Throughout each ChAPter of the Chevil Até Project, _s are the initiative component that _ states of collective wellness and thriving for the ChAPter across the Ten Sights scope of living endeavors, and _ for CSCAs in their organizing. _s ensure each ChAPter's _. ChAPter Three (C3) is Chevil Até's mapping of UTW in the Western Gulf Coast region of North America (Greater New Orleans and Lower Mississippi), and The Abundance League of ChAPter Three (A3) is C3's UTW organizing alliance in which you are invited to concert.
Contexts and Perspective
In UTW the proper purpose of any humansocial institution, rather business; government; or civil society, is to support peopleliving beings as authentically productive, naturally contributing, distinctly sharing members of a vibrantly maintained, prosperous, living Earth community–A living community creating the conditions essential to its own existence. [ref link]
A process for...should; therefore, be institutional in UTW organizing..
Distinct mappings of alignments and linkages between CSCA that interconnect them in stewarding natural systems of life and fostering UTW as the state of mature coexistence in our world
The regenerative and distributive communal asset currency of the Chevil Até Project that anchors newly developing institutions in the Solidarity Economy [ref link] and bridges previously existing institutions into it.