Critical Mass
"We're not blocking traffic... We ARE traffic!"
Spring 2005
Kevin Cole <>, Publisher | On the web since Summer 1995 |
Critical Mass Rides (first Fridays)
meet at Dupont Circle, 6:00 PM
See Map
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World Naked Bike Ride June 11, 2005 |
World Car-Free Days September 13-27, 2005 |
National Bicycle Greenway |
See this PDF flyer for updated information on the G8 protest, July 5 - July 8.
Mason Payne of Greenpeace (USA) writes:
Nadine Bloch and I are organizing a 3-day protest at the White House to coincide with the G8 summit. This event will feature non-stop marathon bike circling of the WH for 72 hours to demand Global Warming action from W at the G8.
We are looking for organizations/groups/individuals to commit to supporting this effort signing up for 2-hour shifts and generally getting the word out.
We should have more info on this on the web [] at some point today or tomorrow, and I plan to bring info to the ride Friday.
Greenpeace DC
(202) 462-1177
(800) 326-0959
Brian writes:
We have changed our email list to one on
We have a new website with its own domain now:
The rides are still taking place at the "North Park Blocks" at 5:30 (leaves at 6:00), but rather than describing the place as "9th & Burnside" we're using "NW Park & Couch" since this better describes the part of the park where people start meeting.
Exciting things have been happening for Portland's CM. We've had regular meetings with the Portland Police to reach comprmises and understanding on some things, and have achieved a ride with less harrassment, more bike officers and fewer in autos / motorcycles, and a much more "feel-good" ride with less tension. This has been largely the result of a few dedicated CM riders willing to go to meetings and print up flyers for riders, etc. If you're interested in all that, there is quite a bit of info on the new website and also on (search on "critical mass").
Join cyclists nationwide in a silent slow-paced ride (max. 12 mph) in honor of those who have been injured or killed while cycling on America's public roadways.
See for details.
From: BobWölfé Jung2 <>
Bike!Bike! - Alternative Bike Shop conference - May 2004 (New Orleans- hosted by PlanB)
BobWölfé Jung2, K.S.C.
Program Coordinator
Recycle Ithaca's
From: Sw. Virato <>
We go riding naked on June 12. PASS THE WORD! See [See also World Naked Bike Ride. — KJC]
Chad Cooper writes:
This is a letter I sent to my local liberal mag.....Chad
Dear Flagpole:
The First Amendment grants the people of the U.S. the freedom of speech and the right to assemble, not to make public nuisances of themselves. Critical Mass, FTAA and IMF protests do more to damage the "cause" than anything I can think of. Now, I am all for civil disobedience, but there is a time and a place. If you really want to make a difference, be conscience of how you spend your money. Support your local food co-op. Buy from local and organic farmers. Ride the bus, bike, or walk to work. Don't vote for war-loving presidents. And know this: The NUMBER ONE WORLD WIDE POLLUTER is the United States Department of Defense which generates 750,000 TONS of toxic waste material annually, more than the five largest chemical companies in the U.S. COMBINED. This pollution occurs globally as the U.S. maintains bases in dozens of countries and takes it upon themselves to use the planet as their personal garbage can. Not only is the military emitting hightly toxic materials directly into the air and water, it's poisoning the land of nearby communities resulting in increased rates of cancer, kidney disease, increasing birth defects, low birth weight, and miscarriage.
So please, if your upset with the way things are, don't waste your time congregating in public, disrupting traffic (and annoying potential sympathizers). Otherwise you might become intimately acquainted with rubber-bullets, tasers, tear gas or police batons. We need the activists healthy and out of jail, spending, voting and living wisely.
Chad Cooper
Site moderator Thomas Woods has written to inform me that Buffalo, NY, Critical Mass has a new web site. The URL is
From toni_i
Last Sunday morning in the centre of Milan, Italy there was the first Critical Mass for Kids. Here some pics:
At the Florence HUB -European social forum- many c-massers from different cities had the rare and precious possibility of meeting those brave Zaragoza (Spain) c-massers inventors of ciclonudismo, i.e.: naked critical mass!
