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Swan's Reach S a t u r n D r a g o n Maturity 1 UCCS the Chevil Até Project

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Entry ID: 1@1a-1
Topic Abstract and Consensus
Topic Discussion
Social Mapping/ and Cohesion Alignments
 CONCEPT                                                                                REFERENCE                                                        OTHER: POB Dialog Form

Subject: David Korten_From Serving Money to Serving Life-A Sacred Story For Our Times

DATE: March 18, 2016

ACTIVITY:-Consensus Building on the Obsolescence to Contemporary Living of the Prevailing Understandings of Meaningfulness and Purpose that Guide Human Populations.

Following the reference data recorded below is a transription of the submitted material separated by sentences and paragraphs in the "Subject/Assertions/Etc." fields which are prefixed with a timecode count indicating where the segment is located in the material.  Reviewers are requested to submit any observations, comments, and questions they have that pertain to a particular line or paragraph segment in the corresponding field (2nd field following each timecoded segment), along with any supporting references in the 3rd field following the timecoded ID Count.


This form is designed for submitting perspectives on the review material to an open discussion on how it serves collective living interests or to suggest an archetypal value for it in the living world.


Discussions on compile submissions are intended to steer civic discussions on them toward consensus for recommending social policies that are as inclusive as possible of all archetypal interests related to the subject matter.

Reference No

POB_1@1a-1 Reference Title From Serving Money to Serving Life-A Sacred Story For Our Times


Alternative Radio radio broadcast Author David Korten

Primary Source(s)

WREK Radio (Georgia Tech U-Atlanta, GA) Volume/Page/Date April 10, 2015

Branch Assignment

- Methodology -

Internal Resources

Swan's Reach/Wing Span:
Sun Paper> sp1.1-1]
External Resources
  • Video: David Korten_From Serving Money to Serving Life-A Sacred Story For Our Times [Pigott Auditorium, Seattle University_April, 22, 2015 (Earth Day)]



A Summary Presentation on the Strategic Designs of the Chevil Até Project's Abundance League for the ChAPter Three Mapping of Thriving Wellness Alignments and Linkages in the Maturity 1 Campaign to Expand Social Consensus on Life Serving Ways of Living that Support the Western Gulf Coast Area of North America
Entry ID: 8@4a-1
Topic Abstract and Consensus
Topic Discussion
Social Mapping/ and Cohesion Alignments

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Subject Assertions/Notions/Etc.
We have a capacity–far beyond that of any species, to choose our future. We each, thereby, hold a commensurate responsibility to do all within our means to bring our species into alignment with Creation’s deep purpose. We’re the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Go forth and let us create a new story and a new future.

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Stories, rather than to merely entertain us, from the beginning of their usage (we believe) have been to convey lessons; societal values; and warnings–very often from particular perspectives.

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Change the narrative and story to reflect an ethical, compassionate, and nurturing world view.

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Pope Francis homely: The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy truly lacking in Human purpose. 

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...he’s saying “money’s not evil. it’s the worship of money that is evil...”. The worship of money is a false god, and we have literally developed an economy around the worship of money.

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Of the issues we’ll cover...all comes down to simple principles in the end...these principles live in the Human heart-they are principles with which we were born...that were well understood by the earliest Humans, so far as we know. You’ll recognize them-you know them-they live in your heart.

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The difficulty is that these simple, self-evident, truths are all, fundamentally, contrary to what we are normally taught through most of our educational system and corporate media.

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Our challenge, in the words of the Earth Charter...”Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life.”

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A critical challenge of our time is to come up with a new sacred story for Humanity. A new story by which we understand at the most fundamental level our origin, the nature and purpose of Creation, and our place within Creation.

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It needs to be a story that draws from all of the sources of Human knowledge and experience. So, from indigenous wisdom, from religious teaching, from scientific understanding and discovery, and our daily experience.

