Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

3C7 La Terre Integral/Bioregional Centers
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Guiding social change agents in Permaculture Education and Awakening to The Fullness of Self that Expands Thriving Well Being in Life, and is in Service to Living Associations throughout the New Orleans area of the Southwestern Bioregion (ChAPter Three or Teraquista) for the Nearctic Ecozone as part of the Chevil Até Project's Network of Social Reconfigurations,

SUBJECT: NoBTS-2020-05a-UTW Formulas For Social Change
DATE: April/2020
CATEGORY: Concerting Presentation

This is a draft of a petition to be presented by the Abundance League of C3 at the No BTS (No Bogarting the Talking Stick) sessions hosted by La Terre Integral Center



Concentrating Formulas for Social Change on Resolving, Rather Than Prolonging, Living Struggles

Abbreviations used in this petition

C-Form: Formulas for correcting social imbalances
Concerting: To interrelate and socially engage in the synergy of when ones’ life song feeds into, and extends from, those of others
CS: Concentration System
Life Songs: Soul urges and callings of spirit
SCA: Social Change Agent
T-Form: Formulas for thriving and wellness
•TSiSC: (Pronounced “sisk”) Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion
USSC: Universal Commonwealth and Cohesive Society
UTW: Universal Thriving Wellness

This paper by the Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion (TSiSC)­ is an appeal for social change agents (SCA) to appraise whether the predominant formulas used in social activism to correct systemic imbalances in society are too heavily concentrated on overcoming living struggle; whether to abandon these formulas and concentrate collective efforts on systems of thriving and wellness that expand flourishing for all life; and to reinforce this social development concentration by re-focusing social interrelating on concerting—in which all archetypes of perspective and their representative agendas are honored, rather than dictatorships of any majority wielding overbearing sways over minority interests.

I am chaŋté ocanku tȟéča waglúla-Heart path new worm, which is the title given my initiated spirit during a Lakota vision quest on this very land last winter/some winters ago. If you are now wondering...I am not Lakota, but have been privileged to experience this ritual of awakening to a meaningfulness in life that my spirit, or genius, resonates with (as I shall clarify presently). The name Heart path new worm explains that my soul seeks to fulfill an urge to become familiar with the grass and roots layers of matters from both heartfelt as well as previously unconsidered perspectives–as a free-spirited worm might amid the tree roots and soil, and other living systems such as these two. This is my genius...and by genius I don't mean the colloquial definition of "an intellectual brilliance or exceptional ability" but rather the original meaning of the term as "the attendant spirit present from one's birth, that comprises their innate ability or inclination, and inherent gifts or strengths". To further describe this notion I turn to the Joanna Macy quote on the poster...
"We are here to become our truest selves and honor the song that is to be sung through us."

Every spirit is born with an inherent genius that they awaken and tap into in becoming their fully thriving selves. And, as Macy's quote implies, the more intimate we grow with our attendant spirit and the authentic cravings of the soul each of us finds our truest callings in life that become the Life Songs we choose to devote ourselves to...which, for many, if not most of us, will be more satisfying than any job some of us will have the fortune of obtaining. Therefore, in the interest of fostering the social cohesion among populations that breeds thriving rather than coping states of being, any formulas of social advancement, common or individual, should acknowledge these notions of honoring every soul's genius...and I argue that the systems and formulas, and underlying emphasis, of the current social development frameworks under serve and even impede it.

My life song has become "to systematically ritualize the social observances and practices that bring populations to coexist adaptively and cohesively across all differences" and I founded Swan's Reach–to conduct social cohesion bridge-building at the societal level; and S a t u r n D r a g o n–to do so at the interpersonal levels of living, and eventually merged them into The Ten Sights Institute of Social Cohesion (TSiSC) to synchronize their societal and interpersonal concentrations. Among the purposes TSiSC undertakes is to refocus social development on conceptualizing the states and conditions of living needed for providing all life its thriving reality according to the distinguishing significances that are natural to their genius and life songs, and there is social consensus on which designs and practices of living to preserve in this life-serving sense, or to abandon as obsolete to it. This is the TSiSC conceptualization of Universal Thriving Wellness and Well Being, or UTW and is summarized in this quote adapted from Buckminster Fuller: "For 100% of the living world to function in interdependent concerts of their distinguishing significance as the normal experience of living without disadvantage or misuse of anything or anyone."

