Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion
*Vision: Universal Thriving Wellnes (UTW)
*Scope of Endeavors: The Ten Sights
*Campaign: Maturity 1
*Social Development Formulas: UCCS
*Principal Initiative: the Chevil Até Project
*Solidarity Economics: ChAPter Source
International |
Environmental Justice |
Other |
Interlinking social change efforts that reimagine populations in postcapitalist frameworks of universal thriving coexistence for the NA25 Bioregion (ChAPter Three or Teraquista) of the Nearctic Ecozone as part of the Chevil Até Project's network of UTW and UCCS social reconfiguration mappings.
SUBJECT: CONCERT 3C2-2_4: Environmental Justice Committee
Concerting Initiative(s):
Reference Links:
Concerting References:
General References
DATE: June/2021
Extending from the Maturity-1 agenda of interlinking every social change effort to reimagine the anchoring institutions and bridging development enterprises of living society in UTW narratives and UCCS formulations of social advancement and just transitions, A3 proposes the flanking contributions of its Food-3 initiative to the People's Strike Environmental Justice Committee's (PSEJ) frontline efforts of organizing food sovereignty, and A3's Ten-3 initiative to PSEJ's organizing of a decarbonized economy. By establishing narratives and regional tactics for shifting the function of nutrition systems and carbon producing industries to align with the science community's consensus on ecological principles, and practices that reinforce Earth's bioregional ecosystems, this is a concert of People's Strike and A3 to organize populations in striking against the systemic formulas of ecological damage that result from the activities of people, and interlinking themselves in models of social development and advancement that honor the sacredness and interdependence of all life. A3 proposes to assume the initial role of mapping agent to compile the data, resources, and processes necessary for enabling these innovations.
Concerting Detail:
- Situational Analysis:
- Observations
- Environment is defined as _ and is important to living beings as their _ and...
- Preservation of the environment matters in providing [life sustaining resources, well-being, aesthetic], and other values to all inhabitants of the world, and protection of emvironmental ecosystems is essential to...
- It is verified in reports by _ that essential aspects of environmental function in the world are under avoidable threat of _ by the activities of people and industries that are narrowly concentrated on wealth and convenience exploitations instead of interests common to all life.
- These _ activities are the result of desires for _ enterprises and other ventures created to fulfill those desires; and systemic incentives embedded within the design of these enterprises that are unresponsive regarding the impacts of [their operations].
- This is a state ofenvironmental injustice in the world that responsible accountability, and any potentials of viable futures, requires people to correct in every way that they have, or may establish, influence.
- Recommended Actions
- Principal Intentions:
- Purpose(s):
- Visions:
- Projections:
- Rationales:
- Strategic Designs:
- Strategy:
- C3...
- Other ChAPters...
- Methods:
- A3 Initiatives
- POB (Perils of Being Apathetic and Disengaged) Forum
- Food-3
- Ten-3
- Other Efforts
- Goals/Benchmarks: -
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- Considerations: -:
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- References:
- Natural Resources Defense Council