
What's New - August 1, 1998

September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month will be observed September, 1998 to promote the importance and effectiveness of substance abuse treatment. The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment has produced an activity kit to help people organize events and get involved in this promotion. The kit includes media materials and targeted materials for groups such as business leaders, healthcare workers and religious leaders.

Do It Now Foundation

The Do It Now Foundation has been publishing educational materials on drug useand abuse since 1968. Now they have a web site with many of their educational materials online.

Children of Alcoholics Foundation

The Children of Alcoholics Foundation new web site contains information targeted to young and adult children of alcoholics and other substance abusres. The web site also offers materials for professionals who work with children.

Addicted to Nicotine - A National Research Forum

Materials from the conference, Addicted to Nicotine - A National Research Forum are now online on the National Institute on Drug Abuse web site.

Alcohol and Sleep

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) latest Alcohol Alert, Alcohol and Sleep is available on NIAAA's web site.

Web of Addictions Honored

MHN 4-Stars!We recently recieved word that the Web of Addictions was re-reviewed by the Mental Health Net, the largest review guide of mental health, psychology, and psychiatry resources online today. We once again received four stars, their highest rating.

peeleWe are one of the few "conventional" alcohol and drug abuse related web sites recommended and rated by Stanton Peele.

New Links

Counselor Connection
Grant Me The Serenity... offers an extensive list of self-help resources.
National Center for Responsible Gaming
Think and Fight - the first international campaign against drugs
Wirral and West Cheshire Community NHS Trust - Wirral Drug Service

See earlier What's New Pages

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The Web of Addictions pages Copyright © 1998 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D. andDick Dillon. All rights reserved.

If you know of any addictions related news, web developments, announcements or interestingtidbits, drop us a note. We are interested in publishing articles in this section. If you haveinformation about addictions, you would like to share with the net community, send it to us. We,of course, reserve the right to edit all submissions. We would like to see this area develop as aforum for discussion of addictions related topics.