This presentation speaks to the current economic system of Capitalism without fixating on anti-capitalism (which I support) but will focus on what is to come after it, and our roles as agents in that conversion. As with the previous systems of Feudalism and Slavery, Capitalism is very much exhibiting their indications of decline and will eventually end-probably in our lifetimes. So then, how often is it that any generation is as poised as the present ones evidently are to willfully influence the ensuing framework of their society? And I insist that among the obligations of a sentient species is to adopt, as rituals of wise living, when accumulated knowledge helps us heed evolution's windows of opportunity...and also avoid unwelcome outcomes of naively overlooking them–or complacently disregarding them, which (in some respects) is to deserve what befalls as a result. In this sense, the question isn't so much "will Capitalism end?" as much as "what is to replace it?"

And this is where the sentient capacity to perceive beyond existing circumstances comes into play. I believe that, in order to advance into more mature states of being it is necessary to visualize them as far beyond incumbent situations of well being or hardship as possible to conceptualizations that have resolved the shortcomings of a previous reality, and indicate the needed steps between the objectionable present to the preferred futures. The benefits of concentrating more on the affirmative rather than negative things in one's experience are well known. Conceptualizations of living Ideals are unfavorably, and even direly, compromised by prematurely formulating them to the constraints and shortcomings of pressing situations such as living struggles, however valid these struggles are.

The two quotes on the Aspirations poster express the most affirming meanings to life that appeal to me. These are the aspirations that I argue social change efforts serving the interests of all life should emphasize and endeavor to realize–and at this window of time are the ones to replace Capitalism as it declines and society shifts into its next iteration of reality. In the consensus of those who've peered beyond the present reality to living possibilities there is convincing reasoning for, these are the life-serving imperatives; principal purpose; role; and processes that should become the social compasses of personal development; social development through normal evolution; and social change through intentional effort in a Post Capitalist world..."that all life function interdependently; responsibly and respectfully...in the significance of their truest being and selves...as the normal course of living".

It is my hypothesis that, for UTW to be realized it will, without question, require continued shifts in social development at the societal level to systems and formulas of "interdependent social maturity" instead of "independently secured prosperity"...and beyond "respectful tolerance and sympathetic cooperation" in how living beings primarily interrelate to "concerting"at all interpersonal levels of social engagement.Concerting is to interrelate and socially engage in the synergy of life song-when what is soulfully fulfilling to us, distinctly, feeds into, and extends from, the same of others.
I propose that these or, indeed, any conceptualizations of mature living possibilities that are universally just; as well as the requisite shifts in social emphasis and practice for realizing them, are not forthcoming through the economics and other social development formulations we're familiar with in the system of Capitalism that concentrate on equations of living struggle rather than those of unbiased thriving for all. And because these systems are too focused on biased struggles that befall us (such as who's struggle is more valid)and not the emerging or yet to be conceived possibilities that require our concentration for them to ever become a reality...living struggles of "getting our projects funded rather than their value to the living experience being subsidize as commonwealth assets; avoiding the loss of what we've worked all our lives to build because of debt or the eminent authority of those with differing interests rather than being assured that justly obtained assets and laurels are secure from unjust seizure or harm; providing for those we care for through systems that are ill-suited to reinforcing care efforts rather than worthy obligations being broadly supported as social entitlements; maintaining our sanity and health when perpetually stressed to meet expectations favorable to a narrow few of the living population rather than being loyally assisted in the manners of well ness that are distinct to us...new, and especially radically new, formulations need to be developed. And this is what the commonwealth social change efforts of TSiSC intend...the resetting of any off-calibrated social systems, as we would any off course vessels being reset on proper bearings.