In Florence we did a "Bikes to the People" manifestation a quasi-critical mass to support the anti-war movement. Pics here:
baci e bici
kisses and bikes
"La bicicletta è il veicolo più rapido nella via della delinquenza; perchè la passione del pedale trascina al furto, alla truffa, alla grassazione!"
-Cesare Lombroso-
I received mail over the weekend, informing me that in addition to the Solidarity Ride, the Crit Massers of DC have a new(?) web site. You'll find them at
Amnesty International USA's Just Earth! has become involved with the Stop ExxonMobil Alliance and is encouraging folks to Take Action October 19, 2002.
Hey! Wanna be part of history? I just got a message from Chris Carlsson — considered by many to be the "founder" of the original Critical Mass (though he'll tell you he was just one of several).
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 17:19:33 -0800
From: Chris Carlsson <>
Subj: cm history bookHere we are, still rolling! We just had a nice Nov. 30 CM yesterday, relatively nice between-storm weather, and a jolly crowd of about 350+.
Anyway, I'm soliciting articles and photos from around the world of Critical Mass to be edited together in a 10th anniversary book, to be published in time for the September 2002 ride in San Francisco.
I have two publishers interested, both small and not rich, but willing to go forward with the idea (City Lights Books and AK Press)... who knows, it may even end up being a joint venture.... I don't know what I can offer by way of payment to contributors yet, but I'm sure there'd be some token fee for each article and photo used.
By the way, the CM history URL has changed to:
Chris is also the lead creator of the acclaimed "Shaping San Francisco" ( This is a really cool multi-media social history/urban anthropology project. Be sure to check it out.
From Scott Metzger <>
Just thought I'd let you know about Critical Running Mass (it's a spin-off of Critical Mass, which takes place in San Francisco, CA). Critical Mass and Critical Running Mass have been joining forces in San Francisco since 1997. We're now trying to spread the word and increase numbers dramatically.
You can read about Critical Running Mass at this link:
Two Wheeler <> writes:
Critical Mass Summer Ride 2001 June 4, 2001, 4:30 pm
Meeting spot will be The Cairo Coffee Co. 3009 Paseo Dr.
Ride starts at 4:30 p.m. Please be present by 4:00 More Information can be obtained by contacting Joey Burnheart An Alternative Transportation Event
Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller blades, Scooters, and any other form of alternative modes of transportation are welcome to attend. Maps of ride will be available by contacting us online ( and requesting one or on the day of event.
In order to ensure a positive outcome for the event Safety Gear is recommended. Helmet and other laws are to be obeyed.
Oklahoma City Critical Mass Goals:
Just a little correction from: Randy Ghent, of Car Busters <>
World Car-Free Day was initiated by Car Busters (, not Adbusters. Adbusters jumped onboard later on, after the concept had been dreamt up, the date had been chosen, and the initial organizing had taken place.
From Michael Bluejay
Your headline "Anti-CM Legislation" in the first news item is inaccurate; the proposed bill has nothing to do with Critical Mass. The supposition that the bill is targeted at CM reflects, unfortunately, an arrogance on the part of some CM-ers. While we all want to fight the good fight, there's nothing noble about making imagined claims of persecution. Here's my letter about this issue which was printed in The Javelina.
Re: 1-31-01 article, "Anti-Cycling Bill Would Outlaw Critical Mass"
Dear Editors:
Your subtitling of the above-referenced article as "SB238 Would Outlaw Critical Mass" is curious for several reasons:
- It's not true. The bill would NOT outlaw Critical Mass.
- The bill would require cyclists to wear slow-moving vehicle emblems and to ride single-file. While this may make CM seriously inconvenient, it would not OUTLAW Critical Mass, as you put it. Your attempt to link CM to roads such as FM969 or FM2222 is spurious, to say the least. When has local CM *ever* used these roadways? (The FM portion, not the local portion. Even use of the local portion is extremely rare.)
