Swan's Reach
S a t u r n D r a g o n
Maturity 1
Ten Sights
the Chevil Até Project

Table 3
The Genius Spirit and Life Song Calling Stewardship of ChAPter Three
A community of social change agents supportively synergizing and mastering their genius spirit and callings through routine studies, practices, and rituals

we who are awakened thus invite you to our concerts, those our souls exemplify
to bear our genius and reverberate our life songs, to hold the tones that have us come alive
we who gather more to be our spirits, more our passions; callings; vision; promise; cause
than in perceptions; throws of need; or woes of want, choose futures born of what we are as stardust gods
let us compose what is a truth of what to live for
by coming full into the beings all should know
that as the snowflake of phenomenon we holy
can bring to whole what of this time may yet become
those of kindled soul, whom grace our halls
of quickened voice, dispatching anthems wise
of yearnings this, through verses long and boldly scribed
have concert here - their genius born, their life songs called

Concept References:

  • P.O.B. Consensus Dialog

Concerting Allies:

  • -

Pending Allies:

Strategic Outline

      • In UTW the proper purpose of any humansocial institution, rather business; government; or civil society, is to support peopleliving beings as authentically productive, naturally contributing, distinctly sharing members of a vibrantly maintained, prosperous, living Earth community–A living community creating the conditions essential to its own existence. [ref link]
      • In self exploration and discovery, a process for informed, guided, and evaluated mentoring and peer coaching .should; therefore, be institutional in UTW organizing.
      • In Buddhism, "sangha" is a community of those in like practitice. This observance is adapted in Mat-1 as "CirfhsangCirclesangh (circle song)" and Table 3 is A3's circle of CSCAs in the circlesangh practice of mastering integral living by modeling social designs and activities that meet our consensus of life-serving ideals. We gather, therefore, in our understandings of:

        • the purposes of life we observe,
        • the callings our spirits ache to fulfill such that voids in our souls develop if we are not,
        • the distinctions and significance that ignite these yearnings,
        • the community we envision supporting us in our callings; the ways it accomplishes this; and our roles and contributions to its functionality and model, and
        • how to avoid dishonoring the possibilities that our connections signal,

        to then map and synchronize our linkages in the following catalysts of social and soulful alignment:

        • Genius Spirit (the resident spirit composed of the cohering elements of perspective; orientation; interest and passion; talents; and capabilities that souls represent as their snowflakes of distinction),
        • Genius Significance (the archetypal roles in the fabric of Life indicated by a soul's distinctiveness),
        • Life Song (the callings of purpose in Life a soul's genius–rather than skill­–excites as a life's work),
        • Concerting Designs (alliances modeling the archetypal roles of complementary life songs),
        • Thriving Conditions and Enabling States (supporting and ideal situations for developing into authentic self), and
        • Assets (the perspectives one's genius adds to social inclusiveness, and the resources they contribute to endeavors they're involved in).
      • -
      • Table 3 invites those who assess the prevailing systems of social development as under serving efforts to cultivate thriving lives to join in re-organizing our communities to enable life songs, as we abandon conventions proving obsolete to serving these callings by innovating social resourcing currencies that bridge from capital-based models over to community asset distribution models.
  3. Conclusions
  4. References