Accumulated wisdom helps us understand that formulations of social development in the prevailing system of Capitalism "target social segments as isolated populations" rather than "all life as an interconnected system"; and "what is possible in the primary economic model" rather than "what is possible but requires a different economic model."

TSiSC observes that there are different realities of living struggle in those of privileged populations and disadvantaged populations, as well as in the disproportionate ways differing lifestyles are accommodated in society, and in other ways. In many of these circumstances we acknowledge that correction formulas (those used in social development to correct social imbalances and injustices) are important in facing the urgent vulnerabilities that directly threaten populations. These social change formulas; however, are too often absent the conceptualizations and equations necessary to untether living struggles from the very systems that prolong, rather than resolve, the problem struggles–such as hardships provoked by concentrating resources; opportunities; wealth; and power to the advantage of a disproportionate few in the society­. TSISC refers to the systemic instigators and fomenters of such social imbalances as Concentration Systems and Formulas (CSFs)–which include commercialization and privatization of the Commons through capital resourcing and markets rather than collective resourcing of common needs through solidarity economics and communal asset currencies; competition rather than cooperation; and delegated hierarchies of decision making rather than just consensus, as examples.TSISC appraises these formulas as inadequate to serving contemporary social development needs and advises abandoning these systems, as well as any correction formulas that prolong them, where it is proven or demonstrated that these systems and formulas are uncorrectable; too under serving; or obsolete to stewarding the collective interests of all life and living systems–which TSISC asserts should be the principal intention, and role of social development and social change.Therefore, and so that what to live for is framed and guided by compasses of thriving cohesion and archetypes of fulfilled living rather than those of subsistence coping (which living struggles have more often achieved over their histories), and also so that all lives are afforded every resource and opportunity necessary for maturing in their social experience at any level of social enablement, TSISC proposes the social reconfigurations of:

  1. Refocusing the frameworks; designs; and efforts of social change, at the societal levels of social development, on systems and formulations of thriving wellness instead of living struggle—while continuing efforts of overcoming living struggles in appropriate tactical situations rather than as ends in themselves; and
  2. Concentrating the formulas of social interrelating, in the interpersonal disciplines of social change, on concerting in the callings of purpose that express archetypal interests and which are evoked by the distinctions of spirit each soul awakens and taps into in maturing as their fullest authentic significance to the living experience—and rising to the challenges of lived experience as touchstones in the personal maturing process rather than as a principal concentration of interrelating.

TSISC is aware of no convincing evidence these potentials are possible, to the degrees necessary for realizing UTW, through any innately imbalanced CSFs such as monetary resourcing (money); wage labor (employment); exchange architectures (trade); dictatorship of the majority; and delegated civic policy making (representative politics). TSISC asserts, unless provided with greater wisdom and convincing evidence supporting it, that preemptive survival over time and the interest of persevering as an ecologically responsible species have signaled the need for formulating transitions away from these CSFs that populations have grown too familiar with and intimately reliant upon. While TSISC observes that abandoning CSFs too abruptly is neither wise nor can be reasonably expected at a societal scale (because of social behaviors that can be anticipated when instigated by abrupt changes), escalating situations of environmental and social collapse that populations continue to face insist that the proposed shifts are necessary prerequisites to reaching just and thriving living possibilities.

TSISC advocates that these shifts can effectively occur by conceptualizing UTW systems; incubating them as anchors in new and re-imagined formulas of functioning society (which we refer to as dragon shires); and reconfiguring existing institutions and enterprises of CSFs as bridges from their present functional intentions over to UTW purposes.
In summary, TSISC is proposing that there are more convincing and desirable pathways to ideals of living through the reformulation of social development away from struggles with the limitations of the prevailing CSFs, and to instead concentrate on conceptualizing and developing the systems of thriving and wellness that are successfully in use and being demonstrated throughout our world; are emerging into reality as they are innovated by communities and social movements across the spectrum from radical to moderate to conservative; and which may not yet exist and; therefore, require those of us able to conceptualize and develop them to become agents of there emergence into reality. And also shifting the principal focus of social interrelating from CSFs struggles over to concerts of the distinguishing social interests and archetypes that inspirit SCAs.