- Critical Mass is ALREADY against the law, at least the way it's practiced in Austin, with cyclists taking up every single lane on every single roadway, riding as many abreast as they possibly can, and engaging in confrontational behavior with motorists. Given that CM is already illegal, what exactly is the point in (falsely) claiming that a new bill will outlaw it?
- The fact that the subtitle refers to Critical Mass reflects a certain arrogance, as though the implications for Critical Mass are the most important thing about this bill. Far from it. The bill would affect cyclists all over the state whose numbers simply dwarf CM riders. The effect (or lack thereof) of the bill on Critical Mass is insignificant compared to the serious statewide effects on large numbers of cyclists, especially the precedent-setting aspects, which could spread to other states, or simply just set the stage for further eroding cyclists rights in this state.
Michael Bluejay
Forwarded by Bill Stender <> the "RingMaster of Critical Mass Ring".
From: | Saintlouis CriticalMass <> |
Reply-To: | Chicago Critical Mass <> |
Sounds like an anti-CM law. OPPOSE THIS!!
Want to ride in groups of more than three in Texas? The following bill proposes to curtail that, if and when it comes into force on September 1 and therefore has serious implications for organized cycling events in that state. The representatives concerned may be contacted via the following:
By Senator Wentworth - S.B. No. 238
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the safe operation of bicycles on roadways.
- SECTION 1. Section 551.103, Transportation Code, is amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
(c) Persons operating bicycles on a roadway shall ride single file [
may ride two abreast. Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway shall ride in a single lane. Persons riding two abreast may not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway. Persons may not ride more than two abreast unless they are riding on a part of a roadway set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles].(e) Persons operating bicycles in a group of three or more bicyclists may not ride on a farm-to-market or ranch-to-market road that is without improved shoulders.
- SECTION 2. Section 551.104, Transportation Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
(a) A person may not operate a bicycle unless the bicycle is equipped with:
(1) a brake capable of making a braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement;
(2) a slow-moving-vehicle emblem, as defined by Section 547.001, that conforms to the requirements of Section 547.703(a).(d) Subsection (a)(2) does not apply to a person operating a bicycle on a path set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles.
- SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
From: Sasha Reed <>
Moab's critical mass is riding again. We started off with a bang at a Christmas Light Parade with over 40 riders (this is a pretty big deal for a town of 5000). Our next ride will be on Feb 17, 2001. The ride will begin at New City Park @ 4:30, and will end up around 5:00ish at the Chile Pepper Bike Shop for dinner and a big hoe-down. This is part of the Chile Fest Mountain Bike Festival.
Future rides: Beyond that the schedule is a bit sketchy, we are departing from the monthly schedule to take advantage of several events to boost our turnout and exposure. So heres what i know:
2001 CM rides
For historical purposes critical mass began in Moab in Sept 1999 with monthly rides till about March 2000, then interest kinda waned. The pinnacle of our existence was the very first ride with about 65 riders and a few dogs. New Years Eve 1999 and this years X-mas parade were also especially cool.
matt the fuck, moab
See Los Angeles Critical Mass Page for details.
David Bryden, Outreach Coordinator, Jubilee 2000/USA <> send a notice of a Jubilee 2000-oriented Solidarity Ride: the "End the Debt" Cycle - Thursday, May 18.
For more details see "End the Debt"
Dan <> sent an update to the CMT:
The St.Louis Mass meets at Kiener Plaza the last Friday of every month at 5:30PM regardless of weather. The website for Saint Louis Critical Mass is
Check out Melbourne CMass rides the South Eastern Arterial! a special report from Mass-er and "WebMasser" Damon (
Maria <> writes:
"WE are still active. After our winter hiatus we are planning to sttart riding again Friday March 31, 2000. We still meet at church of the Annunnciation , 630 East Ave, Rochester, NY. We are also getting a web site together."
