

Vladimir's Bauble   The web site of Vladimir Kornea. Contains a good collection of humor, poems, quotes, etc.

My Other Sites

My Facebook Page   Facebook is my primary hang-out place on the Internet these days.

My On-line Résumé   I'm always open to career advancement, especially in the computer programming field. Want to hire me to do C, C++, Perl, or Python programming for you? Here you will find a description of my background, experience, and qualifications.

Written Friday September 4, 1998 by Robbie Hatley.

Last updated Friday June 7, 2024.

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