Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project
3C22 Extinction Rebellion NOLA
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Guiding social change agents and the general populace in consensus building on climate justice through climate crisis direct action for the New Orleans area of the Southwestern Bioregion (ChAPter Three or Teraquista) for the Nearctic Ecozone as part of the Chevil Até Project's Network of Social Reconfigurations,
SUBJECT: Meeting Execution Design (MED)
DATE: April/2020
3C22 Procedural Consideration
- What: To the extent desire exists for it, MED introduces considerations for formally streamlining meeting excution and optimising the flow of dialog.
- Disclaimer: The format and length of this correspondence attempts to respect that XRNOLA has established an enabling momentum for its undertakings since its inception and that the impressions expressed here on the groups’ process are absent the familiarity and experience others have amassed in that process–which may, in itself, resolve the considerations I raise.
- Context: Where my attention is drawn in social interaction is more process oriented than outcome oriented. Given this, my impression after a few XRNOLA meetings is that–while demonstrably intent on enabling an inclusive process of working through an agenda of items–there is substantial energy absorbed in determining the next course of action, which appears successful but cumbersomely reached. It occurs to me that the group may favor developing a guiding map for navigating through topic conversations that streamlines meeting excution and optimizes the flow of dialog from data gathering to decision making; and becomes familiar, though not rigid in dictating the dialog process (and therefore compromising the trust and safety within meeting that I perceive is well practiced)
- Format Explanaion: My inclination is toward thoroughness rather than brevity in my communicating desires and so, with a recognition that they begin as simpler elements of potentially complex concepts, many of my thoughts form as expositions to later be expanded on, or connected with related ideas. My inclination in communication is to be accurate, then precise, then coherent, then digestible; and so I ask indulgence of these habits.
- Consideration: The MED consideration recognizes that, for each components dimension of social endeavor, there is science that offers guidance on systematically formulating them to align in ways that both achieve intended outcomes, while also accommodating the scope of distinguishing needs that are introduced by contributing personalities. Especially regarding their distinctive:
- perspectives to be acknowledged;
- expressiveness to become accustomed to;
- processes of understanding to be indulged; and
- stirred passion or zeal to be satisfied.
- MED invites reflection on the presumption that examining the relevant science of an endeavor reveals systematic designs and formulations a group favorably adopts to ensure meeting execution comprehensively satisfies the needs of those involved. Until we all have copious volumes of time to indulge in meetings, i presume we’d prefer them to be as intentional as possible and availing of the science there is for this.
What my studies indicate these examinations should be sensitive to includes:
- Different style preferences for dialoging
- Forms of inclusiveness the group chooses to exercise
- How much process of examination the group settles on as constructive
- My experience of XRNOLA meetings is that significant measures are taken in being inclusive and maintaining focus, and that these investments in balancing meeting intention with respectful procedure may be augmented by formalizing a deliberation format that:
- establishes the matters of issue
- solicits the data needed for making confident decisions
- facilitates thorough attempt at consensus
- defers to established protocols in the event of indecisiveness
- reinforces existing, or introduces, formal and prescribing directive
- concludes discussion with a review of progress made; next steps; and delegated agents on the matter
- and what I sense the group may concur on improving are:
- How dialog might be focused on the above interests
- How conversations are directed to maintain constructive momentum and when preserving such momentum might be ill-advised.
- Options to consider adopting:
- At 5 minutes remaining in the discussion switching from open discussion to having 2 rounds of comments in which statements are either 1) how you would decide to proceed; 2) inquiry on what you remain unclear about and hesitant to decide; 3) pass, in agreeing with the proposed decision being weighed.
- Consider the following adaptation of the “Consensus Fingers” format.
- Endorse the proposed course of action/decision
- Unable to support the decided course of action due to personal disagreement with it or uncertainty of it worthiness but not perceiving a conflict with the groups’ purposes or intentions and unwilling to obstruct the remaining consensus.
- Obstructing the proposed course of action/decision in perceiving a conflict with the groups’ established purposes or intentions or for a personal point of issue you urge considering as a group principle.
- References:
- To The Best of Our Knowledge: That Completely Pointless Meeting Is Entirely Preventable * Web | PDF