Jeff Mahr <> of the "Urban Cyclist Liberation Front", Atlanta Chapter writes:
A little encouraging update from the heart of the south: one of the reporters for our newspaper, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, interviewed me for an article he is doing on Critical Mass in Atlanta. Its only going to be in an insert magazine ("Atlanta At Play"), but I will take anything we can get. One of the AJC staff photographers is is going to be at today's [Oct 29, 1999] CM ride, I just hope it isn't him and me — because I am pretty sure he ain't on a bike!
News from Jim Nourse <jnourse@WBUR.BU.EDU> Content Producer, "The Connection" at WBUR, 90.9FM:
WBUR, the NPF affiliate station in Boston, will be airing an hour talk show tomorrow on "Bicycle Activism." WBUR also has a live feed (streaming audio) on the Internet. For more information, tune in to
The blurb for tomorrow's show will be posted at approx. 10:00pm EST tonight, and the show will air tomorrow morning at 11:00am EST.
Seth of Pedalers Express <> says that several cities in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Greensboro, Asheville, and Boone, have massed, and that the Chapel Hill/Carrboro ride is still going strong.
Dunno if they're still doing it, but I found out that my old home town had at least one Mass this past spring. According to the Rochester Greens, the ride met at the Church of the Annunciation, 962 East Ave, Friday April 30th 1999 at 5:15 pm.
Pioneer Valley, MA, Chicago, IL and Atlanta, GA have all recently announced web pages. Look for them in the Table of Links at the bottom of this page.
(Side note: Jeff Mahr said Atlanta, GA's inaugural ride on May 28, was a success, despite some fears from the more moderate bike community. No hostilities, possibly even some new recruits. The next ride is a more ambitious, and somewhat longer ride through a busier part of town.
Bernhard Redl wrote to let me know that Vienna, Austria now has a CM web page at:
Tom Trowbridge <> maintains the Santa Fe CM page, and hopes to have their pre-ride newsletters on-line in the near future. The page can be found at:
Rory McMullan writes:
From: InOrbitt International <>
Dear All,
We are organizing a ride across Asia and Europe and if there is enough interest continueing thru America and onto Asia.
The idea is to use bikes and public transport to travel, and the aim is to create media attention for alternative transport (and to have a good time).
It is open for anyone, if you have the time and inclination then you can come on all or any of the ride. I have prepared a schedule and initial route.
The idea is to take Critical Mass values and take them travelling. Every participant has an equal say in how best to do this. I hope that you can help me publisize the trip.
Thank you!
Rory McMullan
Click here for further information on the InOrbitt Tour.
Dermot <> writes:
The dublin cycling campaign has got a new website. Among the usual moans it contains a lot of good news about the changing attitude of the 'authorities' in the few years we have been active. Constant dripping wears a stone.
Keep the faith and thanks for the poster space.
"Dockside SAEPInt2" <> informs CMT that Johannesburg, South Africa has joined the Mass. They launch their first ride TOMORROW! (Saturday, February 27, 1999) See their Press Release for more info.
Pierre Grzybowski <> has provided the Times with a link to their new CM web site:
The following are some CMT news articles that fell through the cracks. My apologies.
Tony Moreno <>
Hello to all! Hopefully you had a pleasant thanksgiving and had plenty of the ol stuffing. Unfortunately, my holiday was cut short a bit by an event that occurred on friday night, which is the reason for this letter.
I was attending a Critical Mass ride for my first time up here in Portland. Critical Mass, for those who don't know, is a loose collection of people that gather together to ride about town. Started six years ago in the bay area, it has spread across the world, with rides organized in places such as Switzerland, Australia, and Brazil. Currently the bay area rides claim numbers in the thousands for their monthly rides. Some join the rides for the statement it makes against pollution and the gridlock that cars create (which biking can alleviate). Others hope to bring attention for motoristst that they are not the only vehicles on the road; for these, the rides commemorate other bicyclists' deaths and injuries. Others feel that it encourages people towards the activity of biking, whether it be for commuting to work, going to the store, or simply recreation.
