Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

Chevil Até description media

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A Network of Alignments and Linkages, called ChAPters, that Map States of UTW in Community Circles and the Efforts of Commonwealth Social Change Agents (CSCA) to Expand Social Commonwealth such that All Life is Revered as Sacred and All Natural Resources are Preserved through Collective Stewardship as The Commons

The principal initiatives of the Maturity 1 campaign for expanding Universal Thriving Wellness (UTW) are Universal Commonwealth and Cohesive Society (UCCS), as a consensus standard of social development­ and a vision of mature civilization–that is mapped across the Ten Sights scope of endeavors; and the Chevil Até network to model ways of developing society in community-asset based, rather than private-capital based, resourcing.
In UCCS the primary role of communities is to provide an enabling environment for thriving development and collective security (ETCS). ChAPters of the Chevil Até Project map the frameworks of UTW developing within communities, and the linkages between social change agents who are organizing to establish ETCS throughout their circles.
ChAPters organize these agents into alliances called Abundance Leagues that convene to avert compromise to any systems of life; and to shift social resourcing over to regenerative community-based currencies in the Solidarity Economy­–by reimagining designs of social functioning and innovating new ones, rather than subsistently struggling with the systemically marginalizing, discriminating, exploiting, and gentrifying  inadequacies of prevailing social conventions.
the Chevil Até Project organizes to:

  • abolish subsistence living within disadvantaging social mores by developing a network of sanctuaries to model thriving wellness for every cohesive distinction of enabled living (UTW);
  •  innovate the ChAPter Source (C-Source) regenerative community asset distribution currencyas a UTW resourcing system within the emerging solidarity economy to insulate the network from systemic marginalization, discrimination, and exploitation; and
  • incubate cooperative anchor and bridging enterprises in co-housing shelters and sanctuaries, food banking, co-education, care giving,  and others, that are conduits into C‑Source

ChAPters and Abundance Leagues

ChAPters of the Chevil Até Project are bioregional mappings of social change efforts and agents that are expanding UTW throughout their circles of influence and identification. Abundance Leagues of the Chevil Até Project are alliances of social change agents organizing to resolve (rather than merely ease) systematically unjust obstacles to UTW.

C1 & A1 C2 & A2 C3 & A3 C4 & A4 C5 & A5 C6 & A6 C7 & A7 C8 & A8 C9 & A9 C10 & A10
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C31 & A31 C32 & A32 C33 &A33 C34 & A34 C35 & A35 C36 & A36 C37 & A37 C38 & A38 C39 & A39 C40 & A40

Sanctuary ChAPters

Sanctuaries of the Chevil Até Project are havens providing immersive environments for escaping conditions of immobilizing distress to awakening to the distinguishing nature and spirit of particular archetypes that populate a ChAPter and their significance to the living experience; and for incubating the thriving conditions that are distinct to these genius.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20
S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30
S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40

Monastery ChAPters

Monasteries of the Chevil Até Project are cloisters of multi-disciplinarians concentrating the life song callings of their genius archetype on multi-dimensional aspects of UTW in a specific category of the Ten Sights.

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M0

In Development