Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

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The Abundance League of ChAPter Two

the Chevil Até Project's Alliance of Commonwealth Social Change Agents (CSCA) Shifting the Systems and Formulas of Social Advancement for the Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests (NA25) Bioregion from those of Disparity Prolonging Competitive Prosperity to those of Collective Thriving

Chevil Até is a network of community linkages and alliances between CSCAs, called ChAPters, that map efforts to expand Universal Thriving Wellness (UTW) throughout their circles.
ChAPters model ways of developing society in community asset based, rather than private capital based, resourcing that is tailored to the distinctions of the ChAPter being mapped. These efforts are organized by Abundance Leagues as the UTW coordinating alliances for each ChAPter.
ChAPter Two (C2) is Chevil Até's mapping of UTW alignments supporting the NA25 bioregion; The Abundance League of ChAPter Two (A2) is the alliance of CSCAs organizing C2's UTW model; and 2-Source is C2's communal asset currency for developing its anchoring and bridging initiatives.

Pending A2 Allies

2C1: The Winborn Clan
2C2-1: Cooperation Jackson
2C2-2: The People's Strike

A2 Initiatives

Axis 2
C.I.R.C.L.E. 2
Co-op 2
Food 2
Life Song 2
Paraculture 2
PArt 2
Permaculture 2
Pool 2
Security 2
Shelter 2
Story 2
Table 2
Ten 2
Well 2