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We have this problem that in contemporary society we have no place-no institutional home for the deep examination of our most fundamental stories [ar_20151004: David Korten - A New Story]> TS inst intends to be this

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We have big changes to navigate - not only a shift from money to life as our defining value, but also from corporate rule to true democracy. Deep change begins with a new vision - a vision grounded in a new story.

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The neglected key to the path ahead to move out of our desperate failure with the environment, social [failures] and our governance failures

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All comes around the story, which is perhaps the least discussed aspect of our current Human tragedy {{the drama represented by the downfall of the Human [experiment]. i do not dispute the phenomenons which we have produced, but the lack of accord and consensus on the overarching experience these serve.}}

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…observation from Thomas Barry - book: The Dream of The Earth> “For people generally, their story of the Universe and the Human role in the Universe is their primary source of intelligibility and value. The deepest crisis experienced by any society are those moments of change when its story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation.” That is our situation.

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When we get our story wrong, we get our future wrong. And we have our story badly wrong

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We Humans are a species of many, many possibilities. When we talk about our Human nature, we define this nature in many different ways.

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To me, the true defining aspect of our Human Nature is our ability to choose our nature in large measure. We can choose to be violent...destructive. We can also choose to be It’s a choice.

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We choose it, collectively, through our choice of common story. but it’s because we have all these possibilities, it is impossible for us to live together unless we find a common story within our group that defines what are our shared values, shared assumptions about the nature of reality, about the proper relationship between Humans, and between Humans and Earth.

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And if we lack an authentic story, we are easily manipulated into a fabricated story.

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Since the beginning of empire, some 5000 years ago, the rulers have known that the foundation of their power depends on shaping the framing story to support and legitimate their rule.

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That’s exactly what we have now. Rule by corporations. And corporations and corporate interests shaping our framing story to support and legitimate their rule.

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The power of story...

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Seattle Council of Churches - Marcus Borg’s defining statement:
...Tell me your image of God, and I will tell you your politics..

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There are two primary images of God in the Christian Bible.

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One is the Anthropomorphic Patriarch, the God created in our image. Sets up a hierarchy of domination-who is closest to that god?

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The other image is the spirit image. The spirit manifests through all Creation-through all being. That image sets up a very different frame for society.-we are all connected, we are all interrelated, we are all part of the same expression. There’s a foundation for democracy.-for true community

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...the power of our stories, and the extent to which, in some ways very simple variations in what, on the surface, are very simple stories, can have profound effect in society.

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Rio Environmental Conference - Indigenous Environmental Leaders

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Noted that mainstream corporate interests were saying “we have to protect mother Nature” but to do so we have to put a price on her...if you put a price on her, the richest buy her.

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We privatize, we commodify, we securitize, (the Wall Street Agenda)

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Indigenous leaders said “No. Earth is our sacred earth mother. She cannot be for sale, no matter how much money we can make off of her. We must absolutely protect and maintain her health and integrity.?

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[Carmin Setine], Chairman, Gross National Happiness Commission-Bhutan: “Time is life” Re "time is money" is just an accounting entry - we’re organizing our lives around accumulating accounting chips - we are destroying life to make money

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...there is intelligent life on Earth, but we still have to prove that we Humans are an intelligent species

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...all relates to the fact that our established stories are partial incomplete and the corporate interests fill the gap with what I call “The sacred money and market story”.

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Elements of the corporate story:
•Time is money
* money is wealth
* making money creates wealth
* making money is the defining purpose of people, business, and the economy
* The rich are obviously Society’s wealth creators and affluent lifestyles are their fair and just reward
* material consumption drives prosperity and is the path to happiness
* poverty is a consequense of laziness
* the Earth belongs to us
* it is our Human nature to be individualistic; competitive; and acquisitive
*and guided by the invisible hand of the free market these beneficial qualities unleash the creative potential off Humanity to grow the economy; create wealth; end poverty; and drive the technological innovation required to eliminate our Human dependence on Nature * the community interest is simply an aggregation of the individual private interests of its individuals
* we, therefore, all do best when we each focus on maximizing our own individual private interests
* corporations are just groups of people working in common cause to create wealth for us all
* they are the engines of wealth creation and entitled to the same rights as any person.

