Steve Adelman is a board certified addiction psychiatrist and is also certified by ASAM. His site, "Ask Dr. Steve" is a fine example of how good information can be put on the internet without a great deal of fuss, bells, or whistles. Dr. Steve gives solid tips about drinking, smoking and using other drugs with a minimum of rhetoric or politicization. He also publishes two newsletters Hot Tips and Addiction Monthly which potential subcribers can learn more about at the site. Check out features such as the Question of The Week. Steve - great work!
Norm Reuss, who coauthored a recent text on Solution Focused Therapy with substance abusers, has gone online. His new Step By Step! site offers text from the manual (with Norm's updates), Q and A, and Quick Tips From the Field. Professionals should be sure to drop by here!
For several years Professional Counselor, the magazine, has provided interesting and valuable articles on counseling technique, issues, and concerns to professionals around the world. Now the magazine is online. The Professional Counselor website provides web browsers with the opportunity to read recent articles and to subscribe to the magazine. We hope it isn't long until the entire magazine is online!
A month ago, I reported to you about the new site from The Recovery Connection. You may recall at the time I was concerned about a fee being necessary to continue membership after the advertised "21 day trial". As suspected, the closer I got to the 21st day, the more email I received asking me to pay my dues. The bad news is that the $6.95 per month - although not a princely sum - is more that I would spend for access to the admittedly neat features of the site. The good news, as site founder Joe Woodman reminded me in recent correspondence, is that many features of the Recovery Connection are completely free. It's worth a revisit, and a bookmark if only for the free pieces, and those of you who have the bucks might want to consider a paid membership.
Slate writer Jonathan Rauch reminds everyone in the beginning of his article on health benefits of drinking that "Alcohol, when abused, is vicious, dangerous stuff." That out of the way, he goes on to pen a thought provoking piece on how the positive health benefits of alcohol have been downplayed, purportedly by government agencies and others who are invested in keeping America in the dark. Somewhat strident in places, this is still an article worth reading. You may have to sign up for a free trial membership to view this piece, but it is easy (and is free).
A recent article from the Ethiopian News Service shows that, unfortunately, teen drug use isn't a problem confined to the U.S.
If you know of any addictions related news, web developments, announcements or interestingtidbits, drop us a note. We are interested in publishing articles in this section. If you haveinformation about addictions, you would like to share with the net community, send it to us. We,of course, reserve the right to edit all submissions. We would like to see this area develop as aforum for discussion of addictions related topics.