In refocusing social development on UTW, TSiSC uses a 5 part appraisal of social development systems and formulas to expand consensus among SCAs and their populations on which ways of living 1) to preserve as demonstrably contributing to thriving wellness states of being; 2) to incubate as they emerge into observable or experiential reality as anchors in UTW; 3) to innovate as needed to fill gaps in the scope of conceptualized UTW and UTW organizing; 4) to reformulate as bridges to UTW from existing CSF institutions, enterprises, ventures, and projects able to be reconfigured, and 5) to abandon as demonstrating or proven to be too under serving or obsolete to UTW. This "preserve, incubate, innovate, reformulate, or abandon" appraisal is the PIIRA (pee ear a) correction formulas.
TSiSC asserts that it is necessary to recalibrate living praxis to a UTW compass, and is developing the alternatives to CSFs as a standard of PIIRA social development reformulations compiled and cataloged as the Universal Commonwealth and Cohesive Society social development formulas or UCCS.

TSiSC is developing the Synergy-3 process to synergize the efforts SCAs champion and embody, and to formalize the linkages among them by establishing thorough consensus on A) what they are building together, and B) how decisions are to be made in their collective efforts. And once these accords are established, incubating their collective projects; enterprises; and ventures as the anchoring configurations and bridging reconfigurations they confirm as genuine life-serving institutions and advancements of UTW, rather than coping situations that prolong handicaps to UTW (Example: reformulating the primary sourcing of food from reliance on consumption formula systems such as grocery stores over to communal needs resourcing systems such as collective buying coordinated throughout communities). The Synergy-3 process is outlined in Synergy 31, the initial Synergy-3 series planned to commence in May/June 2020 for the Southwestern bioregion of the Neararctic ecozone.

TSISC invites your alliance in these and other initiatives to incubate the anchoring and bridging systemic reformulations and reconfigurations needed to organize C3 into the Teraquista dragonshire.

As demonstrated throughout history, these dragon shires of social possibility will not be realized if we continue attempting to fit them in to already overly congested living schedules as afterthoughts to "getting by in the prevailing CSFs of monetized social resourcing, servitude employment, and hierarchic decision making", which TSiSC observes as "a subsistence coping state of being" and refers to it as "subsistence acquiescence". We need to innovate the correction formulas necessary for enabling dragon shires as a focus of our life songs and enterprises.

In the interests of realizing universal states of being in which the majority and ultimately all, of the populated world exist in thriving potentials instead of perpetual acquiescence to subsistence coping, the day to day living for CSCAs must convert from fitting our social change efforts in after meeting our obligations to the CSFs of subsistence acquiescence over to shifting away from reliance on CSFs (at whatever pace avoids falling behind in our social condition) and channelling all other social endeavor into PIIRA appraisals of UCCS, UTW, and dragonshire alignment.

In nearing my 7th decade of living, and assuming an observation of my role as Elder Sage in the Mountain Cave of achievements and privileges that my efforts in life have afforded me, rather than the colloquial one of a complacent modernity, i'm here to ensure that the generations coming behind those of us stewarding the pathways to your futures avoid this gradual demise that my spirit's vibrancy is being assailed by-though I assure you, it remains unsubdued.
In this role I assert that you are here to bring the distinguishing dynamics of your genius to the PIIRA appraisal of every dimension of living your life songs come to focus on. To assert the snowflakes of your distinguishing genius and to concert with others in your life song synergies as CSCAs to manifest the UCCS conceptualization of anchors and bridges for the Terraquista dragonshire.

I invite your wisdom on these understandings.