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This is the story we live by - the story we’re taught.

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...every single element of that story is either false or misleading

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Maximizing returns for money absolutely guarantees an ever increasing concentration of wealth, and an ever growing gap between those who control great wealth and those who don’t and are increasingly excluded as those on the top monopolize control of our access to the basic needs of living.

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You control access to our basic needs of living, you totally control the society.

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Why do we accept this story? Part of it is our partial and outdated cosmologies, each of which has a contribution to make to our deeper understanding, but each of which is [<inadequate>]in itself.

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Three basic stories  - Distant Patriarch Story * Grand Machine Story of Science * The story of The Mystical Unity  > Think of each of these in terms of its message about “agency” - The ability to act. The ability to influence. To do. To choose....The nature of our relationships with each other and Nature, and meaning or purpose-the meaning and purpose of Life- of our existence.

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With the Distant Patriarch all agency resides with the patriarch who lives apart. So, if things aren’t going well “here”, the obvious solution is  is to pray to God to fix it.My primary relationship is to him, because the key (the meaning to my life) is to get on his good side to get a good place in the afterlife. So, it’s not about fixing anything “here”. ..example of a woman  of the Rapture tradition who claims to think of her life here on Earth as a short stay over in a cheap motel.–well, you don’t set about to try to  repair the cheap hotel if you’re just staying overnight. This, pretty much, relieves us of responsibility..

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...The Grand Machine story is that the whole of the Universe is like a giant clockworks -maybe there was a god or a clockmaker that set it up and set it in motion-but basically, it’s just a mechanism _winding down to a heat death as its spring unwinds.

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If you take this story literally there is no agency -there may have been agency at the beginning but the rest of it is just playing out-everything is related, but it’s like billiard balls bounding off one another, or the gears in a clock.

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Meaning? There is absolutely no meaning

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Then there’s the Mystical Unity story-that the only true reality is the Mystical Unity-the Spirit. That what we perceive as reality, is only an illusion created in the ego. And that is the cause of our suffering and separation, so, through meditative practice, our goal should be to get rid of the ego, meld into the oneness, and, essentially, get out of all of this pain.

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...their is no particular meaning to existence in that story. The relationships all, sort of, dissolve because it’s all just of an undifferentiated unity. Agency’s kind of irrelevant.

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There we have three stories, each partial, none of which, that I can see, offers  us any true guide to addressing the realities of the failures of Society as we see them. 

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Now, if we begin to put them together however, we see a very interesting synthesis. Religion recognizes there is agency in Creation, there is consciousness, and there is intelligence. It exists in the Universe and is essential to the unfolding of the Universe.

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Then you come to science-well, mechanism and chance-are a part of our material existence. And science gives us the insights-a lens into the deepest structure of reality and creation...It does create a sense of “wonder”.

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Then you come to the Mystical Unity story-Spirit is the ground of all creation. That all creation is a manifestation of Spirit.

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So maybe we put these together. And what I see happening is an emerging new story. Various people are beginning to put it together into a coherent frame. But here’s how I think about it-that the beginning is Spirit. The Spirit that has, in a sense some...well, we reflect some of its characteristics. That at the deepest level we have this Human drive to know, to understand ourselves-to understand our purpose, the meaning of our lives. We long for that knowledge. So, perhaps the Spirit longed for that same knowledge, and how does it know itself-there is nothing else.By becoming, by expressing, by exploring its possibilities. So it burst forth in the cloud of energy particles as science describes it. And these energy particles, over time, find ways to connect, to come together into more complex atoms, then more complex molecules. Then they form massive star systems  and galaxies of which we now know there are billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars in them....but over several billion years these organisms, organizing as a planetary community, working with the deep geological forces of Earth, totally transform the conditions on the surface of this Earth....