The bicyclists in Portland met with numerous police cars, along with mounted police and cops on bikes. A total of 18 people were arrested, myself included. Some were physically threatened by the police at the moment of their arrest, while others, such as myself, were arrested as we walked our bikes on the sidewalk. Our bikes were confisticated, and we were then handcuffed, fingerprinted and photographed numerous times, and held in jail for ten hours, some for even longer. We were charged with the misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, as there is a clause that says that if we as a group decide to break traffic laws or hold up traffic with some sort of private, non-peace agenda, we are guilty, even without proof that these laws were committed. There is only the intent that they need.
We are presently facing court hearing dates. my court date, by the way, was given as December 24th.
I hope to go further into details with this, but am now concerned about my impending court date, and the time spent away from my family. right now i'm hoping to get an e-mail campaign in support of Critical Mass, and for biking in general. When our bikes were taken, we were told that they may be held as potential evidence.
Today, Thursday, I was informed that the bikes may now go back to our possession. However, the hours that the office where we need to get our bikes back is open from 10 til 4:30. Not exactly easy when you've got an 8 to 5 job.
I further urge you to write to the addresses below, as the holding of the bikes was a further slap to the face. One is the address for the Mayor of Portland, the second is the Oregonian, Portland's main newspaper, and the others are commissioners, whom I am sure would appreciate e-mails regarding this issue.
Also, forward this on to anyone you feel would be concerned about this issue.
Thank you for your time,
Tony Moreno
Also, if you have any info regarding legal decisions, that'd be great!!!
Mark Motyka <>
Howdy web wheel people, and Happy Holidays!
Here's a poem I wrote to put on holiday cards to pass out to drivers at this month's SF Critical Mass. I plan on printing it landscape on letter stock, 2 columns for the inside of the card. On the front, I think I'll put a graphic of happy cyclists, and a slogan like "Our gift to you is clean air, quieter neighborhoods, and safer streets". On the back, I plan on putting some tips on sharing the road safely. The letter stock then gets folded in half to make a "card".
You're welcome to use the poem if you like. Forward wherever.
Bobby C. Mass <>
Dear CM-Friends all over the world,
Critical New Year!
January 18, 1999 update: Critical Mass Zurich: our site has moved!
Our site moved to:
Our email has also changed: <> has no advertisement, is faster and more userfriendly, as long as you speak French. Thanks to Tim from Stoke-on-Trent for the hint!
For those wondering what happened to the Critical X-Mas '98 Photoproject: I have not found enough pictures to do it. Some pictures of CXM Zurich can be found at You can compare them to pictures made exactly on the other end of the earth, if you going to the Melbourne site:
It's still my dream to see a CM-Site with fotos made at the same month's CM, one foto for each city of the growing global Critical Mass community...
Rory McMullan <> writes:
Taking the lead from the meet in Taipei the second city in Taiwan and the home to Taiwan's thriving bicycle industry, Taichung will hold its first meet on the 24th jan.
The mayor here is a democrat and unlike the capital Taipei where the liberal mayor was voted out. She's one a good radical lady and she is making some good environmental pushes and with a little luck and alot of pursuading we could see some changes to the traffic problems here which are fast approaching the mess one sees in Taipei!
We will meet at the sogo depatment store at 11am on Sunday 24th jan.
Anyone who wants more info should contact Rory on 04 372 9328 or by e mail
The innaugural Critical Mass ride in Taipei, Taiwan is to take place on Saturday November 21st. Riders are to assemble at the main gate to the central campus of Tai Da on the corners of Roosevelt and Hsin Sheng roads at three pm on Saturday. The ride will follow a return route out to the Mucha campus of Zheng Da. For more local information in English call (2) 2553-0668, in Chinese: (2) 2737-4965, or email to <>.
