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Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Information
- Join Together Online --National resource center for communities fighting substance abuse. Great source for news clippings related to AOD issues.
- Indiana Prevention Resource Center is a clearinghouse for prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. This is one of the best sites on the web for online information.
- The National Families in Action has an ambitious new web site. It has an "Ask the Experts" section which is an electronic version of Sue Rusche's King Features syndicated newspaper column. You can submit questions and review previously submitted questions and their answers. Another section contains links to four multicultural groups which share a desire to educate parents and kids about drugs.
- The Publishers Group has put up a Drug info for Dare Officers page which includes a wealth of valuable information for anyone interested in drugs of abuse. The page in notable for the inclusion of many photographs of various drugs of abuse, and information on the legal status of various drugs.
- Prevention Primer "The Prevention Primer is an excellent reference tool for prevention practitioners. It incorporates the principles of a public health approach to preventing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in its summaries of issues and strategies. It provides a brief history of prevention efforts and an overview of key topics, issues, principles, and approaches that have proven successful."
- The Northwest Regional Education Laboratory web site contains a variety of information related to their mission of working with schools and communities to improve educational outcomes for children, youth, and adults. Of particular interest is the gopher section devoted to the Western Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities. This gopher hole contains Western Center newsletters, a catalog of successful community-based alcohol and other drug prevention programs a searchable data base of Drug-Free schools publications and a selection of Bonnie Benard's prevention articles. Benard's articles on resiliency are must reading for anyone interested in preventing addictions.
- Project ADAPT is the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Their home page provides a great example of what a college prevention program should look like. The page also includes data on what such a program can accomplish.
- HandsNet is a national, nonprofit network that promotes information sharing,cross-sector collaboration and advocacy among individuals and organizations working on a broad range of public interest issues. HandsNet on the web offers the Internet community a substantive preview of HandsNet's full-featured service on CONNECT. It also features dynamic "Handslinks" connections to select Internet resources of value to human services professionals.
- Physicians for Prevention provides links, fact sheets and abstracts of screening information that will be of use to those interested in successfully dealing with addiction.
- BACCHUS and GAMMA are student organizations for college level peer education and prevention.
- MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving (National Office)
- Elks Drug Awareness Program online resource collection contains a variety of materials related to the Elks program.
- The University of California, Irvine Health Promotion Center web site offers information on corporate and community health promotion strategies, and links to approximately 300 other web sites that provide information on health promotion and disease prevention.
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics ListingSelf Help Information Sources
- Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported housing program for individuals recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Oxford Houses assure an alcohol and drug-free living environment. Every State in the country is required by the Federal Alcohol and Drug Abuse Block Grant to establish a revolving fund to help start houses based on the Oxford House model. This web site provides detailed information about The Oxford House model, information on how to start an Oxford house and a Directory of existing houses.
- Alcoholics Anonymous The Official AA Home page.
- The Living CyberCommittee has done an outstanding job of organizing the internet accessible A.A. materials at A.A. Meetings Online. This is the place to check out A.A. happenings.
- AA Related Literature The Big Book, Pamphlets, etc. This is probably the best source for A.A. publications. This site also contains links to other recovery, self-help sites and some recovery-related FAQS.
- Hypertext AA Big Book
- Recovery is Good For You An AA related site, contains recovery stories. This site also contains instructions for participating in an online, live 12-step meeting. via the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). These meetings are held nearly every night. This site also contains a list of local bulletin boards with self-help themes. This site keeps the most up to date list of self-help resources. This is where we go to find new self-help links.
- Friends of Bill W. Another site which contains information about AA, Overeater's Anonymous and Al-Anon.
- A beginners dictionary of AA terms can be found at the Camel-lot run by Kurtis Karr.
- Recovery Resources (AA, ACoA,CoDA, MA) Gopher site containing recovery related files.
- Sobriety and Recovery Resources. This is a great A.A. resource. We especially like the humor section. You will enjoy this link.
- International Pharmacists Anonymous is a Fellowship of pharmacists in recovery who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others recover from addictive disease.