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...and, perhaps, in some ways most significant to our time they extracted from the atmosphere  excess carbons and toxins to sequester them deep underground to create the conditions on the surface of the planet essential to the existence of more complex forms of life...we have created an economy that is devoted to taking those toxins and carbons out of their deep sequestration and releasing them back into the environment for what purpose? To suppress and exploit the various dynamics of these natural living systems that are essential to maintaining the conditions for our existence. This is an act of collective suicidal insanity.

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Now, If we begin to get into our consciousness that Earth is a living organism–a community of life that self-organizes to maintain the conditions essential for us to exist, you get a very different perspective on how we might go about organizing our economy.

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You also see in the total pattern of this unfolding creation a consistent [arrow]–always toward greater complexity, greater beauty, greater awareness, and greater possibility. In every being, every organism, whether simple cell or complex human, whether a grain of sand or great mountains, or great galaxies, each is contributing to the continued unfolding of the whole. Each has its place in Creation. 

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That brings us to the question “what is our human place in Creation? Everything that Creation creates, from that perspective, has a purpose. ...Clearly, Earth birthed us to find our role and to participate in this continued creative unfolding.

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One of our most defining characteristics is our reflective consciousness–our ability to reflect back on our own consciousness. And, to choose our nature–to choose our story and, thereby; to choose our future.

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Programming Break

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So, this brings us to the new framing story...This is the story that must replace the “Sacred Money and Market” story-call it the “Sacred Life and Living Earth Story”.

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Time is Life. Real wealth is “living wealth”. Money is just a number, useful as a medium of exchange in well regulated markets. We Humans are living beings-born of and nurtured by living Earth, itself born of a living universe. And that changes everything. Life exists only in community. We are part of nature, not apart from Nature. Earth does not belong to us, we belong to Earth. Our health and prosperity depends on Earth’s health and prosperity. Our human nature calls us to share and care for the benefit of all-increasingly, brain science is showing us that that is what is wired into our brain. Serving the living community that sustains us is essential to community health.0and that service is our source of greatest happiness.

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..Individualistic greed, ruthless competition, and violence against life are indicators of serious psychological and societal dysfunction. They are the characteristics of the psychopath and the sociopath, and yet we set it up as the ideal for economic behavior.

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Poverty, in reality, is most often the consequence of a lack of opportunity.

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The proper purpose of any institution, whether business, government, or civil society, is to support people as contributing, sharing members of a vibrant and prosperous living Earth community.

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Corporations that seek to monopolize resources and decision-making power, in the pursuit of purely financial ends have no place in a healthy society.

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So. if we build from the Sacred Life and Living Earth story we find we have the foundation  to create a living economy that organizes as Life organizes-to maintain and enhance the conditions for life. And thus, the conditions for all life, because we only exist as a community, it is also, of course, the conditions for our own lives.

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Subject Assertions/Notions/Etc.’s not like environmentalism is some “do-gooder” cause. It’s about survival. It’s about discovering  our true nature and our true purpose.

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...not all of the elements of that “living universe” story coming out in science research and philosophy studies and all sorts of different endeavors, even though it doesn’t seem to necessarily all come together yet. But it is emerging.

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The other exciting part is when you realize that all around the World, in communities most everywhere, increasing numbers of people are organizing to bring forth a living economy. They are rebuilding their local economies, They are rebuilding their communities. They are engaging in organic agriculture, or bio-dynamic agriculture...

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...Seattle, the center of the global Living Building movement, which is working to create a whole built environment that works, rather than separating us from one another and separating us from Nature, connects us to one another and Nature in ways that maintain the dynamic generative processes of Earth at every level......Keep the carbon in the ground..

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...We have these calls for racial justice, which is part of rebuilding the equity, equality, into our society, which is absolutely essential to democracy.- You have excluded groups, we have concentrations of power like right now there is no way you can have real democracy. Which we are demonstrating in spades.

