
What's New - February 15, 1998

At Health

A well prepared, content filled web site dealing with a wide variety of mental health concerns, including addictions. Dr. John Miller and colleagues have done an excellent job here.

New Prevention Asset

The Arizona Prevention Resource Center is up and running. Visitors to this site will find information on how to access the Center's literature clearinghouse, training expertise, and evaluation services. Also listed are the state Tobacco Link project and anti-gang initiatives. One interesting section is PeopleLinks, which hooks users up with "a cadre of professionals and grassroots advocates who have expertise in alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse prevention and related health issues."

Powerful Drug Database

That's the database that's powerful, not the drugs (at least not all of them!). Visit this site and search for lots of information about virtually any legally produced pharmaceutical you can think of. Comprehensive and accurate - check out the Abuse Potential listing for XANAX for example.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Find out more about this at my (DD) St. Louis/Mining Company Site. Article includes links to EDAP, "Something Fishy" and Cath's List of Links - all sure to be valuable.

Conference Announcement

ADPA announces its annual Women's Issues Conference. See our Conference Page for more information.

For Your Library

A short, but nice list of journals and catalogs on holistic health is found at Health Journeys new site. You can also find a digest of current research on a variety of topics at this location.

Pass it On!

Shari Bauman posted the following message to the ADDICT-L mail list recently. Perhaps some of our readers can help. Hello. I just joined this list. I am a doctoral student and my dissertation topic is the development and validation of an instrument to measure motivation to change in substance abusing adolescents.
My instrument is multi-dimensional (includes scales on problem recongition, self-efficacy for sobriety, social support, life skills, alternative interests, locus of control, and spirituality) and I am hoping that after analysis I will be able to relate the profiles to a typology of motivation such as that of Prochaska, Norcross, and DiClemente.
I am at the point of data collection, and need a large sample (and a diverse one) to do a proper analysis of this pilot version.  If anyone on this list knows of a program or clinician who might be interested in helping me pilot the instrument, please reply to me directly.
Thanks!  I hope to hear from some of you!!!!

New Links

See earlier What's New Pages

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The Web of Addictions pages Copyright © 1998 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D. andDick Dillon. All rights reserved.

If you know of any addictions related news, web developments, announcements or interestingtidbits, drop us a note. We are interested in publishing articles in this section. If you haveinformation about addictions, you would like to share with the net community, send it to us. We,of course, reserve the right to edit all submissions. We would like to see this area develop as aforum for discussion of addictions related topics.