- The Recovery home pageanother A.A. home page. This one has an ftp section with lots of recovery related files.
- Anonymous Inspiration a site for adult children of alcoholics. Probably the best graphics in the whole addictions field.
- NA World Service Office - The official NA page
- NA Basic Home Page
- Our Primary Purpose ... another NA page
- If you have to go to meetings why not go to one in Aruba. Check out the Aruba Narcotics Anonymoussite for a schedule of meetings. This site also has links to other NA sites and documents.
- Cocaine Anonymous
- Cocaine Anonymous, Ottawa. In addition to local meeting information, this page also contains hot line numbers for the United States, Canada and England
- Marijuana Anonymous Official MA page
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Recovery Links A sophisticated self-help page. This one has great graphics. Contains many links and a Windows version of the Big Book for downloading.
- Recovery Anonymous is an alternative to traditional 12-step self help programs. Visit the page and decide for yourself.
- Scott Ford presents Rule 62 a 12-step oriented site which includes self-tests for alcohol and cocaine addiction, and a nice list of links.
- Transformations provides live support and recovery groups including medical, mental health and 12 Step topics, information and more! This is an innovative site worth exploring if you are looking for self-help or support groups.
- CHALLENGES a monthly magazine for people in recovery or associated with someone in recovery. The web site has sample articles.
- The Phoenix is a self-help oriented e-zine.
- Secular Organizations for Sobriety /Save Our Selves / SOS International Clearinghousean alternative to A.A. without the reliance on a higher power.
- The Secular Organizations for Sobriety , San Francisco chapter
- Recovery Alternatives offers links to a variety of non-A.A. recovery resources.
- Moderation Management
- SMART Recovery
- Christians in Recovery is open to anyone who is interested in recovery in a Christian or Biblical setting. The site contains much new and interesting information relating the Bible and the 12 steps.
- Jews in Recovery from Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies is a web page designed for Jews and their families whose lives have been affected by alcohol and drug abuse and for those who have tried to help. It is sponsored by JACS, a volunteer nonprofit organization of Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically dependent people, and their Significant others. The site offers extensive up-to-date resources for concerns of addiction in the Jewish community.
- SAVE an LDS (Mormon) self-help group.
- Women For Sobriety is a self-help program for women alcoholics.
- Mark L. bills himself as a 12-step comic. Take a look at a few of his observations on his One Liners page.
- More Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Twelve Step Movement is online. With an introduction by Jack Trimpey, A.A. fans should be aware that this book may not be flattering to their cause. We noted line one of chapter one suggests A.A. was founded in 1989 - hope other information is a little more accurate!
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics ListingSelf-Help and Recovery Newsgroups
There are a huge variety of self help and support group newsgroups. John M. Grohol maintains an up to date Support Groups Newsgroup Pointer We have listed the alcohol and other drug newsgroups below:
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics ListingAlcohol and Other Drug Discussion Mailing Lists
The following electronic mailing lists are related to addictions. When you send mail to a mailing list server, it is automatically distributed to everyone subscribing to the list. The lists are described below, together with information on how to subscribe.ADDICT-L
Academic & Scholarly discussion of addiction related topics. An active list (15-30 posts per day) for alcohol/drug addiction discussion. Recovery issues appropriate.
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe ADDICT-L Your Name
The American Psychological Association Division 28, Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse, discussion list. This list serves as an excellent, up to the minute source of information on what is happening in Washington D.C.
To subscribe, send email to
in the body of the message include the following subscribe DIV28 Your Name
This forum has been set up as a closed forum to encourage active discussion among those working professionally or those studying in the fields of mental health/substance dependence/medicine(in a broad context). Note, this forum is closed, if you do not belong to any other InterPsych forum, you will be asked to provide a brief vita. This forum is restricted to professionals working in the substance abuse field.
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe substance-related-disorders your name
APA Division 50 Forum
The APA Division 50 (Addictions) Forum (APADiv50-Forum) has begun to serve an active role in aiding communication between Division members and others interested in addictive behaviors. Issues addressed on the list server range from the status of Project Match to locating addiction treatment resources in another city.