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One of the major issues right at the moment is the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which is this massive effort to advance  the regime of corporate rights, which puts corporations beyond the rule of law, and which begins to actually set up rules that prhibit us from doing the things we have to do to create a living economy.

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...we come back to starting point-is the new story- Now, the elements of the story are emerging, but we have to...expression as we live it. an expression and a way that helps us see and share the whole and the vision of possibility of our’s what I’ve discovered. for this _essential task, we have no institutional spaces in modern society devoted to the systematic examination and updating of our deepest framing stories.

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We have universities that have departments that teach the religious story, departments that teach the science story, we have some philosophy, but [never] do they connect. And they generally teach “established” stories-they don’t say “well, wait a minute, is this story up to date? Can we expand it?  Is it evolving> Is it adequate to the needs of our times? Does it truly reflect the breath and depth of our Human knowledge? That’s not happening.

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...the fascinating thing about looking at living systems...particularly interesting when get into understanding  the Human body-which is comprised of literally trillions of individual decision-making living cells, tens of trillions of which are integral to our bodily structure, more tens of trillions of which are the microbes that are also essential to the functioning of the whole....We’re not conscious of those individual cells.

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So tiny, could they be intelligent? And yet our whole existence, our whole function depends on their ability to cooperate together.

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...relies on the process of recognizing  its own individuality and maintaining one’s own distinctive health; and identity; and function, and use that function with an evident awareness of its place in the larger whole and the contribution it makes, and the fact that it is dependent on the larger whole and the larger whole is dependent upon it.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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...part of that is mechanism and chance, but we also have to recognize the role of conscious intelligence and its role in this incredible process of self-organization.

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If we are to behave in that way, that is  a framework of Democracy-of intelligent, caring human beings each making decisions within a larger process of collective decision-making to create and maintain the health of the whole of Society. If we’re going to have real democracy, we’ve got to break out of the grip of corporate rule.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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We need to promote re-distribution; we need to promote cooperative worker ownership; living wages; safety nets; citizenship education; and a radically progressive tax structure.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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In Summary, we are living beings, born of and nurtured by a living Earth, that is itself born of a living universe continuing to unfold toward ever greater complexity; beauty; awareness; and possibility. We are Creation’s most daring experiment in reflective consciousness. We have a capacity, far beyond that of any species, to choose our future. We each, thereby, hold a commensurate responsibility to do all within our means to bring our species into alignment with Creation’s deep purpose. We’re the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Go forth–let us create a new story, and a new future.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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Money seeking corporate robots 0 intentionally chosen terms of understanding the process of change, this is absolutely essential. The financiers-the CEOs of the big corporations-the billionaires, look like they’re actually in charge. They’re not. They work for a system that is beyond even their control. And as long as they serve that system, they are well rewarded {{this appears to me to be what we are training our children to accept in many ways}}. Most of our corporations are publicly traded. The power is in the ownership shares. Those ownership shares are mediated through these Wall Street institutions, in the global casino. That their whole job is to maximize financial returns by whatever financial games they’re able to play.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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And part of understanding Wall Street is increasingly recognizing that only the most minute fraction of what Wall Street actually does produces any value. The whole thrust of Wall Street is creating money out of nothing without the burden of creating anything of value in return and concentrating that in a few hands. And even the billionaires and CEOs can’t, individually, change that. If they all rose up together and said...”this system really sucks...We gotta take this whole thing apart and reorganize it”they could, perhaps, do something. But the individuals are helpless.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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...On the “divestment” thing, this is where there’s a potential intersect. What if all the retirement plans are invested through these Wall Street speculators? The hedge funds, the private equity funds and so forth, they’re simply in the business of exploiting, extracting, whatever they can in order to make money out of nothing.So, it’s a fundamental conflict of responsibility-fiduciary responsibility. so, if i’m a retirement fund manager, is my moral obligation to make as much money as possible for my retirees, or is it to make sure that the money I’m investing is actually benefitting Society in the larger sense? Now, the current culture, and you’ll get this from most financial executives,etc., my moral responsibility is to maximize financial return so we can do good with that money. That’s nonsense.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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Here’s the suggestion-it’s called the Evergreen Direct Investment. What if these retirement funds and the endowment funds got together and said “let’s organize a program where we pool our funds and we go out and do what the private equity funds do. We buy out those corporations. that at least could be making useful products and producing a reliable cash flow return that fits with our payment obligations. Buy them out, create a deal with management that if you’re willing to manage this organization responsibly, for the benefit of workers-for the benefit of Society,...benefit of Nature, and provide us a fair and steady return, you can stay on as managers. If you don’t we’ll replace you. that is then fulfilling their true fiduciary responsibility to Society, and it is potentially the most powerful transformational force I can imagine.

