Swan's Reach POB Dialogs (To expand consensus on the values of the following subjects through submission of informed observations and inquiries):
A3 proposes to concert here in the TS9@ Co-op-3 initiatives serving as a central databank and hub for C3's organizing–using its website to house a reference library of issues, events, meetings, and research findings, as well as hosting informational trainings on the topical matters being organized by associated agents, and also helping interconnect C3's various organizing efforts to [jointly coordinate] and avoid [compromising] duplication of efforts.`In the TS8@ Axis-3 initiative to connect the work of all UCCS and UTW social change agents throughout C3 as a Bridge-building Hub EcoNOLA holds [charettes] to view and discuss documentaries and other informational material to raise awareness of issues and educate SCAs on the intersections of our issues. In the TS3@ Shelter-3 initiative to organize shelter and hostelling resources throughout C3 Cooperation New Orleans and A3 are piloting designs for hosting Visiting UTW Ambassadors and co-housing sites for resident SCAs. Cooperation New orleans is also developing food banking systems for the TS2@ Food-3 initiative. |