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following:
Subscribe APADiv50-Forum [yourfullname]
The drugabus mailing list is a forum for issues relating to community drug abuse education and the epidemiology and study of drug abuse. It is run by the Office of Substance Abuse Studies at the University of Maryland at Baltimore
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following:subscribe DRUGABUS Your Name
Harm Reduction Discussion
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe harmred firstname lastname
CD - (Controlled Drinking)
The list is a list devoted to discussion of controlled drinking and controlled drug use. It is designed for researchers, clinicians and the lay public..
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: SUBSCRIBE CD yourfirstname yourlastname
A mailing list of INCASE, a professional society of educators dedicated to enhancing the quality of educational programming in alcohol, drug, and other addiction studies.
To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe INCASE your_e-mail_address
MM - (Moderation Management)
The list for a new recovery program and self-help network for people who want to reduce their drinking. The purpose of Moderation Management (MM) is to help people reduce their drinking to a level which no longer causes life problems. This level could be a reduced-drinking goal or total abstinence.
To subscribe, send email to: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU
in the body of the message include the following: SUBSCRIBE MM yourfirstname yourlastname
CD - (Controlled Drinking)
The list is a list devoted to discussion of controlled drinking and controlled drug use. It is designed for researchers, clinicians and the lay public..
To subscribe, send email to: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU
in the body oft he message include the following: SUBSCRIBE CD yourfirstname yourlastname
This list ir for professional discussion of dual diagnosis topics. Membership is reserved for professionals who have an interest in dual/multiple disorders.
To subscribe,
1. Send email to: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe DUALDIAG yourfirstnameyourlastname
2. File attach your resume or CV to an email message to Kathleen Sciacca or alternatively send a hard copy to Kathleen Sciacca, 299 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. 10025. Double Trouble
This mailing list is for people recovering from addictions and other mental illnesses.To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe DOUBLE-TROUBLE Your Name Your E-Mail Address
Problem Gambling
This list will "provide a forum for workers, consumers, and supporters involved in dealing with issues created by problem and compulsive gambling." To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe problem-gambling
Any topic related to making changes in any area of life is permitted. Sample topics include changing habits (e.g., procrastinating), moods (e.g., depression), behaviors (e.g., overeating),thinking patterns (e.g., obsessing), and addictions (e.g., drinking). To subscribe, send email to:
in the body of the message include the following: subscribe SOLUTION Your Name
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Internet and Computer Addictions
People keep asking us about it, so here it is: A Guide to Internet /Computer Addictions. We don't know if this is real, made up or a joke. This may be the realization of Stanton Peele's diseasing in cyberspace or the ultimate bastardization of the term addiction. We do know that some people spend far too much time and money in cyberspace to the detriment of other areas of their lives. Do you have a computer addiction? Take the on line Survey of computer addiction and contribute to our knowledge of this problem.
If you pass the test you may want to check the Center for Online Addiction. This page features an online survey of internet addiction.
Need help for IAD. Go to an online support group, of course.
To subscribe to the internet addiction Support Group Address, send e-mail to:
Subject: (leave blank)
Message:Subscribe i-a-s-g
Ivan Goldberg, MD has written a DSM-like description of IAD diagnostic criteria.
Here is another list of Internet addiction signs and Symptoms
Check Margaret A. Shotton's The Costs and Benefits of 'Computer Addiction'.
See Confessions of an internet addict for one woman's story.
American psychological association put up some information about computer addictions.
Michael Beard has written Addiction to Computers: Virtual Communities and the Individual.
Jason Snell's masters thesis, Turn On, Log In, Drop Out: The social world of the Internet discusses excessive internet use, especially MUDS and IRC.
Ben Blakley, a seventh grader at Bayside Public School wrote a pretty good piece on internet addiction called mouse potatoes
Scott Yanoff wrote a funny but may be too true A Day in the Life of a Computer Addict.
Internet junkies anonymous is a parody of other twelve step groups, I think.
