Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion

*Vision: Universal Thriving Wellnes (UTW)
*Scope of Endeavors: The Ten Sights
*Campaign: Maturity 1
*Social Development Formulas: UCCS
*Principal Initiative: the Chevil Até Project
*Solidarity Economics: ChAPter Source

Extinction Rebellion
New Orleans

Organizing Populations in Direct Action to Avoid the Collapse of Planetary Climate Systems Due to Human Cause.


Concerting Initiatives:


Guiding social change agents and the general populace in consensus building on climate crisis direct action for the New Orleans area of the Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests (NA25) bioregion (ChAPter Three or Teraquista) for the Nearctic Ecozone as part of the Chevil Até Project's network of postcapitalist social reconfigurations

Concerting Proposal:
In its efforts to avert cataclysmic climate disruption and the social injustices associated with it, The Abundance League of ChAPter Three (A3) observes Extinction Rebellion New Orleans (XR NOLA) as an agent of Direct Action Climate Crisis Activism in the Ten Sights endeavor category of Civics, Governance, and Law and serving the living interests of:

  1. Addressing climate action as a social justice matter
  2. Averting imminent social and climate degradation at the hands of environmental wrongdoing and profiteers;
  3. Preservation/Conservation of living resources, and
  4. Proper environmental stewardship.

These interests are in concert with A3s' efforts to rectify the systemic imbalances of detrimental economic imperitives that drive environmental exploitation and profiteering and produce socio-environmental decline, by reclaiming the authority of eco regions to steward their habitats. A3s' initial designs for concert with XR NOLA involve:

  1. Developing Citizen’s Assemblies that facilitate the dialogs necessary for recognizing and understanding the various pespectives on climate crisis matters related to the New Orleans area of ChAPter Three (C3), and which establish accords throughout the C3 populace on actions to undertake regarding climate justice.

A3 also envisions supplemental designs of its concert with XR Nola as:

  1. Advocacy for appropriate environmental science and technology practices for C3 through the Ten-3 initiative.; and
  2. Interlinking with aligned social change agents on collective efforts through the Synergy-31 series of the Axis-3 initiatives' Synergy-3 program.

A3, therefore, proposes that XR NOLA concert with A3 in developing a Citizen’s Assembly program through XR NOLAs' Regenerative Culture committee, with XR NOLA in the role of convening agent or “host” for these assemblies. A3 foresees XR NOLA’s benefits in this concert as expanding both public awareness of its cause through routinely convened forums, as well as broad accord on its direct actions that airs constrasting ideologies and establishes bridges across them.

These are but initial observations that invite your adjustments, corrections, or additions to them in considering how concerting in A3 may serve your interests. Please review the enclosed material in considering A3’s invitation by participating in its Synergy-31 program series. To the degree the parameters described above and outlined below are acceptable and adopted, we are in concert. Contact us here with any questions.
    1. A3 observes its UTW concert with the _ purposes of Extinction Rebellion New Orleans (XR NOLA) to be in the 8@ category of Ten Sights (TS) as 1) expanding consensus on the archetypal and life-serving values of climate action as a social justice matter through POB dialogs; and 2) educating C3 Commonwealth Social Change Agents (CSCA) in direct climate crisis aversion actions needed for being responsible stewards of C3's resources and habitat.
    1. Catalysts
      1. Callings of Purpose/ Mission
        1. XRNOLA: Averting the preventable catastrophic projections of climate disruption
        2. A3: Reconfiguring the systemic impediments to commonwealth social change efforts
      2. Concerting Needs (Support your initiatives require to meet immediate needs or reach envisions states of capability)
        1. XRNOLA: To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
        2. A3: Acceptance of A3's flanking role of concentrating on systemic social reconfiguration before involvement in frontline direct action
      3. Concerting Assets (Resources and assets offered in concert)
        1. XRNOLA: To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
        2. A3: Chevil Atés' mapping network
    2. Concerting Purpose(s)
      1. XRNOLA: To be obtained in concerting dialogs...
      2. A3: Contributing to, or developing, the allies' efforts to reconfigure the economic systems related to its social change efforts from reliance on centrally controlled money to collectively controlled localized economies and currencies; from decision making hierarchies to consensus processes; and from servitude labor to social stewardships of spirit callings
    3. Concerts (Concerting Initiatives)
      1. Developing C3 Citizen's Assemblies
      2. Participating in the Synergy-3 Program
        1. Presenter in Synergy 31
    1. Group
      1. Abundance League Concert: Synergy 31
    2. Integration
      1. Consideration: Alliance Concert Setting (Integration: New Member Survey)
    3. Regenerative Culture
      1. Proposal: Citizen's Assemblies (Regen: Program Development Designs)
      2. Consideration: Meeting Concerts (Regen: Meeting Protocol Consideration)