Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project
POB Dialogs (To expand consensus on the values of the following subjects through
submission of informed observations and inquiries):
Expanding Consciousness of _ in the Chevil Até Project's Mapping of UTW for its Western North American Gulf Coast ChAPter (ChAPter Three)
- A3 observes its UTW concert with _ in the -@ category of Ten Sights as 1) expanding consensus on the archetypal and life-serving values of _ through POB dialogs; and 2) educating C3 Commonwealth Social Change Agents (CSCA) in _ needed for being responsible stewards of C3's _. And in the -@ category of Ten Sights as mentoring C3 CSCAs to _ in their endeavors through the _ initiative.
- Catalysts
- Callings of Spirit, Purpose, and Mission
- To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
- Concerting Assets (Resources and assets offered in concert)
- To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
- Concerting Needs (Support your initiatives require to meet immediate needs or reach envisions states of capability)
- To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
A3 proposes to concert here in the TS3@ Permaculture-3 initiative developing a consulting practice in restorative forestry and urban agriculture for C3's environmental SCAs, and in the TS2@ Food-3 initiative providing its site as a model of urban agriculture possibilities for the general C3 population to cultivate on their own. |