Hop <> writes (via Damon):
The inaugural Tokyo Critical Mass ride was well attended by 35 or so cheering, bell-ringing cyclists. Setting out from Harajuku at 4.30pm "The Mass" wound its way through Shibuya and on to Hibiya Park, finishing around 6pm.
Critical Mass rides take place on the last Friday of every month. Next Ride: 27 November 1998. Meet at 4pm at the waterfall-fountain in Shinjuku Central Park (Shinjuku Chuo Koen) near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office. "The Mass" will set off at 4.30pm and finish about an hour later at the outdoor music auditorium in Hibiya Park.
Photos and future ride details can be found at:
And from Damon <>, Geoff <> and Randy Ghent <> (one of the car busters people in Lyon, France):
The Paris Critical Mass is the first Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. at Place de la Bastille. This is the monument that marks the site of the original rebel street party, in July of 1789, when enraged citizens stormed the prison (the Bastille) freeing prisoners and fueling the Revolution that led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the First Republic.
There are also rollerblading parties (several thousand people) every Friday evening at 10 p.m. departing from Place d'Italie.
[Other reference source:]
This just in via Damon: Tokyo is having their first Critical Mass this Friday, October 30. Go here for details. E-mail contact:
The following announcement comes from Robin Richards <> courtesy of Damon, MASSter of Australian CM websites:
"I have just finished getting the city ordinance for the first Critical Mass in Memphis,TN. We have a lot of people that travel by bike and hardly any car drivers that give a shit. We have, collectively, a million stories and incidents of road-rage being taken out on bikers, thus we decided to take action. Surprisingly, the city was all for it. The date has been set for Friday, October 16 meeting at 4:00 pm and departing for downtown rush hour traffic at 4:30."
St. Louis, Missouri has joined the Mass. The contact person for the St. Louis Mass is James Roseberry, who can be reached by e-mail at <>. "We're just getting started but we make up for in enthusiasm what we may lack in experience!" wrote Mike Murray <>
Janice McKeachern (Critcal Mass, San Marcos, TX) <>, writes:
"The KIND radio station frequency has changed to 103.9. A corporate radio station emerged on our (old) frequency and blew us off the air. The new frequency has more watts so hopefully we are reaching more people about Critical Mass."
Hi gang. Your lowly servant and publisher here. It's been a busy summer for me, and I haven't been keeping up with the updates to the CMT. Among other things, I've been campaigning for two Green Party candidates running for office in Washington, DC.
The July Solidarity Ride brought us a visiting rider from Berlin, Germany. [Check out a more recently updated Berlin site. — KJC] Otto Mayr <> informed the CMT that Berlin has been having CM rides since September '97 and they now have a web site at
There are people occuping condemed houses in Minneapolis, MN to stop a BAD reroute of a highway. On August 28, Critical Mass visited in solidarity. The report "Images of Critical Mass in Minneapolis," comes from both Tom Taylor <> and Jon S. Roesler <>. Thanks, guys.
Susanne Spitzer <> writes:
If you haven't heard, Critical Mass hit Minneapolis last Friday. No web pages yet, but there was a newspaper article at Do a search once you get there. There was something in the Pioneer Press (the St. Paul paper) last Saturday on it. Last Friday was apparently the third or fourth event.
Dermot <> writes:
Dublin calling. The Dublin Cycling Campaign now has a website. We're at or search on webcrawler for "dublin cycling".
There's a lot of positive things happening in Dublin, with the city corporation coming around to the view that cycling is a more efficient use of the limited roadspace and bike lanes going in on most main routes. In fact the new city manager is a dedicated cyclist.
Yours in cycling solidarity,
Damon <> continues to expand his listings of Australian Critical Mass sites. Highly recommended as a central clearinghouse for many if not most Australian Critical Mass pages. Check it out at:
In poking around in the Critical Mass Webwheel I noted that Chicago, IL has a rather large web site up. Check 'em out.