Timothy Leary distinguished between a symbiotic partnership and an addiction in Personal Computers / personal freedom.
Finally, Angus McIntyre gives us You know you're an Internet addict when...
- NIH Clinical Guideline (#18) on Smoking Cessation
- ASH - Action on Smoking and Health is a national nonprofit legal action and educational organization fighting for the rights of nonsmokers against the many problems of smoking. Their web pages are one of the best resources on the net for information about smoking and health. The site contains many documents, news items and a comprehensive set of links.
- The Tobacco BBS contains an impressive amount of information regarding tobacco marketing strategies (some of this will shock you.), health and prevention information, as well as updates on many legal actions involving cigarette manufacturers.
- Get a guided tour through the ins and outs of breaking smoking addiction at The mining company s Quit Smokingsite.
- Also Christine Rowley, who guides the afore mentioned Quit Smoking site for The mining company, is proprietress of the No Smoke Cafe. Lots of help, advice, support, and Java Chat for those who are quitting the weed.
- Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
- Nicotine and Tobacco Network
- QuitNet provides information, interactive tools and support mechanisms to people seeking to stop tobacco use. You owe it to yourself to quit tobacco use. This is a great place to start.
- Arizona Health Sciences Library public health Information Guide: Smoking and Smoking Cessation
- The Stop Smoking Handout from Rice University
- Smoking, Tobacco, and Cancer documents.
- Counseling to prevent tobacco Use is a guideline for health care providers from NIH.
- Tobacco Information.Division 28 of the American Psychological Association has put up a huge collection of pages containing extensive information about the nicotine delivery devices. The pages include an extensive set of Brown & Willamson tobacco corporation documents leaked to the University of California - San Francisco. These pages are a major resource for anyone interested in tobacco.
- INFACT's tobacco industry campaign offers a number of items about tobacco advertising.
- AIRSPACE Non-Smokers' Rights Society of British Columbia
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics ListingAIDS and HIV
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics ListingProfessional Associations
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General Mental Health
- At Health
A well prepared, content filled web site dealing with a wide variety of mental health concerns, including addictions. Dr. John Miller and colleagues have done an excellent job here.
- Internet Mental Health is a major resource which contains detailed information on diagnosis, psychiatric medications, internet resources, and reprints from the Harvard Mental Health Letter.
- A visit to Mental Health InfoSource will be worth your while if you have anything to do with diagnosing, treating or just wanting to understand issues in Mental Health. The site contains articles, columns, classified ads, a professional directory and much more.
- The Mining Company s Mental Health site offers a guided path through many mental health links on the web.
- The Social Worker Networkerprovides information and a huge collection of links particularly relevant to social workers, although the links a valuable to anyone interested in social welfare and public policy issues.
- Practical Psychology Magazine
- Connect with theLinks to psychological Journals site for an up-to-date listing of journals on the web.
- Healthwise: Columbia University will answer any question from sex to nutrition.
- Behavior Therapy
- Mental health brochures The Counseling Center at the University of Illinois has developed many brochures on a variety of concerns to college age students.
- John Krantz has provided an index of psychologically related materials including electronic journals, conference proceedings, other periodicals,software and other resources.
Brief Therapy
This listing of links relating to Stages of Change, Brief Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, etc.i - The University of Houston hosts the Change Assessment research project. Find out about the Stages of Change, Processes of Change, Levels of Change and other results of the work of Carlo DiClemente and colleagues.
- The European brief therapy Association publishes a newsletter which includes articles on the use of solution focused Brief Therapy.
- An extensive reading list on Solution Oriented and Brief Therapy is maintained by Peter Sundman. Cites works by deShazer, Haley, Kim-Berg and other pioneers.
Return to the Web Resources Main Topics Listing

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The Web of Addictions pages Copyright © 1997 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D andDick Dillon. All rights reserved. If you know of additional addictions related sites, drop us a note. We are interested in keeping this page as up-to-date as possible. Lets cross list your addiction site with the Web of Addictions. That way we can maintain the iterative information loop.