
What's New - December 1, 1996

New WOA Partner

The National Association for Addiction Sciences, Inc. has joined us as a partner. Our partnersassist us with the costs of maintaining the Web of Addictions. Take a look at their home page which explains theircredentialing system. NAAS information is also accessible via the Help Section of the WOA.

By the way, long time supporter Nutmeg RehabilitationCenter has a new and improved web site, with more information about their innovativetreatment of opiate addiction. Take a look today!


Although this site is not yet complete, it looks like Alcoweb is going to be a fine and useful resource foranyone looking for a variety of information about alcohol and alcoholism. The main page gives you the choice of browsing in French or English, too!

Online Articles about Addiction

A visit to Mental Health InfoSource will be worthyour while if you have anything to do with diagnosing, treating or just wanting to understandissues in Mental Health. We particularly recommend looking at the list of articleson substance abuse, which included such titles as Inhalant Abuse: The Silent Epidemicand Sleep Disturbances with Substances of Abuse and Dependence .

Symposium Schedule Announced

The 23rd Annual Advanced Winter Symposium on Treatment of Addictive Disorders will beheld February 3 - 7, 1997 at the Antlers Doubletree Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO. Topics willinclude Antisocial Personality Disordered Clients, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Cross-Cultural Training, Working with Incarcerated Clients, and much more. As was true last year,there will be a substantial tuition discount for anyone who signs up and mentions seeing this onthe Internet. More Information is available.

Eating Disorders

Sometimes referred to as "process addictions" anorexia and bulimia are serious conditions. I(DD) did some research on this topic last month in order to help a friend who was looking foranswers for a family member. I found some good links and thought I would share them.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry publishes a fact sheet on Teenagers and eatingdisorders

The University of Oxford Student Union presents an extensive article on eating disordersincluding suggestions on how to help a friend with a problem.

Barton Blinder, M.D., has a good site,including the Psyclone Search Engine.

NIMH reprints their pamphlet Eating Disorders at theirwebsite.

There are also several newsgroups to check out, including:

Nicotine Nasal Spray

Did you know there was a new nose spray containing nicotine to help smokers wean themselvesaway from the drug? Take a look at the lowdown on this sucessor to the patch in an article from Medical SciencesBulletin.

If you are interested in more information on smoking cessation, you could take a look at the NIHClinical Guideline (#18) on Smoking Cessation

Brief Therapy

This listing of links relating to Stages of Change, Brief Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, etc.is the beginning of a new focus area for the WOA. Email me other sites you are aware of!
  • The University of Houston hosts the Change Assessment ResearchProject. Find out about the Stages of Change, Processes of Change, Levels of Change andother results of the work of Carlo DiClemente and colleagues.
  • The European BriefTherapy Association publishes a newsletter which includes articles on the use of SolutionFocused Brief Therapy.
  • An extensive reading list on Solution Oriented and Brief Therapy is maintained by Peter Sundman. Cites works bydeShazer, Haley, Kim-Berg and other pioneers.

On a Lighter Note

Mark L. Bills himself as a 12-step comic. Take a look at a few of his observations on his One Liners page. (Includes a linktohis home page!)

New Links

New Links this month include:
  1. Medscap e has a new Mental Health Section. You will need to register with a username andpassword, but registration is free and immediate, so it is little bother.
  2. The Sobriety Education Project offers articles of interest on topics such as Genetics of Alcoholism, Brain Chemistry, and Controlled Drinking .
  3. Scott Ford presents Rule 62 a 12-step oriented site which includes self-tests for alcohol and cocaine addiction, and a nice list oflinks.
  4. Obsessive CompulsiveAnonymous sets up shop on the Web with information, meeting lists, and links.

See earlier What's New Pages

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The Web of Addictions pages Copyright © 1998 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D. andDick Dillon. All rights reserved.

If you know of any addictions related news, web developments, announcements or interestingtidbits, drop us a note. We are interested in publishing articles in this section. If you haveinformation about addictions, you would like to share with the net community, send it to us. We,of course, reserve the right to edit all submissions. We would like to see this area develop as aforum for discussion of addictions related topics.