D L Benson <> writes:
We have been having a Critical Mass all winter since November and
there have been no incidents but we need more people. We have a
pirate radio staton here that gets the word out and half of the riders
are deejays on the radio 105.9 103.9 KIND FM (512)
754-0274. We put flyers up on the SWT campus and ride once a month
and sometimes we have a "spontaneous mass". The first ride had
bicycle shop owners, the SWTSU bicycling team, DeeJays and their
friends and pick-me-ups; the total was 16 the first time. The
attendance has dropped off to about eight a ride until May when we had
14. We are continuing to ride and talk about CM on the radio and gain
public awareness. Tune in to 105.9 103.9 KIND at:
for the main CM shows listen to Ultra Girl on Tuesdays 4-6 pm (ct) and the roadrunner show on wednesdays from noon-two (ct)
Geneva, Switzerland will be having their first Critical Mass on May 29, at 6:00 PM, leaving from Pont des Bergues (lle Rousseau). Visit their web site (available in both French and English).
Cristian Grün <> writes that the Critical Mass in (bike city) Winterthur, Switzerland has already taken place for the second time last Friday. CM Winterthur takes place each first Friday every month. For details (in German) have a look at their home page:
Dermot <> informs the Times about the Mass ride in Dublin Ireland. This is co-ordinated by the Dublin Cycling Campaign who meet on the last Thursday of every month at the Central Bank, Dame st. @ 5.30(ish) for a jaunt around the city. It's still a fairly low-key event and every extra pair of wheels is appreciated.
There's no web site as yet so all publicity is welcome, especially so any bikers who may be passing through on holiday over the summer can make a date.
And from Paul Tay <>: Another CM in Tulsa, Oklahoma leaves the second Friday from Barnes Noble Books on 41st and Yale., 5:19 p.m.
Welcome Los Angeles, CA and Canberra, ACT, Australia to the Mass.
Damon <> writes: A rider in Melbourne Critical Mass has just launched a new web page that gives a 'real time' perspective on Critical Mass, A guide to inspire massers both locally and globally. The site has records of Manif Spatial Demonstration, The Critical Mass Sound System, And many other current issues that are being discussed on their local e-mail discussion list. The page can be reached at:
The Critical Mass Times was invited to join The Critical Mass Web Wheel. See the "navigation bar" at the very bottom of this page.
Our numbers jumped to 25 riders last month, for a tour of the waterfront. A slightly chilly but very pleasant evening.
A media release has been sent out to the local press, etc, announcing the DC Solidarity Rides. Read the release at:
Paul Schuster <> tells me that Haifa, Israel bicyclists are having their first ever Critical Mass ride, and hope to reach the 100-rider mark as quickly as the folks in Tel Aviv did. For more information, including time and date check their web page at:
Miranda Edison <> writes in:
There's a new group called TIME'S UP! in NYC having a HUGE bike-related bash at The Hub, 81 East 3rd between 1st & 2nd on Sat., Jan 10 at 9pm. Time's Up! is a direct-action nonprofit environmental group working on many local issues — they support the Hub & its philosophy that bikes are a part of the solution. They promote many events, including the NYC Critical Mass Ride & the Stencil Ride, which makes chalk outlines of those killed by cars. The Hub provides ecofriendly transportation, including pedicabs, electric cars & it also rents/sells bikes & skates. Anyway, if you can let as many folks as possible know about this party, that'd be excellent! It will have fire-jugglers, an olympic-sized trampoline, bindlestiff family circus, 3 live bands, and death-defying stunts, plus a bike-auction! Sliding scale $6-$12...also, if you know of any biker mailing lists you could sent or reccommend, that would be awesome. (While in NYC be sure to check out Blackout Books which also promotes ecofriendly transportation!)
Check out TIMES UP!'s website:
I just received e-mail from Marcos Szeinuk <> of the Tel Aviv Bicycle Association (TABA), announcing their sixth month of Critical Mass rides — the last two of which have topped the 100 rider mark. The full text of his message can be found at <>.
The rides start each last Friday every month 13:00 from Rabin Square at center Tel Aviv.
