Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

POB Dialogs (To expand consensus on the values of the following subjects through submission of informed observations and inquiries):

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The People's Strike
Putting an end to the inept and corrupt forces revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic that put profit before the people and the planet.



Concerting Initiatives:


Mapping the just and equitable systems and formulas of social advancement for mobilizing populations to demand in striking against the forces of disadvantage, disparity, disconnection, and discord in Living Society that are mapped by aligned efforts.

Concerting Proposal:
Abundance League alliances of the Chevil Até Project coordinate bioregional efforts for populations to adopt mature frameworks of living that enable all life to exist cohesively and adaptively across any differences in Universal Thriving Wellness and Well-being or UTW, and to abandon formulas for living that generate disparity and discord of any kind (despite other benefits they may provide).

This agenda is unlikely to be realized through familiar ways societies have previously functioned and requires advancing to radically, and often entirely, different frameworks of operating such as:

·  communal-asset resourcing” in which social development is resourced by common assets of the populace, instead of by privately held capital (money)” that is obsolete in its value to integral; thriving; and life-serving interests because of imperatives that are embedded within its formulas for success (and inherent in its use) to exploit, rather than protect, populations and living resources [1] ;

·  co-creation” in which all archetypal interests of an affected constituency are equitably encompassed in the design of social protocols and initiatives, rather than any representative interest yielding to “compelling or authoritative forms of social influence and activation (such as leadership)” that are under serving in whom, and which sentient characteristics, they actually enable in society;

·   andsocial stewardship” based on distinguishing spirit; capabilities; and callings in life that better ensure social development is guided `at least as much by soulful interests as it is by situational conditions and living struggles, instead of “compulsory labor systems (such as jobs)” that have never had more than a subsistence value (as their design function) to the majority of society’s populace.

The work of Abundance Leagues to reformulate systems of social advancement for collective thriving instead of disparity prolonging competitive prosperity is completed when populated regions everywhere function in collective social accords on adopted patterns of living, and in concert with the biological and environmental systems that are natural to them. These reformulations include developing and establishing new anchor institutions to adequately support efforts of functioning in these formulas…while reconfiguring existing institutions and enterprises as bridges (in their respective industries) from capitalistic formulations of competition over consolidated resources and assets into UTW formulations of universal flourishing interdependence.

In the foregoing context, the Chevil Até Project observes The People’s Strike (PS) as an agent of frontline defense in the prevention of further declines by historically disadvantaged populations (including indigenous peoples on nearly every continent) and all those who have been forcibly expatriated from their native regions (especially those of African descent). Chevil Até, therefore, proposes to concert with PS in compiling the systematic designs of societal functioning for populations to call for when striking against systems of social disadvantage and their disparity outcomes.

the Chevil Até Project observes PS as an agent of:

1.      Frontline defense of populations that have been obstructed from improving their conditions in life and that remain vulnerable to systemic imbalances and injustice

in the Ten Sights living endeavor categories of:

2.     social resourcing (9@) in its sub-category of social activation, and

3.     civics, governance, and law (8@) in it’s thematic framework of “justly serving all [2] ,

and also serving the living interests of:

1.      being confidently supported by the host society in endeavors to fulfill individual and collective potentials in the living experience, and

2.     having reliable access to a commons of resources and opportunities to enable these endeavors.

Chevil Até recognizes these callings to be in concert with UCCS designs to reconfigure the systemic imbalances of:

1.      Social stigmatization and disadvantage that is perpetuated by racism, sexism, ageism, social marginalization, exploitation, and other forms of social disparity and disabling separation.

Abundance League initial designs of concert with PS include the following:

1.      Inviting PS as one of three pilot initiatives of postcapitalist reconfiguration in the Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests (NA25) bioregion as ChAPter 2 of the Chevil Até Project…for which A2 would be the regional Abundance League alliance,

2.    incorporating into PS’s call for a general strike., as a component of its objective vision, implementation of the UCCS anchor institutions and bridging reconfigurations necessary for just transitions from the prevailing subsistence existences that most populations experience over to genuinely equitable and just states of being for all life, and

3.     A2 compiling, as an element of Chevil Até’s bioregional mapping efforts, the systemic designs being developed by social change agents–whom are potential strategic allies in the general strike call–to be considered for certification as UCCS anchors and bridges that are the objective alternatives advocated for through the strike.

A2, therefore, proposes PS for the role of mobilizing agent in its Axis initiative with the objective of mobilizing disadvantaged populations (and those supporting them) to strike against the industries and enterprises that the actors of social misdoings operate within…with demands that these [guilds] of production reformat their systems of operating according to designs endorsed by the populace through coordinated People’s Movement Assemblies conducted throughout Living Society. A2 foresees PS’s benefits in this concert as advancing its efforts to reclaim authority for democratic decision-making on public matters at the grassroots level and developing methods of resourcing these efforts in the emerging Solidarity Economy Network, including ChAPter Source economic currencies as those suited to ChAPter Two (2-Source) and PS affiliated regions are developed.

These are but initial observations that invite your adjustments or additions in considering how concerting in A2 may serve your interests. Please review the Chevil Até Project’s outline for more explanation of the abbreviations and terms used in this summary, and in considering A2’s invitation to help reconfigure the NA25 bioregion and Living Society in postcapitalist formulations of thriving well-being for all.

[1]       …as described in Shoshana Zuboff’s examinations of Surveillance Capitalism

[2]      Reference: