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much more information about Bob Brozman, check out his web site at!
Redefining musical diversity worldwide, Bob Brozman is an exceptionally
rare artist whose wit, energy, and musical technique combine powerfully
to create an unforgettable live performance. A master of slide, fingerstyle,
and percussive guitar, Bobs exhilarating show spans the global and
musical spectrum, and keeps audiences enthralled, begging for more of
his endearing, infectious energy.
Bobs familiarity with diverse world music cultures produces a novel
blending of rhythmic and timbral influences, unparalleled in todays
musical environment. His rhythmic dexterity resonates with elements of
blues, jazz, Gypsy swing, calypso, sega, and even the most modern hip-hop
and ska beats. Likewise, his chords and harmonies articulate an acute
blend of timbres from Hawaiian, Indian, African, Japanese/ Okinawan, Caribbean,
and American roots blues. His fingerwork has been described in world press
as uniquely staggering, yet full of humor. Bob has a collection of hand-tricks
that make audiences look for electronic effects that in fact dont
exist: his show is the clean product of acoustic genius.
A lifelong study of ethnomusicology and the global migration of musical
styles ensures Bobs committed attention and respect to each of the
cultures in his repertoire. He casually shares historical facts with his
audience, and charms them with his ability to integrate the local language
into his show. Ja som hudobnik blasnivu ako byk in Slovak,
Je suis un artiste trop sensible in French, Der schadenfreude
von der kase mit schinken in German, Moi le content a zouer
po zot in Reunionnaise Creole, Watashi no kotoba chisai na,
demo watashi wa kokoro oki na in Japanese, Mina soitan bluesia
satana in Finnish Bobs disarming talent for humor and
rapport invariably adds spice to his already well-seasoned repertoire
of music.
Undoubtedly, however, Bobs preferred language is music which
he speaks fluently, around the world. His most recent projects have rendered
him a true player in the world music scene. In the past year alone, he
collaborated on stage and in the studio with over four dozen artists in
more than 13 different countries. At the 1999 Festival dÉté
in Quebec, for example, Bob assembled an international troupe that included
Debashish & Subashish Bhattacharya (India), Takashi Hirayasu
(Okinawa), Rene Lacaille (La Reunion), Djeli Moussa Diawara
(Guinea), George Pilali (Greece), Romane (French Gypsy guitarist),
La Familia Valera (Cuba), and George Gao (China)
all performing for the first time together, live on-stage!
In the last two years, (in between and during a non-stop worldwide touring
itinerary) Bob has completed eleven full-length recordings with many of
these individuals, most notably Jin Jin (with Hirayasu); Ocean
Blues (with Diawara), Sunrise (with Bhattacharya); Tone
Poems 3 (with David Grisman); Get Together (with Woody Mann);
Four Hands Sweet & Hot (with Cyril Pahinui); plus 2001 releases
with Rene Lacaille (Reunion), Ledward Kaapana (Hawaii) and
a second project with Takashi. An abundance of projects such as
these has established Bob as, according to one reviewer, the man
whose musical empathy and energy seems to know no bounds.
As journalist Paul Fisher notes, If music existed in another universe,
Bob would be the Planet Earths representative for an interplanetary
Bob Brozman heartily endorses the following equipment:
- National Resophonic (of
course) - I've designed a 27"scale baritone tricone!
- Bear Creek (Weissenborn and
Kona reproductions), playing two of them, the Kona in high tuning (bottom
to top: G C G C E G), and a regular model. I'm also developing a 27"scale
big seven-string Weissenborn model
- Santa Cruz guitars -
Ii have a special signature model, 27" scale semi-baritone bottleneck
guitar, which combines 12-fret D, Weissenborn and Larsen qualities!
- John Pearse strings
- Jim Dunlop picks
- LatchLake slides (I designed the Broz-O-Phonic bar)
Bob's tour schedule may be found on his
web site.
Other Links
Here's a fascinating interview
with Bob Brozman from Retro. Dancing
Cat has a couple of nice photos of Bob, a few reviews of his new
CD with Ledward Kaapana, and some other stuff. Susan's
Hawaiian Music Page has some more information on the above release
as well, including a sound bite in .AU format.
Discography (updated version found on his web
- Cheap
Suit Serenaders Number 3 - Yazoo/Shanachie
- Blue Hula Stomp - Kicking Mule/Virgin Europe
- Snapping The Strings - Kicking Mule/Virgin Europe
- Hello
Central, Give Me Dr. Jazz! - Rounder/Virgin Europe
- Devil's
Slide - Rounder/Virgin Europe
- A
Truckload of Blues - Rounder/Virgin Europe
- Ho'Omana'o
I Na Mele O Ka Wa U'i (Remembering the Songs of Our Youth) - Rounder/Virgin
- Everybody Slides (Compilation) - Sky Ranch/Virgin Europe
- Slide Crazy (Compilation) - Sky Ranch/Virgin Europe
- Blues 'Round the Bend - Sky Ranch/Virgin Europe
- Kika
Kila Meets Kiho'alu (with Ledward Kaapana) - Dancing Cat/Windham
- Four Hands Sweet and Hot (with Cyril Pahinui) - Dancing Cat/Windham
- Warabi Uta (with Takashi Hirayasu) - Respect Record Ltd. (Japan)
- Jin Jin (with Takashi Hirayasu) - World Music Network (UK/USA)
- Get Together (with Woody Mann) - Acoustic Music Records (Germany)
- Ocean Blues (with Djeli Moussa Diawara) - Mélodie Distribution
- Tone Poems III (with David Grisman and Mike Auldridge) - Acoustic
Disc Records (USA)
- In The Saddle (with Ledward Kaapana) - Dancing Cat/Windham
- Takamba (Reunion) (with Rene Lacaille Ensemble) - World Music
- Nankuru Naisa (with Takashi Hirayasu) - Respect Record, Ltd.
(Japan), World Music Network (UK/USA)
Correspondence may be addressed to:
Bob Brozman
P.O. Box 1181
Ben Lomond, CA 95005