Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion
*Vision: Universal Thriving Wellnes (UTW)
*Scope of Endeavors: The Ten Sights
*Campaign: Maturity 1
*Social Development Formulas: UCCS
*Principal Initiative: the Chevil Até Project
*Solidarity Economics: ChAPter Source
Ecosocialist International, Jackson Convergence - April, 2018
C3 description video
the Chevil Até Project's mapping of UTW & UCCS reconfigurations
for the
Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests bioregion
of North America
Total Land Area (1000 ha): 73,226 Number of Ecoregions: 4 Protection Target: 15% Protection Level: 4
The Southeast Savannas bioregion, located in the Northern America (Nearctic) realm, covers much of the Atlantic seaboard and the Southeast U.S. Savannas & Forests subrealm and contains four ecoregions.
Introduced in the Maturity 1 presentation video, for the prospective allies being invited to concert in the Abundance League of ChAPter Three (A3), are the strategic designs of the Maturity 1 campaign to interconnect the efforts of every organizing circle concentrating on reclaiming the power of influencing their lives at the community level. ChAPters are mappings of the alignments and linkages between Commonwealth Social Change Agents (CSCA) who are organizing their circles to reclaim this capacity, and Abundance Leagues are the coordinating alliances of the CSCAs in these circles. ChAPter Three (C3) is this mapping for thesouthwestern bioregion of the Nearactic ecozone, and A3 is its coordinating alliance your projects are invited to concert in.
The presentation is a first draft intended to storyboard the primary objectives and rationales of Maturity 1's strategy for ascertaining how accurately the intentions of your projects have been understood and adapted into proposals for concerting in A3 and, if you are able to perceive your passions and callings being contributed to by involvement in this organizing. Future undertakings will detail more of this effort's design and intentions.
A transcript with fields for submitting observations and inquiries on inididual segments of the presentation is the "html" link under the P.O.B. form in the sidebar. Enter comments or questions in the relevant field of the form and click any of the "submit" buttons once all fields are filled in. This will prompt an email of your compiled responses to an address I will received them at. A link to a Word 95 Doc version of the form is under the "html" link for those preferring to submit their feedback in this manner.
There is also a link in the sidebar to the event (April 2018 Ecosocialist Convergence in Jackson MS) that the personalities showcased in the presentation (except for Jane McAlevey, David Korten, and Thomas Greco) are referenced from. |