They have their own web page too: <>, though it is mainly in Hebrew.
james <> writes:
Critical Mass took place for the first time in my homeplace of Tulsa OK... I was unable to be in attendence due to some previously arranged activities, but one who was in attendence conveyed a sense of success today... I believe the number of people in attendence was arround 15 people... If you want to add Tulsa to your list of events, we ride on the first Friday of every month and we meet @ 4:15 @ Java Dave's 15th and Peoria...
The first DC Solidarity Ride was a small but successful gathering of nine riders. Considering that this was the day after Thanksgiving, I don't think anyone was disappointed with the turnout. The weather was surprisingly nice, and the riders were feeling rather festive. One of our more "creative" souls, took to yelling slogans like "Biking makes you hard!" to pedestrians and drivers alike. Each rider was given a blue flag to symbolize the effort to promote cleaner air. (See the Australian Critical Mass Greenhouse Gas Page for further details about the "Blue Flags for Clean Air" idea.) All in all, a happy, silly ride with a higher purpose.
Completely out of the blue, I received unsolicited e-mail from DC Online notifying me that the Critical Mass Times had been chosen as one of Washington, DC's Best web pages. I guess someone actually reads this stuff, eh? (You'll find the Times and other bicycling-related links on their Outdoors/Recreation page.)
Join us November 28, 6:00 PM, Dupont Circle, East side for the Solidarity Ride. Check out the full story at <>.
According to Jonathan Plummer <>, San Antonio, Texas has gotten into the "spirit" of things, and as of Halloween is now a Critical Mass city.
Recent cities to announce their Critical Mass web pages included: Ann Arbor, Michigan, Vancouver, British Columbia and Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Here's a movie that's sure to be a blockbuster hit. The cast and crew are now socliciting for materials. Here's a link to the e-mail I recently received.
I finally got around to putting up old article from Australian Cyclist magazine featuring Sydney's 2nd Critical Mass ride — typos and all.
I just got mail from a CM'er in Flagstaff. They're trying to get some northbound bike routes reestablished, and need to swell their numbers a bit. For further details, read the slightly edited original message here.
Here's an eyewitness account.
USA Today featured a cover story on recent events involving the San Francisco Critical Mass rides. A copy (sans pictures) can be found here. Further info can be found at
The D.C., Maryland and Virginia transportation departments are planning
major additions to the region's road network that will cost several
billion dollars. New highways include the
Inter-County Connector
(Montgomery and Prince George's Counties), Barney Circle "Free" Way
(Anacostia Park, D.C.), the Western Bypass (west of Dulles Airport) and
the Eastern Bypass (along Rt. 301). Meanwhile, the Metrobus system
slashed 20% of its service in March and Metrorail raised its prices again
in June. And no jurisdiction in the area plans to build bike lanes to
encourage citizens to commute via non-polluting bicycles.
Washington — The region's environmental officials warn that this summer's
smog means that citizens will have to change their respiratory habits.
Critical Mass is a show of cycling solidarity, a celebration of the most
energy-efficient transportation mode ever invented, which is non-polluting,
healthy and fun. Skaters, joggers, and hardcore pedestrians are also
The movement started in San Francisco in 1992 (See and has now spread to dozens of cities in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. San Francisco's monthly Critical Mass rides routinely attract as many as 3,000 people!
Critical Mass seeks to liberate our cities from auto-cracy: rule by
the car. Please help us transform Washington into a sustainable
community, with bike lanes, car-free zones, better mass transit and clean
air for all.
Chris Carlsson
c/o GRIP
41 Sutter Street, #1829
San Francisco, CA 94104
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This site has been visited
times since October 5, 1995.
Last modified: May 16, 2001
Kevin "Flatline" Cole <>"Every day, government transportation officials, road construction crews, and local developers are working to make your maps and atlases out of date." — ADC Street Map of the Washington, D.C. Metro Area
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never
— Frederick Douglass
"Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul"
— Edward Abbey