Is Everything I Do an Addiction?
Article by Paul Early, M.D. delves into the issue of cross-addiction in depth. Reprint from Insight Magazine, a publication of Ridgeview Institute.
The details on an upcoming conference titled "Narcotic Use, Addiction and Treatment: Trends of the 1990s and Implications for the New Millennium are now available.
Here's a head's up on the 1998 UCSD Summer Clinical Institute In Addiction Studies. It's scheduled for Aug. 3 - 6 in La Jolla, CA. Workshops and presenters are listed at the site.
Subscribe to the Personality Disorders Mail List from this location. In the words of the list creators it is "an information and support list for people who are diagnosed as having, or consider themselves to have, a personality disorder, or personality disorder "traits". Also welcome are the friends or family of sufferers, and psychologists, therapists or other workers in the caring professions who wish to improve their understanding of these disorders."
Richmond Youth Service is a UK based site developed with kids in mind. It uses a house as metaphor and imagemap. Still under construction, this site bears a look and a bookmark. It is sure to get better as it is completed.
A well-trafficked bulletin board has been founded as a result of the recent PBS Bill Moyers special Close To Home. Join in the discussion.
Latest edition of the street slang list. Now why does "Fifty - one" mean crack cocaine?
Organized by "America's Leading Distillers" The Century Council hopes to impact drunk driving and underage drinking. Controversial? Conflict? You visit and decide.
Crystal Meth Anonymous - Just what the name implies!
Meth in the News - Several articles from Arizona.
PDFA Meth Info - Fact page from Partnership for a Drug Free America.
Built for Speed - An interesting and sort of unexpected article on Meth. Complete with musical accompaniment.
Precursor Chemical Control Strategy - Trying to lick the meth problem by controlling its components.
Methamphetamine Trends - ONDCP paper tracks meth spread through the western U.S.
See earlier What's New Pages
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The Web of Addictions pages Copyright © 1998 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D. and Dick Dillon. All rights reserved.
If you know of any addictions related news, web developments, announcements orinteresting tidbits, drop us a note. We are interested in publishing articles in thissection. If you have information about addictions, you would like to share with the netcommunity, send it to us. We, of course, reserve the right to edit all submissions. Wewould like to see this area develop as a forum for discussion of addictions relatedtopics.