Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

3C22 Extinction Rebellion NOLA
Concerting Initiatives:
Reference Links:
Concerting References:
General References

Guiding social change agents and the general populace in consensus building on climate justice through climate crisis direct action for the New Orleans area of the Southwestern Bioregion (ChAPter Three or Teraquista) for the Nearctic Ecozone as part of the Chevil Até Project's Network of Social Reconfigurations,

SUBJECT: Citizens' Assemblies
DATE: April/2020
CATEGORY: 3C22 Concerting Protocol Consideration

  1. Summary
    Developing Citizen’s Assemblies that facilitate the dialogs necessary for recognizing and understanding the various pespectives on climate crisis matters related to the New Orleans area of ChAPter Three (C3), and which establish accords throughout the C3 populace on direct actions and social reconfigurations to undertake regarding climate justice.
    1. -
      1. -
  2. Context of Purpose
    1. Relevance
      1. -
    1. Pespectives
      1. -
  3. Vision
    1. -
  4. Strategies
    1. -
      1. Bringing the Science Facts to the Populace [
        1. -
  5. Methodologies
    1. -
      1. -
        1. -.
  6. Goals/Objectives
    1. -
      1. Benchmarks
        1. -.
  7. References
    1. General References
      1. -
    2. Model References
      1. -
    3. Agent References
      1. -
        1. -
    4. Program References
      1. XR Global References
        1. Documentation
          1. Design Outline
          2. FAQ
          3. Manual
        2. Media
          1. Citizens Assemblies with Linda Doyle (POB Review)
      2. -
        1. -
    5. Other References
      1. Science
        1. Peer Reviewed
          1. -
            • -
        2. [Non Peer Reviewed]
          1. -
        3. -
      2. Media
        1. Broadcast/Podcast
          1. -
            • -