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It’s working from the margins, to use the system’s tools against itself on a very large scale to transform it.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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When we get a little depressed and feel like it’s hopeless...People often ask me “Do you think there’s any possibility we can actually change? My response to that is-if i look at that as an objective academic observer, we haven’t got a chance in Hell of getting out of this. It’s already too late. We’re in too deep. Then I remind myself, if we take that as our assumption, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It becomes absolutely certain-that outcome. And that is an intolerable outcome. It is an unacceptable outcome.So I have to do everything I can, based on the assumption “it’s not too late” - based on the assumption “it is possible to change” - to create a new reality. ... Coming back to the issue of the Story, a thing I’ve learned in my experience is that timing is everything. There is a moment, throughout each of our issues where there is a readiness in Society for deep change and for new conversation. And I’m getting all sorts of signals that this is a time for discussion about the deeper story.

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Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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A new story and action...people everywhere are recognizing that the current system doesn’t work. The old stories make absolutely no sense. If you lay out the Sacred Market and Money story, as I did tonight, everybody gets it, instantly.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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The readiness for this deeper examination–What is the purpose of our lives? Why are we here? What is the nature of our reality? How do we pull together all thee finding at the leading edge of science to make sense of it in a larger way? If there’s ever a moment in Human history for that, it is right now!

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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The power of the entertainment industry is far more persuasive than people readign a book or something.

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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...We spent twenty five years living abroad in Africa, Asian, and Latin America working in development to end poverty, and got a pretty good feel for that. The reason we came home is because we realized that the problems we went to solve over there start here. Our role in spreading around the World the Sacred Money and Market story–creating that image of liter and possibility of consumerism–the idea that economic growth, of any kind, is a path to universal prosperity–(essentially, the Sacred Money and Market story in the guise of economic science).

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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In Asian cultures, this melding of humans into Nature–this connection to the seasons, people working in community in the fields, as their ancestors had for thousands of years–not affluent, not rich, but basically very healthy, strong, deep communities...our real nature and possibilities..

Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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The question is “can we marry modern technology with these deeper beliefs, so that we’re not being ruled by technology or driven by profit, but using the most beneficial aspects of it to create a wholly new civilization that works with Nature, helps Earth heal these systems, that ultimately actually increases the generative capacities of Earth in support of Life, in support of all Life_and that is part of our Human contribution?”...we have to touch the center of possibility in our core. And the more we recognize our true nature, and the unfolding nature of creation, and where we fit into that, the more I have a sense of possibility - and I think the vast majority of Humans are ready to hear that message–but in places that need it nobody is even talking about that message and that’s what we need to encourage.

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Observations and Inquiries (Quoting perspective context, if definable)

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Social Consensus Relevance Matrix


Levels of Human Interrelation










Scope of Human Endeavors

(1@)  Context and Meaning Reflections


(2@)  Wellness Attendings


(3@) Habitat and Environmental Accordances


(4@)  Culture and Identity Observances


(5@) Relationship Alignments


(6@)  Edifications


( 7@)  Value Contemplations


(8@)  Governing Deliberations and Civic Espousals


(9@)  Practice Delivering and Resourcing


(10@)  Scientific and Technological Application


(0@) Previously Unconsiderations



















Stages of Human Developmental Maturity

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